
AJIBOYE, Bosede Adebimpe 


Short Profile

Ajiboye, Bosede A. (PhD) was born on the 25th June, 1972 in Yelwa-Ishar, Plateau State. The first 18 years of her life time was lived in the Northern part of Nigeria. She attended the then Ondo State College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti for her NCE and later went to the Obafemi Awolowo University for her First Degree in Mathematics and Integrated Science where she graduated with a Second Class Honours (Upper Division). She thereafter proceeded to the University of Ibadan where she obtained the degrees of Master in Information Science and PhD respectively, with specialty in Information and Emerging Technologies, Records and Information Management from the University of Ibadan.

Dr. Ajiboye the Head, Acquisition and Training Department of the  'Nimbe Adedipe Library and also teaches on the Masters in Library and Information Science Programme of the University that is resident in the Communication and General Studies Department of the College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development, Federal University of Agriculture, of the University. Dr Ajiboye is both a practicing Librarian and a Library Educator with a couple of scholarly publications, both locally and internationally to her credit.

NCE (Ikere-Ekiti), B.Ed. (Ife), M.Inf.
Sci. (Ibadan), PhD (Ibadan)

Nigerian Library Association, Nigerian
Library Association, Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing Section, Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria (Reg. No. 02259) and Society of Nigerian Archivists (SNA)

i. 88 World Library and Information Congress, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (Virtual Participation) Aug., 2023
ii. Electronic book creation and publishing July 2022
iii. Hybrid Conference on Humanising the Sciences Aug., 2021
iv. Effective Leadership Training July, 2021
v. Academic Retreat on University Ethics, Pedagogy and Examination matters June, 2021
vi. Evidence-based virtual workshop April, 2021
vii. Microsoft teams for tertiary training, hosted online by Mint Group May, 2020
viii. WikiData for Librarians: finding GLAMS Feb., 2020
ix. Online Course on Research4Life MOOC: HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI and GOALI Dec., 2019
x. International Conference on Information Literacy, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Sept., 2019
xi. Wikimedia Nigeria User Group Workshop April, 2019
xii. The 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference of the Nigerian Library Association, Ogun State Chapter Feb., 2019

xiii. The Informants Global Consults 2018 in-house workshop on emerging trends and best practices in academic libraries Mar., 2018

xiv. Annual seminar/workshop on implementing RDA in Nigerian Libraries Nigerian of Library Association, Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing Section Oct., 2016

xv. Training Seminar of the Nigerian Library Association, Ogun State Chapter June, 2016
xvi. Capacity building workshop for academic staff on modern methods of teaching and learning in higher education Jan., 2016
xvii. KOHA Open Source Integrated Library System Oct., 2015
xviii. Electronic library resources training on AGORA and TEEAL programmes for Nigeria July, 2015
xix. Nigerian Library Association, Ogun State Chapter, Seminar on current trends in library and information services June, 2015
xx. SAS/SPSS Training June, 2015
xxi. International Librarians’ Network Peer Mentoring Program Mar.-June, 2015
xxii Nigerian Lib. Ass. 52nd National Conf. & AGM June, 2014

