Patience Olorunmaiye is a Professor of Weed Science at the Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, College of Plant Science and Crop Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. She attended University of Ibadan where she obtained her B.Sc. (Crop Science) in 1988 and M. Sc. (Agronomy) in 1991. She later proceeded to University of Ilorin where she had her D. (Agronomy) in 2008. Professor Olorunmaiye teaches weed biology and ecology, weed management and control at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research studies are based on integrated weed management in cassava and maize under conventional and organic cropping systems. She served as a Weed Scientist and later the Project Coordinator for the Sustainable Weed Management Techniques for Cassava Systems in Nigeria in FUNAAB location - a Project sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and anchored in IITA, Ibadan. Professor Olororunmiaye had publications in reputable journals both locally and internationally to her credit.
B.S.c, M.S.c, P.h.D
Evaluation of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.) densities with supplementary hoe weeding for weed control in maize.
(b) Effect of different rates of pre-emergence herbicides with supplementary hoe-weeding on weed dry matter and Importance Value Index of weeds in cassava.
(c) Supplementary hoe-weeding applied with pre-emergence herbicides for
improved weed control in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench).
(d) Sustainable Weed Management Technologies for Cassava Systems
in Nigeria – Bill and Melinda Gates sponsored Project thru IITA, Ibandan
(e) Weed flora, diversity and virus disease symptoms of some fruit vegetable crops in Southwest of Nigeria.
(f) Effect of period of weed interference on the growth and productivity of
pepper (Capsicum annum (L) var. Bawa) in the forest-savanna transition
agro-ecological zone of Nigeria.
(g) Bioassay of herbicides applied pre-emergence for weed control in cassava
production in Abeokuta.
(h) Evaluation of herbicides for selectivity and weed control in Mango ginger
(Curcuma amada).
(i) Weed seed bank and species diversity of some fruit vegetable crops in
southwest of Nigeria.
(j) Effect of two Mucuna varieties as fallow crops on weed management
in organic and conventional cropping systems.
(l) Effect of density and spatial arrangement of Jackbean (Canavalia
ensiformis (L.) DC) for weed control in sole cassava (Manihot esculenta
(m) Effect of Jackbean densities and intra-row spacing for weed control in
sole cassava.
(n) Effect of jackbean densities with supplementary hoe-weedings for weed
control in sole maize.
(o) Effect of cropping system and weed control methods on growth and yield of maize/sweet potato intercrop.
(p) Effect of different rates of pre-emergence herbicide supplementary hoe- weeding on weed control in cassava.
(q) Effect of time of introduction of Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC) with
supplementary hoe-weeding on cassava yield and weed control.
(r) Assessment of weed species composition of organically grown vegetable crops in a SouthWest ecological zone.
Deputy Dean, College of Plant Science and Crop Production Feb. 1, 2025 – Jan. 31, 2027
(1) Weed Science Society of Nigeria (WSSN)
(2) Organic Agriculture Practitioners in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN)
(3) Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)
1. 1st Annual Conference of Plant Science and Crop Production held between July 30 and August 1, 2023 at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Azeez Jelilat Omodasola, Olorunmaiye, P. M., Fabunmi, T. O. and Senjobi, B. A. (2023). (i) Varietal response of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas l.) to herbicidal rate with integrated hoe weeding in the early cropping season in Abeokuta, and (ii) Olorunmaiye, P. M., Osunleti, S. O., Ajani, O., Azeez, J. O., Akao, V. S., Osifowokan K. M., Olatunji, V. and Agada, K. (2023). Effect of different rates of pre-emergence herbicides on weed biomass and Importance Value Index of weeds in cassava in a forest- savanna transition zone of Nigeria.
2. 17th Annual Conference of Organic Agriculture Professionals in Tertiary Institutions held between March 20 and 23, 2023 at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
3. 47th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Abeokuta March 13 – 17, 2022). Yusuf, F.T., Olorunmaiye, P.M., Adigun, J.A., Senjobi, B.A. and Osunleti, S.O. Effect of cropping system and weed control methods on yield of maize and sweet potato intercrop.
