(A) Research in progress:
- Utilization of cashew nut shell in the diet of small ruminants
- Effect of processing methods on chemical composition and in vitro gas production of cashew nutshell
- Rumen characteristics in response to feeding ruminants on various feed resources.
(B) Research completed:
- Potentials of Gliricidia Sepium foliage as supplement in the fattening diet of West African dwarf sheep
- In vitro fermentation characteristics of some tropical browse and grass species using three sources of inocula.
- Chemical composition and in vitro fermentation kinetics of different aerial parts of some selected browse species.
- Toxicity profile of some feedstuffs fed to West African dwarf goats and their residual effect in meat in sub-humid zone of Nigeria
- Potentials of Moringa oleifera and Gmelina arborea leaves as protein supplement to low quality grasses