
IKEOBI Christian Obiora Ndubuisi 

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Short Profile

  • Ph.D., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 1985 – 1990
  • M.Sc., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 1983 – 1984
  • B.Agric., University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1977 – 1982
  • Dennis Memorial Grammar School (D.M.G.S.), Onitsha, 1972 – 1976
  • St. James’ School Uga, Anambra State. 1971Other courses attended:
    • CTA/UNAAB Regional Course on Scientific Data Management sponsored by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), CTA-ACP Cotonou Agreement, The Netherlands, held at the Abeokuta, Nigeria, 1 – 12 March, 2004.
    • ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Italy) International Workshop on Gene Cloning / Genetic Engineering held at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Enugu, Nigeria, April 14 – 26, 1996 (Certificate awarded).
    • Problem-Oriented Agricultural Research Methodologies Workshop organized by the College of Animal Science and Livestock Production, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, May – June, 1995.
    • Computer Training Course at Fumot Computer Centre, Abeokuta, 1995.
    • French Language Proficiency Course, Nigerian French Village, Badagry, 2005/2006.
  1. Livestock Systems Research: The research group headed by Prof. I. F. Adu undertook livestock systems studies and extension activities in about four villages in Ogun State, Nigeria in1991 and 1992. I personally coordinated the village poultry study sub-group (research completed).
  2. Genetic characterization of the Nigerian local chicken (in collaboration and funded by the University’s Research Grants Committee).
  3. Major genes and their effects on the performance of the local chicken (in collaboration).
  4. Genetic improvement of the Nigerian local chicken for meat and egg production (in collaboration). (Research still in progress).
  5. Crossbreeding and selection methods in the productivity of broiler rabbits (in collaboration).
  6. Identification and mapping of the quantitative trait loci affecting growth, muscling, meat yield and fatness in the chicken (research completed and funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK).
  7. Identification and mapping of the quantitative trait loci controlling trypanotolerance using F6 mouse as a model (research completed).
  8. Effect of frizzling and naked-neck genes on the growth, haematology, organ weights and carcass traits in the Nigerian local chicken (completed – funded by the University’s Research Grants Committee as RG 180).
  9. Molecular screening of MHC resistance genes in West African Dwarf goats (on-going) (IFSERAR Research Grants Scheme, UNAAB).
  10. Identification of immune system genes and genetic characterization of Nigerian indigenous sheep and goats (Cornell University, USA – UNAAB Collaborative Small Ruminant Genetics Research Project).


The focus of my research in the area of animal genetics has been on the genetic characterization and evaluation of Nigeria’s animal resources, with special emphasis on the local chicken, and on the identification and mapping of quantitative trait loci (genes) affecting broiler chicken traits and disease resistance. The population of local chickens in Nigeria, previously put at 120 million (RIM, 1991) and the contributions being made by the breed to food and income needs of the people, especially the rural dwellers, justify this emphasis.

Genetic characterisation and evaluation of Nigeria’s animal resources.
Working with other researchers, I have been able to genetically characterize the local chicken with respect to productivity and the effects of the major genes of frizzling, naked-neck and dwarfism in both the extensive, farmer-managed and on-station, intensive systems. Our publications extend the base of knowledge available on the roles of the major genes, skin and plumage pigmentation genes and plumage distribution in body temperature regulation and productivity indices in a hot, humid environment such as is prevailing in South-Western Nigeria. Studies on pigmentation genes have also been done on another animal species to compare the effects on their performance. These studies have formed the basis for the on-going work at UNAAB on the genetic improvement of the Nigerian local chicken for meat and egg production, preliminary reports of which has been given in our papers.

Our studies have also reported some rare qualitative characters with underlying genetic basis in the local poultry species such as ptilopody, polydactyly, head spurs and comb types and the relationships between these and animal adaptation and productivity. These results highlight the need to conserve these genes for the benefit of the present and future generations of humans.

As part of the work on genetic evaluation, we have estimated some direct genetic and maternal effects and parameters for poultry, pigs, and rabbits. These parameters are important in crossbreeding and selection programmes for animal improvement as some follow-up studies have shown.

Mapping of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for broiler chicken traits.
Recent trends in livestock genetic research have dwelt on the application of DNA marker technology on animal improvement. Under the conventional methods of animal improvement, the progress made is generally slow and usually involves many generations of breeding and selection. The detection of quantitative trait loci (genes) is a key process in hastening the improvement of animal performance as the major genetic basis influencing the animal species is highlighted much sooner. Using 101 micro satellite markers, we have been able to identify and map the quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling growth up to 3, 6 and 9 weeks of age, abdominal fat deposition, skin fat deposition, and fat distribution, and meat yield, muscling and muscle distribution in broilers. These publications report the QTLs affecting three of the most important trait groups in broiler birds – growth, fat deposition, and meat yield. The largest single additive effect for growth was on chromosome 4, and the effect of substituting one copy of the gene was an increase in weight of 249 grams. For fat deposition, the largest additive QTL was found on chromosome 7 and accounted for more than 20% of the mean weight of abdominal fat. These results show interesting homology relationships to QTLs in mice and humans. In addition, our comparative mapping studies revealed some candidate genes with likely impact on the traits (conference paper presented by me in Budapest, Hungary in 2001), reinforcing homologous results on obesity in mice and humans. These candidate genes highlight the probable role that the chicken can play in helping to understand the genetic basis for obesity and other fat-related health conditions in humans and how to combat them. In a world that is increasingly conscious of the quality of its food and meat intake, these results are important as they indicate the pathway to a fast, efficient and reliable improvement in chicken meat quality. In which case, direct attention can be focused on the implicated chromosomal regions through the application of the techniques of marker-assisted selection and/or marker-assisted introgression.

Mapping of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for disease resistance
We have extended the basic principles in QTL mapping to detect genes for trypanotolerance in African animals using mice as model. Our studies using 66 microsatellite markers identified three previously-undetected QTLs for trypanotolerance, one on murine chromosome 17 and two others on chromosome 1 and confirmed (with greater precision, that is, much lower confidence intervals) the previously-detected QTLs on chromosomes 1, 5 and 17. For the first time also, effects of both the old and new QTLs on the early and late phases of survival following exposure to Trypanosoma congolense were highlighted by our study and they show that while the chromosomes 5 and 17 QTLs are important in both phases, chromosome 1 QTLs manifest their effects mainly in the early phase of survival. Using comparative mapping techniques, these results can be extended to larger animals like cattle for which trypanosomiasis has been a major debilitating disease in many parts of Africa.

