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Authors: Arogundade Oluwasefunmi ‘Tale , Akinwale Adio Taofiki.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 7 No. 1 pg. 001-007, 2009

The increasing need for information dissemination and the tremendous population growth in today’s organizations calls for the need to migrate most application and their associated data to the network where several millions of people can access concurrently. Several challenges such as security risk and management/maintenance of the database have been posed to such system that operates on the network. In this research paper we have been able to determine some functionality that can be incorporated into a database management system that operates in an open network system environment. These functionalities include: application of open password for open database system, creation of register database, creation and monitoring of activity log file, creation of privacy lock on schema and application of a locking control on file. To demonstrate this, a system was designed using the student arm of the University of Agriculture Abeokuta as a case study. In designing the system, C# as the host programming language was used in designing the front-end while Microsoft SQL Server 2005 was used for the back-end design. With the introduction of these five functionalities, open database is secured to be used by the desired users.

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