Outbreaek of coccidiosis in piggery, in Abeokuta, Nigeria: A Case Report. A proceeding of the 45th Annual Congress of Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association. [Abstract]
Splayleg in Pigs: A Case Report (in view).
Haematological values in West Africa Dwarf goat before and after Treatment of Demodex with Ivermectin: A Case Report(in view).
Prevalence of Haemoprotozoan parasites in sheep, in Abeokuta, Nigeria: A Case Report (in view).
Prevalence of Ancylostomosis in Puppies, in Warri, Nigeria (in view).
Isolation of E. coli from abattoir effluents, in Zaria. A Proceeding of the 37th Annual Congress of Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association.