1. Best Result (Average: 72.85%) in the M. Sc. Animal Science Graduating Class of 1984, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

2. Award of Teaching Assistantship in the Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, from 1986 to 1989.

3. Special Commendation from the University Administration for services rendered as Coordinator of the Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics, January 1993.

4. Commendation from the Dean of the College of Animal Science and Livestock Production, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB), for services rendered as Member, Local Organising Committee, Association of Deans of Agriculture of Nigerian Universities Workshop held in UNAAB.

5. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Travel Scholarship for Young Scientists in 1994 for the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production held at the University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada. I presented a paper at the World Congress.

6. ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology), Italy sponsorship to an ICGEB International Workshop on Gene Cloning / Genetic Engineering held at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria, April 14 – 26, 1996 (Certificate awarded).

7. Induction to Roll of Honour of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 1997.

8. International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada Travel Scholarship to attend the International Workshop of the African Network for Rural Poultry Development held in M’Bour, Senegal in December 1997. I also presented two papers at the Workshop.

9. Award of Commonwealth Staff Fellowship by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), United Kingdom, 2000.

10. Visiting Scientist at the Roslin Institute, Roslin, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, October 1, 2000 – September 30, 2001.

11. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) Travel Grant and supplemented by the Roslin Institute (UK) Travel Support for the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) held in Budapest, Hungary, August 26 – 29, 2001. I presented a paper at the Conference.

12. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) Fellowship on Mapping Disease Resistance Quantitative trait loci (QTL) in 2001.

13. Visiting Scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, and November 2001 – December 2002.

14. CTA sponsorship to the CTA/UNAAB Regional Course on Scientific Data Management organized by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), CTA-ACP Cotonou Agreement, The Netherlands, held at the Abeokuta, Nigeria, 1 – 12 March, 2004.

15. University Orator, 11th Annual Convocation Ceremony, University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2004.

16. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) invitation and sponsorship to participate in an ILRI Workshop on Identifying Biotechnological Application Opportunities held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, from July 21 to 22, 2004.

17.  University Orator, 12th Annual Convocation Ceremony, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2005.

18. University Orator, 13th Annual Convocation Ceremony, University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2006.

19. Special Commendation from the Ag. Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Professor Ishola Adamson, mni, for devoted service to the University as Dean, Student Affairs, May 17, 2007.

20. Special Commendation from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the leadership qualities demonstrated during my tenure as Chairman Sports Committee of the University, September 3, 2007.

21. Special Commendation from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for services rendered to the University as Chairman, Student Welfare and Hostel Management Committee of the University, July 18 2007.

22. Special Commendation from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta to the University’s Contingent to the Gateway Tertiary Institutions Games 2007 for a good performance and for being worthy ambassadors of the University in the event, October 15, 2007. (I was Leader of the University’s Contingent to the Games).

23. Special Commendation Letter (dated December 4, 2007) from the Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the successful and peaceful conduct (as Dean, Student Affairs) of the 2007 University’s Student Union Elections.

24. Vice-Chancellor’s letter of commendation and profound appreciation (dated December 24, 2007) to me (as Dean, Student Affairs) for warm reception to the Vice-Chancellor during the Vice-Chancellor’s familiarisation visit to the Student Affairs Division on November 21, 2007.

25. Special Commendation Letter (dated 2008) from the Registrar (on behalf of the Management), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the services rendered as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Examination Results (SCER)  which painstakingly and successfully vetted the 2006/2007 2nd Semester Examination results on time to ensure timely Senate consideration and approval.

26. Special Commendation Letter (dated March 25, 2008) from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Professor Oluwafemi Olaiya Balogun, for role played (as Member of the University Senate) in the successful organisation of the 14th/15th Convocation Ceremonies of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

27. Special Commendation Letter (dated March 25, 2008) from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Professor Oluwafemi Olaiya Balogun, for role played (as Member of the Committee of Deans and Directors) in the successful organisation of the 14th/15th Convocation Ceremonies of the University.

28. Special Commendation Letter (dated April 17, 2008) from the Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the services rendered to the University as Dean, Student Affairs from February 12, 2005 to April 17, 2008.

29.    University Orator, 16th Annual Convocation Ceremony, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2009. Prepared and presented the citation on His Excellency, the former Head of State and Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, GCFR, for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) by the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on 31st January,            2009.

30.    Knighthood of Saint Christopher (KSC) awarded by the Lord Bishop of Isialangwa (Anglican Communion), Rt. Rev. Dr. Owen Azubuike, June 2009.

31.    University Orator, 17th Annual Convocation Ceremony, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2010.
Prepared and presented the citation on Her Excellency, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Republic of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) by the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on February 18, 2010.

32.    Special Commendation Letter (dated April 27, 2010) from the Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the services rendered to the University as Vice-Chairman, Committee on the Review of Undergraduate Prospectus, 2009-2012.

33.    Special Commendation Letter (dated July 2, 2010) from the Senate, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for the services rendered to the University as Chairman, Senate Committee on Examination Results.

34.    University Orator, 18th & 19th Annual Convocation Ceremonies, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2011.
Prepared and presented the citation on His Royal Majesty, The Alake of Paramount Ruler of Egbaland, Oba Michael Adedotun Aremu Gbadebo, CFR, for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) by the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on March 19, 2011.

35.    Special Commendation Letter (dated February 21, 2011) from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for services rendered to the University as a Member, Investigation Panel on the Allegation of Sexual Harassment for commitment to the assignment, in-depth investigation and the quality of the report.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Academic)


  1. Registered Animal Scientist (RAS 431), Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS).
  2. Has attended all the Mandatory Continuing Professional Education (MCPE) modules and
  3. Elected into the Council of the Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) in 2011.
  4. Representative of the Animal Genetics and Breeding Discipline in the NIAS Council
    (2011 – 2014).
  5. Chairman, Animal Genetics and Breeding Discipline Committee, Nigerian Institute of
    Animal Science (NIAS), 2011 – 2014.
  6. Chairman, Mandatory Continuing Professional Education (MCPE) Committee, Nigerian
    Institute of Animal Science (NIAS), 2011 – 2014.


