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Council received a report of additional work on the contract for the construction of 2,500-Seater Capacity Auditorium.

Council noted that it had earlier approved the project thus:
Contractor – Messrs Nidave industrial Ventures Limited
Consultant – Messrs Peogat Engineering

Council noted the report that in the course of executing the project, it became imperative to introduce additional facilities in the basement of the building so as to maximize the correspondent space created by the slopy topography of the site as effective instead of wasting money and time filling up the additional space created.

Council noted the information that the Consultant on the project, Messrs Peogat Engineering, had assessed the space and it is over 500m2 which he advised could be used for a lecture hall of 250 seating capacity and some office spaces.

Council noted that the FGN had released only 43% of the approved 56% for the project but was assured that the project would be completed from Extra Government Earnings.

Council was encouraged by that promise and was totally convinced that the project was worth the while by creating additional space which could be used as a lecture hall and some office spaces and would enhance the aesthetics of the building.

Council was informed that after critical assessment and evaluation of the space created, both the Consultant, the Contractor and the Physical Planning Unit of the University agreed on an additional cost for the additional work created as a result of additional space due to topography of the site.

Council noted that the new arrangement would result in the increase in the contract sum.

  1. Council noted that the topography of the site for the construction of 2,500-Seater Capacity Auditorium Complex had affected the initial plan of the project thereby creating additional space at the basement of the building which could be used for a lecture hall of 250 seat capacity and some office spaces.


(ii) Council approved the cost of additional works at the construction of 2,500-seater capacity auditorium complex thereby raising the contract sum.

Last Updated on June 8, 2011 by admin


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