xix. Mausi, A. B., Ajiboye, B. A., and Bello, M. M., (2023). Use of Library Resources and Services as Correlates of Research Activities among Postgraduate Students in Southwest Federal Universities, Nigeria. Winter: 2023. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Published by the Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 7680. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac /7680
xx. Ajiboye, B. A., Mausi, A. B., Bello, M. M., Idowu, A. A. (2023). Influence of Library Resources on research activities among postgraduate students of Southwest Federal Universities, Nigeria. American Journal of Information Science and Technology 7 (1):1-8. Published by Science Publishing Group. Available online at: www.sciencepublishinggroup.con/j/ajist.
xxi. Ajiboye, B. A., Akintola, B. O., Fatade, A. T. and Adebamiro, A. A. (2022). ICT competence of postgraduate students in the use of electronic libraries as determining factors for the choice of research topics. Samaru Journal of Information Studies 22 (1): 105-121. Published by the Department of Library and Information Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
xxii. Akintola, B. O., Nduka, S. C., Ajiboye, B. A., Adeeko, C. O., and Adebamiro, A.A. (2022). Attitude of library management towards female library staff development in universities in South-West, Nigeria: a staff perspective. COMMUNICATE: Journal of Library and Information Science. 24 (1): 17-34. Published by the Department of Library and Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
xxiii. Ajiboye, B. A., Onifade, F. N., Ogunlana, E. K. and Oladeinde, A. A (2022). Information Literacy and Research Skills Programme for Postgraduate Students: The first-hand experience of a Federal University of Agriculture in Nigeria. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. 32 (1): 97-108. Published in South Africa. Available at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php /ajlais/cart/view/226 805/214064 Indexed in Scopus
xxiv. Ajiboye, B. A., Adekonojo, O. R. and Adekonojo T. D. (2022). Awareness and Use of social media by undergraduates of selected universities in a State in Nigeria. Information and Knowledge Management. 12 (2):1-5. Published by the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), US/Europe. Available online at: www.iiste.org
xxv. Ajiboye, B. A., Ibeachusim, J. E. and Monu, J. O. (2021). Documentation of indigenous fishing knowledge: a qualitative study of the Ilaje fishing settlement in Epe, Lagos, Nigeria. Nigerian School Library Journal 20: 70-79. Published by the Nigerian School Library Association.
xxvi. Ajiboye, B. A. and Arowolo, R. O. (2021). Format preference and utilisation of library information resources by undergraduates of public universities in a Nigerian State. Winter: 2021. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Published by the Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. https://digital commons.unl.edu/libphilprac /6696 Indexed in Scopus
xxvii. Oyedipe, W. J., Okewale O. S., Ajiboye, B. A. and Omosanya B. A. (2021).
Staff development practices among librarians in public university libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria. Middle Belt Journal of Library and Information Science. 19: 2021: 168-180. Published by the Nigeria Library Association, Kwara State Chapter.
xxviii. Akintola, B. O., Onifade, F. N., Adetomiwa, B. and Ajiboye, B. A. (2020).
Staff development programme in the digital era: a study of selected university libraraies in Ondo State, Nigeria. Nigerian School Library Journal: 19: September, 2020: 26-38. Published by the Nigerian School Library Association.
xxix. Akintola, B. O., Adeeko, C. O., Ajiboye, B. A., and Agboola, O. I. (2019). Perception of work-life balance by married female library staff in Universities in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of Association of Women Librarians in Nigeria (JAWLIN) 2 (3):1-9. Published by the Association of Women Librarians in Nigeria.
xxx. Ajiboye, B. A., Alawiye, M. K., and Adenekan, F. N. (2019). Availability and use of records for decision making in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). February, 2019: 1-24. Available online at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/2317 Indexed in Scopus
xxxi. Ajiboye, B. A., Diyaolu, B. O., Adekonojo, O. R., Oduwole, O. K., and Olawuyi, S. S. (2019). Harnessing the potentials of Internet for management of reference services in a University of Agriculture. COMMUNICATE: Journal of Library and Information Science: 21 (1): 49-58. Published by the Department of Library and Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
xxxii. Adegbaye, S. I., Okorie, N.C., Wagwu, V., and Ajiboye, B. A. (2019). Workload as correlate of publication output of academic librarians in university. Unizik Journal of Research in Library and Information Science (UJOLIS) 4 (1) July, 2019: 68-83. Published by the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra State, Nigeria. Available on line at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ udslj/article /view/184603
xxxiii. Oyedipe, W. J., Adekunmisi, S. R., Ajiboye, B. A., Olanrewaju F. T., and Adesoye, E. A.(2018). Use of library resources and services by part time undergraduates in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal, 13 (2) (2018), 114-129. Published by Univeristy of Dar es Salaam Library, Tanzania. Available online at:https://www.ajol.info/index.php/udslj/article/view/184603
xxxiv. Onifade, F. N., Ajiboye, B. A., and Salaam, M. O. (2018). Transforming the library service: from library news bulletin to library Facebook Page. University of Ibadan Journal of Library Science (UI-JLIS), 1 (2): 17-31. Published by Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan.
