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Authors: AO Talabi, MA Oyekunle, AS Onasanya, LA Tijani, OS Sosanya, RO Ettu

Int. African Journal of Livestock Extension > Vol 3 (2004)


The efficacies of diazinon® + albendazole®, ivomec® and ivojec® were compared on 12 pigs naturally infested with mange mites due to Sarcoptes scabiei and gastro-intestinal nematodes.

Nematode eggs encountered include those of the Ascaris, Strongyle, Strongyloid and Trichuris. These pigs were randomly divided into four groups (A, B, C and D). Pigs in group A were treated with albendazole orally at 5mg /Kg body weight and thoroughly washed once with 0.02% diazinon® solution. Pigs in groups B and C were treated with ivomec® and ivojec® respectively at 0.3mg/kg body weight subcutaneously. Pigs in group D received no treatment. There were 86.28%, 98.62% and 98.3l% reduction in faecal egg counts (FEC) of pigs in groups A, B and C respectively on the 7th day post treatment. By the 14th day post treatment, pigs in group A had 95.16% reduction in FEC while groups B and C pigs had 100% reduction. Mange mites were absent in the skin scrapings of pigs in group A on the 7th day post treatment, and groups B and C pigs between the 14th and 35th day post treatment. Evidences in the study suggest that there was a fall in the mean PCV values of pigs infested with gastro-intestinal nematodes and sarcoptic mange, while an increase in the mean PCV values was recorded following treatment.
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