1. Member, Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)
– Has attended seven of its annual conferences and presented papers.
– Participates actively in its local activities in Ogun State.
– Served on the Livestock Show Committee of the Ogun State Chapter.
– Elected Secretary of the Society in March 1996.
– Inducted into the Society’s Roll of Honour (MNSAP), March 1997.
Represented NSAP at the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal
Production held in University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, 13th–16th August, 1997.
– Re-elected Secretary of NSAP in March 1998.
– Elected Publicity Secretary in March 2000.
– Society Orator, 25th Annual Conference, March 2000.
– Editor, NSAP Newsletter, 2000.
– Life Member, Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 2004.

2.Member, African Network for Rural Poultry Development (later changed to International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD).
– Attended one of its international workshops in Senegal in December 1997.
– Presented two papers at the Senegal Workshop.

3. Member, Genetics Society of Nigeria (GSN)
– Has attended eight of its annual conferences and presented conference papers.
– Served as Coordinator of Ogun/Lagos Chapters of the Society, 1994-1996.
– Served as Chairman, Programmes and Publicity Sub-Committee of the 1994
Conference of the Society held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
– Elected Assistant Secretary of the Society in 1994.
– Acted as Secretary of the Society, 1996-1998.
– Elected Secretary, February 1998 and served from 1998 to 2000.
– Elected ex-officio member of the National Executive, 2000.
– Chairman, Local Organising Committee, 2004 Conference.
– Elected Editor-in-Chief, Nigerian Journal of Genetics, October 12, 2004 and served until
11th November, 2008.

4. Member, Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN).
– Has attended three of its annual conferences and presented conference papers.

5.Member, Foundation for African Development through International Biotechnology
– Attended its associated international workshops in Enugu, Nigeria (1996).
– The workshop was sponsored by ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic    Engineering and Biotechnology), Italy.

6. Member, Animal Breeding and Genetics Journal Club, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
(involving staff of Roslin Institute, Roslin, staff of University of Edinburgh and staff of Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh), from October 2000 to September 2001.     – Participated in the weekly seminars of the Journal Club, 2000 – 2001.

7. Member, Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) Alumni Association, from 2001 to date.

8. Member, Biotechnology Group, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

Publications in Edited and Published Conference Proceedings:

58. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1994. Heterosis in exotic breeds of pigs in a Nigerian herd. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Guelph, Canada, Volume 17: 439 – 441.

59. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ozoje, O. A. Adebambo and J. A. Adenowo. 1998. Modifier genes and their effects in the Nigerian local chicken: Ptilopody and comb type. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, Volume 24: 318 – 321.

60. Aina, A. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI, and M. O. Ozoje. 1998. Maternal effects on litter characteristics of rabbits in a tropical environment. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Armidale, Australia, Volume 25: 129 – 132.

61. Peters, S. O., I. C. Nwosu, M. O. Ozoje and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1998. Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits in cattle genotypes. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock  Production, Armidale, Australia, Volume 23:101 – 104.

62. IKEOBI, C. O. N., L. O. Ngere and J. A. Oluyemi. 1998. Effect of feather coverage on the performance of laying birds in a hot humid environment. Proceedings of the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production / Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal Production (WASAP), Abeokuta, Nigeria, pp.  286 – 287.

63. Sowunmi, I. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and O. A. Adebambo. 1998. Effect of body weight at caging on pre-peak production performance of white-feather Yaafa layers: egg number and egg size. Proceedings of the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production /Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal Production (WASAP), Abeokuta, Nigeria, pp. 280 – 281.

64. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and O. A. Oladotun. 1998. Visible genetic profiling of the single comb and head spurs in the Nigerian local chicken. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria (eds. A. D. Ologhobo and E. A. Iyayi), pp. 14 – 17.

65. Adenowo, J. A., F. A. Awe, O. A. Adebambo and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1999. Species variations in chemical composition of local poultry eggs. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Ilorin, Nigeria, pp. 278 – 280.

66.  Peters, S. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and O. O. Bamkole. 2000. Smallholder local turkey production in Ogun State, Nigeria. In: Issues in Family Poultry Research and Development. Proceedings of an International Workshop Organised by the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) in M’Bour, Senegal, Dec. 9-13, 1997, (ed. E. B. Sonaiya), pp. 173 – 183.

67.  Chineke, C. A., C. O. N. IKEOBI and A. G. Ologun. 2000. Live body measurements in domestic rabbits. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP), March 2000, Umudike, Nigeria, pp. 271.

68. Fafiolu, A.O., O.O. Oduguwa, C.O.N. IKEOBI, C.F.I. Onwuka and M.A. Adebule. 2004.  Performance and egg quality assessment of laying hens fed malted sorghum sprouts based diets. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held in Abakaliki, from 13th to 16th September, 2004, pp. 33-35.

69.  Peters, S.O., E.A. Omidiji, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and O.A. Adebambo. 2004.  Effects of naked neck and frizzled genes on egg traits, fertility and hatchability in local chickens. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held in Abakaliki, from 13th to 16th September, 2004, pp. 262 – 264.

70. IKEOBI, C.O.N., S.O. Peters, Yetunde S. Oshodi and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2004.  Egg quality traits of the Nigerian local chicken as influenced by some major genes.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics  Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004, pp. 75 – 77.

71. Chineke, C.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2004. Growth rates and kit viability of rabbit breeds and crosses in a humid environment. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004, pp. 78 – 80.

72. Peters, S.O., M.O. Ozoje, N.E. Nwagbo and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2004. Haemoglobin Polymorphism and Phenotypic Variation in Coat Colour and Wattle Incidence among West African Dwarf (WAD) Goats. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004, pp.84 – 87.

73. Adebambo, A.O., A.E. Adedeji, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2004. Potassium allelism and egg traits among exotic and local chicken types.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004, pp. 110 – 112.