xxxv. Ajiboye, B. A., Alegbeleye, G. O., Okonedo, S., Oyedipe, W. J., Emmanuel, S. O., and Alawiye, M. K. (2016). Records management practices in the administration of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Records Management Journal, 26 (1): 4-20. Published by Emerald Group Publishing. Available online at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journal/rmj. Indexed in Scopus
xxxvi. Alawiye, M. K., Amusa, O.I., Ajiboye, B. A. and Adegbaye, S. (2016). Awareness, use, and perceived influence of electronic resources on studies among students of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Information Science and Technology, 9 (2) (2016): 47-57. Published by the Library Department of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Available online at:https://www.jaistonline.org/9vol2/JAIST%20PAPER% 207%20AWARENESS.pdf
xxxvii. Bankole, O. M., Ajiboye, B. A., and Otunla, A.O. (2015). Use of electronic information resources by undergraduates of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Digital Library Service. 5(4):1-14.). Published by GEETANJALI Research Publication. India. Available at: www.ijodls.in/issu.html
xxxviii. Ajiboye, B. A., Adekoya, A. J., Alawiye, M. K. And Oyedipe, W.J. (2014). Knowledge and utilization of health information and communication technologies (HICTs) by Health workers of the Ijebu Health Zone of Ogun State, Nigeria. Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (2): 104-123.Published by Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK. Available at: www.taylorandfrancisonline.com. Indexed in Scopus
xxxix. Bamigboye, O. B., Bakare, O. D., Ajiboye, B.A., Okonedo, S., and Lawal, W. O. (2014). New trend in service delivery at serials department of ‘Nimbe Adedipe Library of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Information Trends 11 2014: 1-5. Published by the National Library Association of Nigeria, Kaduna State Chapter.
xl. Ajiboye, B. A., Oyedipe, W. J.,and Alawiye, M. K. (2013). Use of information retrieval tools by the postgraduate students of selected universities in South Western Nigeria. Information and Knowledge Management 3 (5):53-59. Published by the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), US/Europe. www.iiste.org
xli. Adeyoyin , S.O, Ajiboye, B.A., Adegun, A.I., and Tomomowo-Ayodele, S.O. (2013). Division of labour and job specialization as catalysts for better job performance among the staff of a Nigerian University Library. Information and Knowledge Management 3 (12): 81-89. Published by the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), US/Europe. Available online at: www.iiste.org
xlii. Ajiboye, B. A. and Bankole, O. M. (2013). User Survey of 24-hour library service during examination periods at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of Access Services 10 (3):172-185. Published by Routledge (Taylor&Francis Group),London,UK.Available at :http://www.tandf online.com/loi/wjas20. Indexed in Scopus
xliii. Ajiboye, B.A., Bello, T. O.,Owolabi, K.A.,and Bamigboye, B. O. (2013). Pains and gains of the use of online cataloguing tools by library personnel in South-West Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. Professional Excellence in Academic and Research Library (PEARL): A Journal of Library and Information Science 01/2013, 7(4): 214-222. DOI: 10.5958/j.0975-6922.7.4.030. Published by, Telugu University, India. Available at: http://www.indianjournals.com.
xliv. Salaam, O. M., Ajiboye, B.A. and Bankole, O.M (2013). The use of library electronic information resources by academic staff at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. PNLA Quarterly 77 (2): 118-132. The official Publication of Pacific Northwest Library Association (USA).Available atwww.pnla.org Indexed in Scopus
xlv. Aderibigbe, N. A. and Ajiboye, B.A. (2013). User education programme as determinant of electronic information resources usage in ‘Nimbe Adedipe Library, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria” The Electronic Library 31(2): 244-255. Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK. Available at: www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=0264-0473&show= latest Indexed in Scopus
xlvi. Owolabi, K.A, Ajiboye, B.A, Bakare, O.D, Bello, T.O, Omotoso, A. O. and Adeleke, O. (2013). Librarians’ attitude toward monetary and non-monetary incentives in university libraries: a case of selected university libraries in Nigeria. Annals of Library and Information Studies 60 (1):22-26. Published in India. Available online at: www.nopr.niscair.res.in/handle /12345678
xlvii. Owolabi K.A., Ajiboye B.A., Lawal W.O. and Okpeh, S.C. (2012). Use of electronic information sources (EIS) by faculty members in Nigerian Universities, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). ISSN 1522-0222. Published by University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Available at: http://digital commons.unl.edu Indexed in Scopus
xlviii. Ajiboye, B.A. and Oyedipe, W.J. (2010). Stocktaking and collection development practices in some selected university libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria. Gateway Library Journal. 13(1):11-20. Published by the Nigerian
Library Association, Ogun State Chapter.
xlix. Ajiboye, B. A. (2009). An assessment of the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into teaching at the University of Ibadan. Journal of Library and Information Science. 2(2): 2-21. Published by the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye.

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