Nimbe Adedipe Library


The library building, an architectural showpiece, was officially commissioned and occupied by staff in October 1995, but it became fully functional in December 1997. The University library was named after the founding Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor ‘Nimbe Adedipe. The library has, as its primary function, provision of books, monographs and serials as well as non-book materials necessary to meet the stated objectives of the institution. The Library assists the university to achieve its tripodal mandate of teaching, research and extension services. It is committed to improving its services in order to enhance learning and teaching as well as ensure unimpeded access to print and electronic information by members of the university community i.e. staff and students


The library collection has grown steadily over the years. The library has the capacity to hold 300,000 volumes of books but at present the library has a collection of 214,162 volumes of books and monographs as well as 16,365 volumes of bound journals. It also subscribes to 185 foreign and local journals in both electronic and print formats. The library is centrally located with capacity to hold 600 users at a time. It also has a 24-hour reading room that can accommodate 100 users. A new library extension has been constructed with capacity of 200 users. The facilities in the new library extension include e-library, multi-media equipment and conference rooms.

Library Automation and E-library Services

The library started its automation programme in 1994. The library later migrated from the DOS-based TINLIB software to the more versatile windows-based GLAS (Graphical Library Automated System) software with the capability to operate 50 workstations within the library. In line with the latest technological advancement, the library during the 2012/13 session acquired KOHA an Integrated Library Management Software that enables users to access the library resources and services anywhere.

At present, the library Online Open Access Catalogue (OPAC) is fully functional making it possible to access bibliographical details of library holdings/resources online. The library currently has access to the following electronic databases online or in CD-ROM format:

  1. TEEAL (The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library)
  2. AGORA (Access to Global on-line Research in Agriculture)
  3. HINARI (Health International Network Access to Research Initiatives)
  4. CAB Abstracts on CD-ROM
  5. The Nigerian Virtual Library, hosted by the National Universities Commission.
  6. Ebscohost Database
  7. ProQuest Database
  8. Springer / Nature Database

The library has successfully developed a user friendly and interactive portal that can be accessed through ( The portal has links to some open-access journals. The aggregated databases have more than twenty thousand scientific journal titles owned and published by reputable publishing houses, scholarly societies, and scientific associations.

Institute/College Libraries

Apart from the main library, there is a library at the Institute of Human Resources Development (INHURD) with a seating capacity of about 200 users and about 6,200 volumes of books. There are also libraries in the various colleges of the University.


The library offers the following services:

  1. Reference Service: Reference queries are handled by the Reference Librarian as long as the library opens.
  2. Serials: The serial room housing journals and other ephemeral collection is open only to lecturers, final year students, and those undergraduates referred to specific journals by their lecturers. Researchers from other institutions may also use serial resources on request.
  3. Bibliographic Services: Bibliographic Services are also offered to interested users. The library also provides current awareness services by publishing:
  4. Index to Agric. News and Articles in Selected Nigerian Newspapers and Magazines.
  5. Catalogue of Serials Received in Library.
  6. Current Contents of Periodical Recently Received by the Library.
  7. Home Borrowing Services: Each student is entitled to borrow 4 books for 2 weeks while lecturers are entitled to four books for four weeks each.
  8. Reserve Book Service: Books in high demand or those with few copies are shelved in this section of the library. Also, there are books in reserve that can be consulted within this section of the Library. Before such books are released, students are expected to submit their identity cards to the staff on duty at the desk. Reserve books may also be borrowed for overnight and weekend use. These cards are returned when the books consulted are returned and checked by the staff.
  9. Inter-Library Loan Services: As part of inter-library cooperation, some books may be borrowed from other University libraries on inter-library loan on behalf of library users. These books may be released for home use to the users who requested for them at the discretion of the Readers’ Services Librarian.
  10. A 24-hour Library service during examinations
  11. The teaching of “Use of Library”
  12. The library also checks out carrels to researchers to write up their results after returning from the field. Contact the Readers’ Services Librarian.
  13. Offers Common Spaces for teaching postgraduate students, meeting, and chat rooms with multi-media equipment that can accommodate 25, 20 and 10 persons respectively


Students register with the Library at the beginning of every session while staff register only once. Outsiders may be allowed, upon approval by the University Librarian to use the Library. A fee of N500.00 per year, per individual, is charged for this facility. Students from other universities and tertiary institutions must present letters of introduction from their respective institutions. Both students and staff can now register online.

Opening Hours

The library is open to readers as follows:

During session:

  • Monday to Friday: 8.00a.m – 8.00p.m
  • Saturday 10.00a.m – 6.00p.m

During examinations:

  • 8.00a.m – 7.00a.m the following day (24-hour services)

The 24 hours reading room is available for use throughout the day during the session.

During vacation:

  • Monday to Friday 8.00a.m – 6.00p.m




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