74.  Wheto, M., S.O. Peters, K. Akano, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo.  2004. Growth Performance of pure local, crossbred and exotic chickens reared intensively.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004, pp. 130 – 133.

75. Adebambo, A.O., O.I. Fagbenro, S.O. Fagite, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Funmilayo Adebambo, 2005. Preliminary assessment of growth and reproductive data of three strains of chicken for        broiler development in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 1st Nigeria International Poultry Summit (NIPS), February20 – 25, 2005, Ota, Ogun State.

76. Peters, S.O., J.A. Adenowo, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.A. Adebambo. 2005. Sire strain effect on growth performance of pure and crossbred progenies of Nigerian local chickens. Proceedings of the 1st Nigeria International Poultry Summit (NIPS), February20 – 25, 2005, Ota, Nigeria, pp. 32 – 34.

77. Peters, S.O., A.J. Ogundipe, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, K. Akano, and O.A. Adebambo. 2005. Strain effect on fertility, hatchability and external and external egg traits in chickens. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 20th – 24th March, 2005, pp.14-16.

78. Chineke, C.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2005. Serum biochemical indices in rabbit breeds and crosses. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 5th to 8th September, 2005, pp. 130 – 134.

79.   Williams, T.J., O.A. Osinowo, S.A. Onadeko, O.F. Smith, I.J. James, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.M. Onagbesan. 2009. Correlation between milk yield and change in udder circumference before and after milking in West African Dwarf Goats. Proceedings of 14th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 14th – 17th 2009. LAUTECH Ogbomoso, Nigeria.

80. Adeleke, M.A., J.D. Ogunsanya, K. Akano, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and    O.A. Adebambo. 2009. Breast girth measurement as an estimate of liveweight in Nigerian Local Chickens. Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal production. March 15th – 18th 2009. University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

81. Gunn, H.H., S.O. Peters, B.O. Agaviezor and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2010. Effect of major genes and sex on body weight of Nigerian native chickens. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria from 14th to 17th March, 2010, pp. 73 – 76.

82. Williams, T.J., O.A. Osinowo, S.A. Onadeko, O.F. Smith, I.J. James, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.M. Onagbesan. 2010. Effect of time of milking on milk yield in West African Dwarf goats. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria from 14th to 17th March, 2010, pp. 540 – 542.

83. Akanni, K.T., A.O. Adebambo, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Funmilayo Adebambo. 2010. Genetic differences in hen-day production: egg quality traits in pure and crossbred chickens in a humid environment. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 13 – 15, 2010, Uyo, Nigeria, pp. 78 – 81.

84.   Sanni, M.T., M.A. Adeleke, C.O.N. IKEOBI  and O.A. Adebambo. 2010. Relationships between body measurements and egg sizein pure local and exotic chickens. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria from 19th to 24th September, 2010, pp. 311 – 316.

85. Adenaike, A.S., S.O. Peters, M. Wheto, M.A. Adeleke and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011. Allelic variation and its effect on Alpha I Casein gene in goat milk. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 2 – 4.

86. Agaviezor, B.O., M.A. Adefenwa, O.A. Adebambo, M. Okpeku, S.O. Peters, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. Ilori, M. Wheto and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of genetic structure in Nigerian sheep. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 5 – 8.

87. Folarin, I.A., S.O. Peters, O.M.O. Idowu, M. Wheto, M.A. Adeleke, O.O. Ajayi, G.M. Oduwole and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011. Genetic variation in the heat tolerance of chickens in Western Nigeria. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 16 – 18.

88. Akinfenwa, M.O., S.O. Peters, A.S. Adenaike, J.O. Obetoh and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011.  Bioinformatic analyses of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in five mammalian species.  Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 19 – 22.

89. Obetoh, J.O., M.O. Akinfenwa, S.O. Peters, A.S. Adenaike and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011.  Comparative analyses and structural modeling of sequences of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in four poultry species.  Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 45 – 48.

90. Akpan, U., M.A. Adeleke, O.M. Epoyun, K.A. Sanwo, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.A. Adebambo. 2011. Effect of genotype on the meat quality of Nigerian indigenous and exotic chickens.  Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 58 – 61.

91. Ajayi, O.O., O. Ohwojakpor, K.A. Adeyemi and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011. Bioinformatic analysis of the major histocompatibility complex class II DR-beta I gene ruminant species.  Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 66 – 69.

92. Ajayi, O.O., M.A. Adeleke, M.T. Sanni, Y.A. Akinsowon, J.T. Ogunnupebi, I.A. Folarin, S.O. Peters, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Discriminant analysis
of morpho-structural traits in normal-feathered and frizzled-feathered Nigerian local chickens. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), September 12 – 15, 2011, Anyigba, Nigeria, pp. 70 – 73.

93. Agaviezor, B.O., M.A. Adefenwa, Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo, M. Okpeku, S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Microsatellite DNA analysis shows heterozygous deficiency among Nigerian sheep. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in Zaria, Nigeria, 26th – 30th September, 2011.

Proceedings in bold print are of foreign/international conferences.

Published Extension and Technical Papers:

94. Oduguwa, O. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and I. F. Adu. 1995. Settlement of cattle fulanis in Southern Nigeria: The Ogun State Experience. Proceedings of the UNESCO-MAB Regional Training Workshop, Akure, Nigeria, 23-26 July, 1995, pp. 393 – 395.

95. IKEOBI, C.O.N. and O.O. Oduguwa. 1997. Environmental degradation: a monumental siege on livestock biodiversity, production and feed resource availability. In: SUSTAIN AFRICA: Implications of climate change, global warming and environmental degradation in Africa. Proceedings of the International Conference. Volume 3: pp. 34 – 37. Editors: S.O. Ojo and J.E. Ukeje, Published by the Nigerian Meteorological Society.

96. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1997. Implications of the continuing sedentarisation of cattle pastoralists in Southern Nigeria. Livestock Echo 1: 28 – 29.

97. IKEOBI, C.O.N., M.O. Ebozoje and O.O. Oduguwa. 1998. Constraints to effective livestock – crop – fish integration in Nigeria. In: Sustainable Utilization of Aquatic/Wetland Resources.  Ed. S.O. Otubusin et al. pp.98–104.