4. 48th Annual Conference of Weed Science of Nigeria, Wudil, (October 31st to
November 4, 2021).
5. 43rd Annual Conference of Weed Science Society of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria
(3 – 7 November, 2019). 1Olorunmaiye, P.M., Fabunmi, T.O., Babatunde, A.O. Osunleti, S.O. and Onalaja, R.A. Evaluation of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L) densities with supplementary hoe weeding for weed control in maize.
6. 14th National Conference of Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in
Nigeria, Abeokuta, (November 26 – 28, 2018). Olorunmaiye, P.M., T.O.
Fabunmi, D.M. Lawal, B.M. Kuye, and O.A. Yusuf (2018). Effect of
Jackbean [Canavalia ensilformis (L.) DC] spatial arrangement and
supplementary hoe-weeding on weed control in cassava.
7. IVth International Cassava Conference (GCP 21) Cotonu, Benin Republic,
(11- 15 June, 2018). Olorunmaiye Patience, Osunleti Samuel, Sokoya Grace, Friday Ekeleme, Stefan Hauser, Godwin Aster, Alfred Dixon. Effect of different mechanical weeders on weed biomass and cassava yield in a forest-savanna transition agro ecological zone of Southwestern Nigeria.
8. 13th International Symposium, International Society for Tropical Root Crops – Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB) Das res Salaam, Tanzania, (6-10 March, 2017). P. M. Olorunmaiye, S.T.O. Lagoke, M.O. Atayese, O.R. Adeyemi, G.O. Sokoya,S.O. Osunleti Stefan Hauser, Friday Ekeleme, Godwin Atser, Alfred Dixon. Effect of agronomic practices on weed control and cassava yield in forest-savanna transition agro ecological zones of Southwestern Nigeria.
9. 2nd Annual Conference of Association of Seed Scientists’ of Nigeria (ASSN) Abeokuta, Nigeria. (6th – 9th June, 2016). Olorunmaiye, P.M., Ayo-John, E.I. and Ajibode, Y. Damilola. Comparative assessment of weed seedbank and species diversity of some fruit vegetable crops in South West of Nigeria.
10. National Conference of Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, Ogbomosho, Nigeria, (17th – 20th November, 2014). Olorunmaiye, P.M., Ajala, O.T., Yaqub, I. and Osunleti, S.O. Preliminary study of different concentrations of crude cassava water extract on maize (Zea mays L.) performance and weed control.
11. 43rd Annual Conference of Weed Science Society of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
(1st -4th November, 2015). Adeyemi, O.R., Ogunsola, K.O., Olorunmaiye, P.M. and Azeez, J.O. Effect of phosphorus application rate and weeding regime on growth and yield o early maturing cowpea.
12. 49th Annual Conference of Science Association of Nigeria, Ilorin, Nigeria, (April 27 – May 1, 2014). Olorunmaiye, P.M. Lagoke, S.T.O. Adigun, J.A. and Ishmaheel, M.O. Comparative study of weed species composition in organic and conventional cropping systems.
13. 37th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Abeokuta, Nigeria, (May 6 – 10, 2012). Olorunmaiye, P.M., Lagoke S.T.O. Adigun J.A. and Orija R.O. (2012). Evaluation of weed species diversity in cassava/maize and cassava sole fields.
14. 37th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Abeokuta, Nigeria, (May 6 – 10, 2012). Adigun, J.A., Olorunmaiye P.M., Adeyemi O.R. (2012). Evaluation of selected cover crops for weed control in maize production.
15. 39th Annual Conference of Weed Science Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria, (October 30 – November 2, 2011). Olorunmaiye, P.M. and Olaleye D. Influence of Mucuna fallow on Turmeric performance, weed flora diversity and soil fertility.
Journal Articles:
1. Olorunmaiye, K.S., P.M. Olorunmaiye and O.O. Onifade (2003). Effect of imazaquin concentration on weed emergence and establishment. NISEB Journal 3(3) 87-90. Published by Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology.
2. Olorunmaiye P.M. and K.S. Olorunmaiye (2008). Weed flora of a maize/cassava intercrop under integrated weed management in an ecological zone of southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 784 – 800. Published by Southern Illinois University Carbondale (U.S.A.).
3. Olorunmaiye, K.S. and P.M. Olorunmaiye (2008). Influence of weed control methods on weed flora of a cowpea plot in an ecological zone of southern of Guinea of Nigeria. Biological and Environmental Sciences for the Tropics (BEST) Journal 5(2): 146-150. Published by Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano.
4. Olorunmaiye, K.S., P.M. Olorunmaiye and O.A. Bukoye (2009). Effect of
different concentrations of imazaquin on performance of soybean (Glycine max).
Journal of Ethnobotanical Leaflets 13: 450-58.
Published by Southern Illinois University Carbondale (U.S.A.).
5. Olorunmaiye P.M. & K.S. Olorunmaiye (2009). Effect of integrated weed management on weed control and yield components of maize and cassava intercrop in a
southern Guinea savanna ecology of Nigeria. Australian Journal of Crop
Science 3(3): 129-136. Published by Southern Cross Publishing Group, Listed in SCOPUS with Sourcerecord Id 15900154720.
6. Olorunmaiye, K.S. Olorunmaiye P.M. Fatoba P.O. (2010). The effects of planting orientation and seed attributes on the germination and seedling development of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) HUTCH and DALZ. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics (BEST) 7(2): 146 –150. Published by Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano.
7. Olorunmaiye P.M. (2010). Weed control potential of five legume cover crops in maize/cassava intercrop in a southern Guinea savanna ecosystem of Nigeria. Australian Journal of Crop Science 4(5): 324 – 329. Published by Southern Cross Publishing Group, Listed in SCOPUS with Sourcerecord Id 15900154720.
8. Olorunmaiye , P.M. (2010). Growth and yield in maize/cassava intercrop as affected interactions of weed control methods. Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering 1(3): 106-111.
9. Olorunmaiye, K.S., P.O. Fatoba, O.C. Adeyemi, P.M. Olorunmaiye (2011). Fruit and seed characteristics among selected Parkia biglobosa (JACQ) G. Don. Population. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America. 2(2): 244-249.
10. Olorunmaiye, P. M. (2011). Economic viability of integrated weed management in maize/cassava intercrop in Guinea Savanna ecology of Nigeria. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America. 2(3): 522-528.
11. Olorunmaiye, P. M., K.R. Egberongbe, P.O. Adeoye, O.O. Alamu and S, Taiwo (2011). Weed species composition of citrus-based cropping systems at National Horticultural Research Institute Ibadan, Nigeria. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America. 2(3): 529-537.
12. K.S. Olorunmaiye, P.O. Fatoba, P.M. Olorunmaiye, Adeyemi C. OreOluwa (2011). Seed weight and morpho-physiological parameters in Mango (Mangifera indica) seedlings. Pomologia Croatica Vol. 17, br 3-4, pp 77-86. Published by Croatian Society of Agronomist: Zagreb, Berislaviceva, 6, Zagreb. Eastern Europe.
13. Olorunmaiye, P.M. and S.O. Afolayan. (2012). Weed biomass and weed species diversity of juvenile citrus trees intercrop with some arable crops. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 4(1): 131-136. Published by University of Agriculture and Vetinary Medicine Zagreb, Romania (Europe).
14. Olorunmaiye, P.M. & D. Olaleye (2012). Influence of mucuna fallow on turmeric performance, weed flora diversity and soil fertility. Agronomy Journal, vol. 74 no1 pp 51-64. Published by Agronomy Society of Croatia.