98. Oduguwa, O. O. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1998. Genetic resources mix for environmentally- sound and sustainable agricultural development. In: SUSTAIN AFRICA: Implications of climate change, global warming and environmental degradation in Africa. Proceedings of the International Conference. Volume 5: pp. 5 – 7. Editors: S. O. Ojo and J. E. Ukeje, Published by the Nigerian Meteorological Society.

Invited Papers:

99.   Okuneye, P. A. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1991. Importance of animal production in the agricultural development of a nation. Invited paper presented at the symposium organized  by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Ogun State Branch at Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, Nigeria on September 26, 1991.

100. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1999. Review of the book: Introduction to Snails and Snail Farming by Mrs. Oyenike Akinnusi. Invited Book Review presented at the launching of the book at the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, in January 1999.

101. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 2003. Family Poultry Production. An invited paper presented at the World Food Day / Open Day Celebration of the World Poultry Science Association, Nigeria Branch held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on October 16, 2003.

102. IKEOBI, C.O.N. 2008. Understanding Students’ Mindset. An Invited Paper presented at the Research and Development Centre Seminar for Young Faculty Staff at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in April 2008.

Conference and Seminar Paper Presentations:

1. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and L. O. Ngere. 1991. Optimal nursing age for the exotic sow in Ibadan. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Sokoto, Nigeria, March 10 – 14, 1991.

2. Okuneye, P. A. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1991. Importance of animal production in the agricultural development of a nation. Invited paper presented at the symposium organised by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Ogun State Branch at Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, Nigeria on September 26, 1991.

3. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1994. Heterosis in preweaning traits in a continuously-bred swine herd. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Benin City, Nigeria, March 20 – 24, 1994.

4. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and S. O. Peters. 1994a. Estimates of some genetic parameters for live performance traits in two strains of meat-type chicken. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta, June 1 – 3, 1994.

5. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and S. O. Peters. 1994b. Carcass character correlations in two strains of meat-type chicken. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria, June 1 – 3, 1994.

6. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1994. Heterosis in exotic breeds of pigs in a Nigerian herd. Paper presented at the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada, August 7 – 12, 1994.

7. IKEOBI, C. O. N., S. O. Peters and M. O. Ebozoje. 1995. Sexual dimorphisms in broiler chickens of two commercial strains. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Uyo, Nigeria, May 14 – 18, 1995.

8. Ebozoje, M. O. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1995. Productive potentials and major genes in the Nigerian local chicken. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Uyo, Nigeria, May 14 – 18, 1995.

9. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ebozoje and O. O. Oduguwa. 1995. Adaptive features of forest and savanna livestock in Nigeria. Paper presented at the UNESCO-MAB Regional Workshop held at Federal University of Technology, Akure, July, 1995.

10. Oduguwa, O. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and I. F. Adu. 1995. Settlement of the Cattle Fulanis in Southern Nigeria: The Ogun State Experience. Paper presented at the UNESCO-MAB Regional Workshop, Akure, Nigeria, July 23 – 26, 1995.

11. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and O. O. Oduguwa. 1995. Environmental degradation: a monumental siege on livestock biodiversity, production and feed resource availability. Paper presented at the International Conference on The Implications of climate change, global warming and environmental degradation in Africa held in Lagos, November 6 – 11, 1995, 16pp.

12. Oduguwa, O. O. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1995. Genetic resources mix for environmentally-sound and sustainable agricultural development. Paper presented at the International Conf. on The Implications of climate change, global warming and environmental degradation in Africa held in Lagos, Nov. 6 – 11, 1995, 9pp.

13. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M.O. Ebozoje and O.O. Oduguwa. 1995. Constraints to effective livestock – crop – fish integration in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 9th/10th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Association for Aquatic Sciences held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, 1995, 9pp.

14. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ebozoje, O. A. Adebambo, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1996. Genetic differences in the performance of the local chicken in South Western Nigeria. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Uyo, Nigeria, March 24 – 28, 1996.

15. Ebozoje, M. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI, O. A. Adebambo, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1996. Performance characteristics of indigenous guineafowl varieties in South-Western Nigeria. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Uyo, Nigeria, March 1996, 18pp.

16. Adenowo, J. A., O. A. Adebambo, M. O. Ebozoje, C. O. N. IKEOBI and O. A. Osinowo. 1996. Characterisation of the local pigeon in SouthWestern Nigeria. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria, March 24 – 28, 1996, 15pp.

17. IKEOBI, C. O. N., O. A. Adebambo, M. O. Ebozoje, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1997. Variations in qualitative traits of local ducks and turkeys. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Bauchi, Nigeria, March 23 – 27, 1997.

18. Ebozoje, M. O., O.O. Mgbere and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1997. Coat pigmentation effects on liveweight and body dimensions of the West African Dwarf (WAD) goat. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Bauchi, Nigeria, March 23 – 27, 1997.

19. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ozoje, O. A. Adebambo and J. A. Adenowo. 1997. Frequencies of feet feathering and comb type genes in the Nigerian local chicken. Paper presented at the International Workshop of the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) held in M’Bour, Senegal, December 9 – 13, 1997.

20. Peters, S. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and O. O. Bamkole. 1997. Smallholder local turkey production in Ogun State, Nigeria. Paper presented at the International Workshop of the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) held in M’Bour, Senegal, December 9 – 13, 1997.

21. IKEOBI, C. O. N., L. O. Ngere and J. A. Oluyemi. 1998. Effect of feather coverage on the performance of laying birds in a hot humid environment. Paper presented at the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) / Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal Production (WASAP) held in Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, March 1998.

22. Sowunmi, I. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI and O. A. Adebambo. 1998. Effect of body size at caging on pre-peak performance white-feather Yaafa layers: egg number and egg size. Paper presented at the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) / Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal Production (WASAP) held in Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, March 1998.

23. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and O. A. Oladotun. 1998. Visible genetic profiling of the single comb and head spurs in the Nigerian local chicken. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at the Airport Hotel, Lagos, in September 1998.

24. Adenowo, J. A., F. A. Awe, O. A. Adebambo and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1999. Species variation in chemical composition of local poultry eggs. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, March 1999.

25. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1999. Review of the book: Introduction to Snails and Snail Farming by Mrs. Oyenike Akinnusi. Review presented at the launching of the book at the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, in January 1999.

26. Chineke, C.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2000. Live body measurements in domestic rabbits. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conf. of the Nigerian Soc. for Animal Production, Umudike, Nigeria.

27. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 2001. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fat and fat distribution in the chicken. Seminar presented at Roslin Institute, Roslin, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, in August 2001.

28. IKEOBI, C.O.N., J.A. Woolliams, D.R. Morrice, D.W. Burt and P.M. Hocking. 2001. Quantitative trait loci affecting fatness in the chicken. Paper presented at 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Budapest, Hungary, August 26-29, 2001, 17pp.

29.   Chineke, C.A., B. Agaviezor, C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2002. Some factors affecting body weights and measurements of rabbit at pre- and post- weaning ages. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 17– 21, 2002, Akure, Nigeria.

30. Chineke, C.A., F.A. Adeniran, A.G. Ologun, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.A. Oseni. 2002. Analysis of some serum biochemical parameters in New Zealand White rabbits and their crosses. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 17 – 21, 2002, Akure, Nigeria.

31.  Hocking, P.M., C.O.N. IKEOBI, A. Sewalem, D. Morrice, D. Windsor, C.S. Haley and D.W. Burt. 2002. Identifying quantitative trait loci for growth, muscling and fatness traits in a broiler x layer cross. Paper presented at World Poultry Science Association (UK Branch) Annual Meeting held at University of York, York, United Kingdom, April 9 – 10, 2002.

32.    IKEOBI, C. O. N. 2003. Family Poultry Production. An invited paper presented at the World Food Day / Open Day Celebration of the World Poultry Science Association, Nigeria Branch held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on October 16, 2003.

33.    Peters, S.O., E.A. Omidiji, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and O.A. Adebambo, 2004.  Effects of naked neck and frizzled genes on egg traits, fertility and hatchability in local chickens. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, from 13th to 16th September, 2004.

34.      Fafiolu, A.O., O.O. Oduguwa, C.O.N. IKEOBI, C.F.I. Onwuka and M.A. Adebule.  2004. Performance and egg quality assessment of laying hens fed malted sorghum sprouts based diets. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, from 13th to 16th September, 2004.

35.     IKEOBI, C.O.N., S.O. Peters, Yetunde S. Oshodi and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2004. Egg quality traits of the Nigerian local chicken as influenced by some major genes. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, October 11 – 14, 2004.

36.   Chineke, C.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2004. Growth rates and kit viability of rabbit breeds and crosses in a humid environment. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004.

37. Peters, S.O., M.O. Ozoje, N.E. Nwagbo and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2004. Haemoglobin Polymorphism and Phenotypic Variation in Coat Colour and Wattle Incidence among West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004.

38.   Adebambo, A.O., A.E. Adedeji, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2004. Potassium allelism and egg traits among exotic and local chicken types. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004.

39.     Wheto, M., S.O. Peters, K. Akano, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2004.  Growth Performance of Pure Local, crossbred and exotic chickens reared intensively. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11th to 14th October, 2004.

40.      Adebambo, A.O., O.I. Fagbenro, S.O. Fagite, C.O.N. IKEOBI and Funmilayo Adebambo. 2005. Preliminary assessment of growth and reproductive data of three strains of chicken for broiler development in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 1st Nigeria International Poultry Summit (NIPS), February20 – 25, 2005, Ota, Ogun State.

41.      Chineke, C.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI and A.G. Ologun. 2005. Serum biochemical indices in rabbit  breeds and crosses. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held in University of Nigeria, Nsukka,  5th to 8th September, 2005.

42. Okpeku, M., M. Wheto, V.K. Sharma, R. Tamang, N. Sultana, A. Yadav, A.G. Reddy, V.K. Singh, B.O. Agaviezor, M.A. Adefenwa, C.O.N. IKEOBI, K. Thangaraj, M. De Donato, and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Genetic variation in Nigerian goats at the mtDNA HVR1 locus. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Plant and Animal Genomes held in San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19, 2011.

43. Adefenwa, M.A., B.O. Oboh, M. Wheto, C.O. IKEOBI, K.O. Adekoya, M. Okpeku, S.O. Peters and I. Imumorin. 2011. SNP Identification in Melanophilin Gene and Coat Color Variation in Nigerian Goats. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Plant and Animal Genomes held in San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19, 2011.

44. Adefenwa, M.A., B.O. Oboh, M. Wheto, C.O. IKEOBI, K.O. Adekoya, M. Okpeku, S.O. Peters and I. G. Imumorin. 2011. Polymorphisms in the Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) Gene and Morphological Traits in Nigerian Goats. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on  Plant and Animal Genomes held in San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19, 2011.

45.   Agaviezor, B.O., Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo, M.O. Ozoje, C.O. IKEOBI, S.O. Peters, M. Wheto, M. De Donato, and I.G. Imumorin. 2011.  Genetic diversity of Nigerian sheep based on microsatellite DNA markers. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Plant and Animal Genomes held in San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19, 2011.

46. Agaviezor, B.O., S.O. Peters, O.A. Adebambo, C.O. IKEOBI, M. Okpeku, S.A. Amusan, and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Nigerian sheep. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on  Plant and Animal Genomes held in San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19, 2011.

47. Adenaike, S.A., C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.O. Fafiolu and S.O. Peters, 2011. Bioinformatic analyses of kappa casein gene in mammalian livestock species. Paper presented at the International Biotechnology Symposium on Agro-Biotechnology & the attainment of Food Security in Africa held in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, 12th – 14th April, 2011.

48. Adefenwa, M.A., B. Oboh, G.O. Williams, M. Wheto, C.O.N. IKEOBI, K. Adekoya, M. Okpeku, M. De Donato and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Polymorphisms in the Melanocortin-1 Receptor (MC1R) gene in Nigerian indigenous goats. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., July 10 – 14, 2011.

49. Onasanya, G.O., M.A. Adefenwa, B.O. Agaviezor, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. Wheto, M. Okpeku, A. Yakubu, M.I. Takeet, M. De Donato and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Molecular Identification of Trypanosoma vivax Infection and Physiological Indices in Nigerian Sheep. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., July 10  – 14, 2011.