15. Patience Olorunmaiye, Stephen Taiwo, Olawale Alamu, Kehinde Egberongbe & Paul Adeoye (2013). Assessment of weed species composition and species diversity in some fruit orchards. Albanian j.agric. sci. 2013; 12(2): 215 – 222, Published by Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania (Europe).
16. Patience M. Olorunmaiye, S.T.O. Lagoke, J.A. Adigun, O.R. Orija (2013). Effect of intercropping with maize on weed diversity in cassava. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 11: 189-193. Published by University of Latvia.
17. Emily I. Ayo-John, Patience M. Olorunmaiye, Olusola O. Odedara, Olusayo B. Dada, Kolade O. Abiola, John O. Oladokun (2014). Assessment of field grown cucurbit crops and weeds within farms in South-West Nigeria for Viral diseases. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 6(3): 321-325. Published by University of Agriculture and Vetinary Medicine Zagreb, Romania (Europe). Indexed by Scopus.
18. Olorunmaiye, P.M. Lagoke, S.T.O. Adigun, J.A. & Ishmaheel, M.O. (2014). Comparative study of weed species composition in organic and conventional cropping systems. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment Vol. 2, pp 63-74. Published by Organic Agriculture in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Abeokuta, Nigeria.
19. Olorunmaiye, K.S., Olorunmaiye, P.M. Adeyemi, C. OreOluwa (2014). Effect of expired pendimethalin (Stomp) on germination and seedling development of Mango (Mangifera indica). Pomologia Croatica Vol. 20 2014. Br, 1-4. Published by Croatian Society of Agronomist. Berislaviceva, 6, Zagreb. Eastern Europe.
20. Olorunmaiye, P.M. & Ojo, Omotola A. (2014). Weed species composition of some selected tree crop plantations in a south-west ecology of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science Vol. 19 pp. 16-70. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON).
21. Oyedele, O.O. P.M. Olorunmaiye, O.M.O. Odeleye, O.O. Alamu, O.S. Adebayo, K.M. Bamimore, U. Onyegbule, A.A. Olaniyan (2015). Productivity responses of spice and vegetable crops in citrus juvenile orchard. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Vol 5, No 10. Published by International Instuitute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) Suite 1304, 258, Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 United State. Indexed by Copernicus.
22. Adeyemi, O.R., Hosu, D., Olorunmaiye, P.M. and Dare, M.O. (2015). Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) to different biochar rates and weed control methods. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 14: 1-12. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
23. Olorunmaiye, P.M., Ajala, O.T., Yaqub, I. & Osunleti, S.O. (2015). Preliminary study of different concentrations of crude cassava water extract on maize (Zea mays L.) performance and weed control. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment Vol. 3, pp 113 – 117. Published by Organic Agriculture in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Abeokuta, Nigeria.
24. J.A. Adigun, O.R. Adeyemi, S.T.O. Lagoke, P.M. Olorunmaiye, O.S. Daramola and A.O. Babatunde (2016). Influence of Inter-Row Spacing and Weed Control Methods in Groundnut [Arachis hypogea (L.)]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, Vol. 16 Number 1. Pp 86-95. Published by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
25. Friday Ekeleme, Stephan Hauser, Godwin Atser, Alfred Dixon, Stephen Weller, Patience Olorunmaiye, Hughes Usman, Adeyemi Olojede and David Chikoye (2016). Weeds management in cassava in Africa: Challenges and opportunities. Outlooks on Pest Management. Vol. 27, 208-212. Published by Research Information.
26. Olorunmaiye, P.M., A.A. Ibijola, O. Ajani and E.O. Oni (2016). Preliminary study on effect of selected pre-emergence herbicides with supplementary hoe-weeding for improved weed control in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science. Vol. 21, pp 69-76.