50. Sanni, M.T., A. Yakubu, M.A. Adefenwa, B.O. Agaviezor, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. Wheto, M. Okpeku, M.I. Takeet, M. De Donato and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Molecular Survey of Trypanosoma vivax Infection in Nigerian goats. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., July 10  – 14, 2011.

51. Yakubu, A., M. Okpeku, M. Wheto, S. Amusan, B.O. Agaviezor, M.A. Adefenwa, B.M. Ilori, O. Ajayi, G.O. Onasanya, J. Ekundayo, T. Sanni, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.I. Takeet and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Multivariate Analysis of Morphological Differentiation in Nigerian Goats. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A., July 10 – 14, 2011.

52. Yakubu, A., M. Okpeku, M. Wheto, S. Amusan, B.O. Agaviezor, M.A. Adefenwa, B.M. Ilori, O. Ajayi, G.O. Onasanya, J. Ekundayo, T. Sanni, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.I. Takeet and I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Multivariate Characterization of Morphological traits in Nigerian Sheep. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A., July 10 –  14, 2011.

53. Ajayi, O., M.A. Adefenwa, B.O. Agaviezor, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. Wheto, M. Okpeku, A. Yakubu, M. De Donato and  I.G. Imumorin. 2011. Polymorphism in the ovine TNXB gene and association with morphological traits and physiological status in Nigerian Indigenous sheep. Paper presented at the Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A., July 10 – 14, 2011.

Conferences in bold print are foreign ones.

i. Thesis and Dissertations:

  1. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1982. Effect of housing system on the performance of broiler birds. Bachelor of Agriculture Project, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 34pp.
  2. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1984. The relationships between the physical features of the fowl and its laying performance. Master of Science Project Report, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 105pp.
  3. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1990. Boar and sow effects on litter characteristics and the performance of piglets to weaning age in Ibadan. Ph.D Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 301pp.

ii. Books

  1. Ariyo, O.J., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, I.T. Omoniyi and O.B. Kehinde. 2004. (Editors) GENETICS AND IMPROVEMENT IN THE QUALITY OF LIFE.
    Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 11th – 14th October, 2004.

iii. Publications in Learned Journals:

  1. IKEOBI, C.O.N. 1993. Direct genetic and additive maternal effects on piglet weight and survival under hot humid conditions. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 63: 1191–1193.
  2. IKEOBI, C.O.N. and L.O. Ngere. 1993. Optimal nursing age of the exotic sow in Ibadan. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 41: 245 – 249.
  3. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and L. O. Ngere. 1994. Direct genetic and additive maternal effects on swine litter size and weight in a tropical environment. Tropical Agriculture 71: 77 – 79.
  4. IKEOBI, C.O.N. 1994. A study of calf-rearing methods in selected farms in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Animal Sciences 9: 49 – 51.
  5. IKEOBI, C.O.N. 1994. Seasonal changes in liveweight of cattle in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Animal Sciences 9: 52 – 54.
  6. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and L. O. Ngere. 1995. Productivity of exotic sows in relation to number of farrowing. International Journal of Animal Sciences 10: 225 – 227.
  7. IKEOBI, C.O.N., S.O. Peters and M.O. Ebozoje.1995. Sexual dimorphisms in broiler chickens of two commercial strains. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 10: 61 – 66.
  8. Ebozoje, M. O. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1995. Productive performance and occurrence of major genes in the Nigerian local chicken. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 10: 67 – 77.
  9. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and O. A. Faleti. 1996. Factors affecting liveweight of goats and sheep in two locations within Ogun State. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 23: 12   – 15.
  10. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and S. O. Peters. 1996a. Carcass character and organ weight correlations and heritabilities in two strains of meat-type chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 66: 57 – 61.
  11. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and S. O. Peters. 1996b. Strain differences in the genetic parameter estimates for growth traits in meat-type chicken. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 23: 103 – 106.
  12. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ebozoje, O. A. Adebambo, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1996. Genetic differences in the performance of the local chicken in South Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 11: 33 – 39.
  13. Adebambo, O. A., C. O. N. IKEOBI, M. O. Ebozoje, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1996. Variations in qualitative traits and their effects on the performance of local ducks and turkeys. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 11: 20 – 32.
  14. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and L. O. Ngere. 1996. Effect of litter size at birth on piglet weight and survival. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 44: 155 – 159.
  15. Oduguwa, O.O. , C.O.N. Ikeobi 1997.   Chemical evaluation of foliage of some tropical leguminous trees and shrubs as fodder. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agriculture 20: 31 – 34.
  16.  IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1998. Estimates of genetic parameters of some performance characters in egg-type chicken. Nigerian Journal of Science and Technology (a journal of the Nigerian Academy of Science) 1: 154 – 160.
  17. Ebozoje, M.O. and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1998. Colour variation and reproduction in the West African dwarf goats. Small Ruminant Research 27: 125 – 130.
  18. IKEOBI, C. O. N., O. A. Adebambo and J. A. Adenowo. 1998. The distribution of the ptilopody gene in the Nigerian local pigeon. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 13: 58 – 60.
  19. IKEOBI, C. O. N., C. M. Hyginus, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Adebambo. 1999. Egg quality parameters of four local poultry species in Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 1: 37 – 42.
  20. IKEOBI, C. O. N. and V. A. Godwin. 1999. Presence of the polydactyly gene in the Nigerian local chicken. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 1: 57 – 65.
  21. Adebambo, O. A., C. O. N. IKEOBI, M. O. Ozoje, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo. 1999. Colour variations and performance characteristics of the indigenous chickens of SW Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 26: 15 – 22.
  22. IKEOBI, C. O. N. 1999. Sire and reciprocal cross differences in preweaning gains in pigs. International Journal of Animal Sciences 14: 35 – 36.
  23. Ebozoje, M. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI, O. A. Adebambo, J. A. Adenowo and O. A. Osinowo, 1997. Performance characteristics of indigenous guineafowl varieties in South-Western Nigeria. Delta Agriculturist 4: 42 – 53.
  24. Abiola, S. S., C. O. N. IKEOBI and M. A. Dipeolu. 1999. Bovine wastages in abattoir and slaughter slabs of Oyo State: patterns and ethical concerns. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 1: 143 – 148.
  25. Adenowo, J. A., O. A. Adebambo and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 1999. Characterisation of the local pigeon in SouthWestern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 2: 73 – 80.
  26. Ozoje, M. O., C. O. N. IKEOBI, O. A. Adebambo and J. A. Adenowo. 1999. Occurring patterns and frequencies of colour genes in some indigenous poultry species in Nigeria.  Tropical Journal of Animal Science 2: 151 – 162.
  27. IKEOBI, C. O. N., M. O. Ozoje, O. A. Adebambo and J. A. Adenowo. 2001. Frequencies of feet feathering and comb type genes in the Nigerian local chicken. Pertanika Journal of  Tropical Agricultural Science 24: 147 – 150.
  28. Peters, S.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. O. Ozoje and O. A. Adebambo. 2002. Genetic variation in the growth performance of the Nigerian local chicken. Tropical Animal Production Investigations 5: 32 – 36.
  29. Peters, S.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M. O. Ozoje and O. A. Adebambo. 2002. Genetic variation in the reproductive performance of the Nigerian local chicken. Tropical Animal Production Investigations 5: 37 – 46.
  30. IKEOBI, C. O. N., J. A. Woolliams, D. R. Morrice, A. Law, D. Windsor, D.W. Burt and P. M. Hocking. 2002. Quantitative trait loci affecting fatness in the chicken. Animal Genetics 33: 428 – 435.
  31. Sewalem, A., D. M. Morrice, D. Windsor, C. S. Haley, C. O. N. IKEOBI, D. W. Burt and P. M. Hocking. 2002. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for body weight at three, six, and nine weeks of age in a broiler-layer cross. Poultry Science 81: 1775 – 1781.
  32. Chineke, C. A., B. Agaviezor, C. O. N. IKEOBI and A. G. Ologun. 2003. Influence of genotype, sex, litter size and gestation length on body weights and measurements on rabbit at pre- and post-weaning ages. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 6: 123 – 130.
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  36. Peters, S.O., C. O. N. IKEOBI, M. O. Ozoje and O. A. Adebambo. 2005. Modelling growth in seven chicken genotypes. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 32: 28 – 38.
  37. Peters, S.O., A.A. Adenuga, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and O.A. Adebambo. 2005.  Strain and age of dam effects on the reproductive and internal egg quality traits of crossbred chicken. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 19: 23 – 33.
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  39. Peters, S.O., M.A. Adeleke, M.O. Ozoje, O.A. Adebambo and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2006.  Bio-prediction of liveweight from linear body measurement traits among pure and Crossbred chicken. Nigerian Poultry Science Journal 4: 1 – 6.
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  42. Peters, S.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, O.A. Famakinwa, Y.S. Oshodi and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2007. Egg quality of the Nigerian local chicken as influenced by some major genes. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 34: 25 – 31.
  43. Chineke, C. A., A. G. Ologun and C. O. N. IKEOBI. 2007. Haemoglobin types and production traits in rabbit breeds and crosses. Journal of Biological Sciences 7: 210 – 214.
  44. Adebambo, A.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2008. Estimates of some genetic parameters of growth traits among pure and crossbred meat- type chickens. Nigerian Journal of Genetics 21: 67 – 85.
  45. Peters, S.O., O.D. Shoyebo, B.M. Ilori, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.A. Adebambo. 2008. Semen quality traits of seven strains of chickens raised in the humid tropics. International Journal of Poultry Science 7 (10):  949 – 953.
  46. Peters, S.O., B.M. Ilori, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI and O.A. Adebambo. 2008. Gene segregation effects on fertility and hatchability of pure and crossbred chicken genotypes in the humid tropics. International Journal of Poultry Science 7 (10): 954 – 958.
  47. Adebambo, A.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, O.O. Oduguwa and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2008. Genetic variations in feed efficiency among pure and crossbred meat- type chickens.  Nigerian Poultry Science Journal 5 (2) (accepted).
  48. Adebambo, A.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, amd Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2009.  Variation in growth performance of pure and crossbred meat type chickens. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 36: 211 – 227.
  49. Ilori, B.M., S.O. Peters, C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.M. Bamgbose, C.E. Isidahomen and M.O. Ozoje. 2010. Comparative Assessment of growth in pure and crossbred turkeys in a humid tropical environment. International Journal of Poultry Science 9: 368 – 375.
  50. Adebambo, A.O., M.A. Adeleke, M. Wheto, S.O. Peters, C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, O.O. Oduguwa and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2010. Combining abilities of carcass traits among pure and crossbred meat type chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science 9: 777 – 783.
  51. Adeleke, M.A., S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.M. Bamgbose and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Growth performance of Nigerian local chickens in crosses involving an exotic broiler breeder. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43 (3): 643 – 650.
  52. Peters, S.O., H.H. Gunn, I.G. Imumorin, B.O. Agaviezor and C.O.N. IKEOBI. 2011. Haematological studies on frizzled and naked neck genotypes of Nigerian native chickens.  Tropical Animal Health and Production 43 (3): 631 – 638.
  53. Adeleke, M.A., S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.O. Adebambo, O. Olowofeso, A.M. Bamgbose and O.A. Adebambo. 2011. A preliminary screening of genetic lineage of Nigerian local chickens based on blood protein polymorphisms.  Animal Genetic Resources 48: 23 – 28.
  54. Adeleke, M.A., S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.M. Bamgbose and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Genetic parameter estimates for body weight and linear body measurements in pure and crossbred progenies of Nigerian indigenous chickens. Livestock Research for Rural Development 23 (1) (in press).
  55. Adebambo, A.O., C.O.N. IKEOBI, M.O. Ozoje, O.O. Oduguwa and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Combining abilities of growth traits among pure and crossbred meat type chickens. Archivos de Zootecnia 60 (in press).
  56. Adeleke, M.A., S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. IKEOBI, A.M. Bamgbose and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Effects of crossbreeding on fertility, hatchability and embryonic mortality of Nigerian local chickens. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43 : DOI 10.1007/s11250-011-9926-x.

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