27. Olorunmaiye, P.M. and Ogunsesan Adeola Zainab (2017). Assessment of weed species composition and diversity in selected field crops. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 16(2):70-79. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
28. Adigun J.A., Daramola O.S., Adeyemi, O.R. Olorunmaiye, P.M., Osipitan, O.A. and Idiodemise, O. (2017). Effect of row spacing and period of weed interference on growth and yield of cowpea [Vignia unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 16(2):88-100. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
29. J.A. Adigun, O.S. Daramola, O.R. Adeyemi, P.M. Olorunmaiye and O.A. Osipitan (2018). Nitrogen and weed management in transplanted tomato in the Nigerian forest- savanna transition zone. Annals of Agrarian Science 16, 281-285. Published by Agricultural University of Georgia/ELSEVIER.
30. Daramola, O.S., Olasantan, F.O., Salau, A.W., Olorunmaiye, P.M. and Adigun, J.A. (2018). Effect of time of harvest on growth and herbage yield of Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.). Nigerian Journal of Ecology 17 (2): 48-55. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
31. Adigun, J.A., Daramola, O.S.,Adeyemi, O.R. and Olorunmaiye, P.M. (2018). Response of transplanted Chilli Peper (Capsicum frutescens L.) to nitrogen application and weed management in the Nigerian Forest Savanna transition Zone Nigerian Journal of Ecology 17(2): 1-14. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
32. Thomas FABUNMI, Patience OLORUNMAIYE, David HOSU, Olusegun ADEYEMI (2018). Effect of tuber size and within row spacing on weed biomass and species diversity in tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus variety sativa). Nigerian Journal of Weed Science Vol.31.Pp 1-15. Published by Weed Science Society of Nigeria.
33. Olorumaiye, P.M., Fabunmi, T.O., Lawal, D.M., Kuye, B.M. and Yusuf, O.A. (2018). Effects of jack bean [Canavalia ensilformis (L) DC] spatial arrangement and supplementary hoe-weeding on weed control in cassava. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment, Volume 6, pp 49-58. Published by Organic Agriculture in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Abeokuta, Nigeria.
34. Lawal M.D., Olorunmaiye P.M., Adeyemi O.R. and Aiyelaagbe I.O.O. (2019). Influence of weeding regimes on cassava production intercropped with okra under three legume cover crops. Nigerian Journal of Weed Science, Vol. 32, pp 21-34. Published by Nigeria the Weed Science Society of Nigeria.
35. F. Ekeleme, G. Atser, A. Dixon, S. Hauser, D. Chikoye, P.M. Olorunmaiye, G. Sokoya, J. Alfred, Moses C. Okwusi, D.S. Korieocha, Adeyemi O. Olojede, Toye Ayankami and S.T.O. Lagoke (2019). Assessment of weeds of cassava and Farmers’ management practices in Nigeria. Tropicultura, Volume 37, No 2. Published by University of Liège. Indexed by Scopus.
36. Olusegun Raphael Adeyemi, David Obaloluwa Hosu, Patience Mojibade Olorunmaiye, Adeniyi Adebowale Soretire, Joseph Aremu Adigun, Kikelomo Olamide Ogunsola (2019). Weed control efficacy of hoe weeding and commercially formulated mixture of metolachlor + prometryn herbicide under maize production in soil amended with biochar. AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA, 52/2, 73–78. Indexed by Scimago.
37. Olusegun R. Adeyemi, Kikelomo O. Ogunsola, Patience M. Olorunmaiye, Jamiu O. Azeez, David O. Hosu and Joseph A. Adigun (2020). Effect of Phosphorus (P) rates and weeding frequency on the growth and yield of extra early cowpea (Vigna unguilata L. WALP) in the forest-savanna agro-ecological zone of Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 65, No. 1, 2020 Pages 47-60. Published by****** Indexed by Scimago.
38. Friday Ekeleme, Alfred Dixon, Godwin Atser, Stefan Hauser, David Chikoye, Patience M. Olorunmaiye, Adeyemi Olojede, Sam Korie and Stephen Weller (2020). Screening preemergence herbicides for weed control in cassava. Weed Technol. Volume 34, issue 5, p734-747. doi: 10.1017/wet.2020.26. Published by Weed Science Society of America.
39. Joseph Aremu Adigun, Olusegun Raphael Adeyemi, Olumide Samuel Daramola, Patience Mojibade Olorunmaiye (2020). Response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, L., Walp) to inter-row spacing and weed competition. AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA, 53/2, 73–79. DOI: 10.2478/ATS- 2020-0008. Published by Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU).
40. Olumide Samuel Daramola, Joseph Aremu Adigun, Patience Mojibade Olorunmaiye (2020). Challenges of weed management in rice for food security in Africa: A review. Agricultura tropica et subtropica, 53/3, 107–115. DOI: 10.2478/ats-2020-0011. Published by Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU).
41. Olumide Samuel Daramola , Joseph Aremu Adigun , Patience Mojibade Olorunmaiye and Olusegun Raphael Adeyemi (2020): Efficacy and economic comparison of weed management in tomato, International Journal of Vegetable Science, DOI:10.1080/19315260.2020.1795961. Published by Taylor and Frances.
42. Friday Ekeleme, Alfred Dixon, Godwin Atser, Stefan Hauser, David Chikoye, Sam Korie, Adeyemi Olojede, Mary Agada, Patience M. Olorunmaiye (2021). Increasing cassava root yield on farmers’ fields in Nigeria through appropriate weed management. Crop Protection 150 p1-12. Published by ELSEVIER.
43. Samuel Oluwaseun Osunleti, P.M. Olorunmaiye, O.R. Adeyemi, O.E. Asiribo, S.T.O. Lagoke, Olanrewaju Emmanuel Oni (2021). Influence of organo-mineral fertiliser rates and weeding frequency on mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.). Acta fytotechn zootechn, 24, 2021(3): 206–211. Published by Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resource, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Indexed by Scimago.
44. Samuel Oluwaseun Osunleti, P.M. Olorunmaiye, O.R. Adeyemi, T.O. Osunleti (2021). Influence of different weed control methods on weed biomass, growth and yield of mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.) in forest savannah transition agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Acta fytotechn zootechn, 24, 2021(4): 272-278. Published by Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resource, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Indexed by Scimago.
45. Samuel Oluwaseun Osunleti, P.M. Olorunmaiye, E.O. Olatunde and T.O. Osunleti (2021). Influence of period of weed interference and age of pepper (Capsicum annuum Cayenne pepper) seedlings on pepper fruit quality and marketability. International Journal of Pest management. Published by Taylor and Francis.
46. P.M. Olorunmaiye, T.O. Fabunmi, A.O. Babatunde and R.A. Onalaja (2021). Evaluation of jack bean (Canavalian ensiformis L.) densities for weed control in maize. Nigerian Journal of Weed Science Vol. 34. Pp86-93. Published by Weed Society of Nigeria.
47. Samuel O. Osunleti, Patience M. Olorunmaiye, Olusegun R. Adeyemi (2022). Influence of different weed control methods on weed density and Relative Importance Value of weeds in mango ginger (curcuma amada roxb.). AC TA U N I V E R S I TAT I S AG R IC U LT U R A E E T S I LV I C U LT U R A E M E N D E L I A N A E B RU N E N S I S Volume 70 4 Number 1 pp 37 – 45.
48. Samuel Oluwaseun Osunleti, S.T.O Lagoke, P.M. Olorunmaiye, O.R. Adeyemi,
Elizabeth O. Olatunde, Ayodeji O. Ajani and O. Olaogun (2022). Profitability and time
of consumption as influenced by various weed control methods in curcuma Amanda
Robx. Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal Volume 22, Number 2, 151-158.
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