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Over 64 publications.

But only publications from 2010 are listed below

  1. 1. Adigbo, S.O.; Ojerinde, A. O.; Ajayi, O. and F.E. Nwilene. 2010. Effect of Sowing Methods on Performance of Upland Rice in Lowland Rice-Upland Rice-Vegetable Sequence in Inland Valley. Journal of Agricultural science and technology, (Serial 28) 4 (3) 1-10. (Published by David Publishing Company, Illinois, USA).

  2. 2. Adigbo, S.O. and Adigbo, V.B. Effects of Site and Insecticide Application on Growth and Grain Yield of Local and Improved Cowpea Varieties in South Western Nigeria. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 57, (2), 179 – 191. (The Journal is based in Germany but published by Taylor & Francis in London, UK. Available online


  1. 3. Osipitan, A.A.; Adigbo, S.O. and R. Joda Abiodun. 2012. Evaluation of Responses Five Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Varieties to Field Infestation by Major Insect Pest of Cowpea. Archives Of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 45 (3), 280-292. (Pulished by Taylor & Francis, UK. Available online: URL:
  1. 4. Fabunmi, T.O.; Adigbo, S.O.; Odedina J.N; and Olasunkanmi, T.O 2012. Effect of Planting Dates on Green Manure of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L), Response of Succeeding Maize in Derived Savanna Ecological Zone of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science. 4, (7), 57-66 (Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Available online: URL:

  2. Adigbo, S.O., Olojede, M.O., Harris, P.J.C., and Ajayi, O. 2012. Ratooned lowland NERICA Rice Varieties as an Option for Triple Cropping in Inland Valleys of Derived Savannah in Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture. 48 (4) 551-562. (Published by Cambridge University Press. UK Available online: URL:

  1. Adigbo, S.O., Vaughan, I.O., Odedina, J.N., Adigbo, V.B., Ajayi, O. and Nwilene, F.E. 2012. Evaluation of Sowing Methods of Upland and Ratooned Rice Planted in-between Lowland Rice-Fluted Pumpkin Sequence in Derived Savannah. Journal of Agricultural Science.4, (11), 226- 234. (Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Available online: URL:
  1. Osipitan, A.A.; Odedina, J.N.; Adigbo, S.O.; Fabunmi, T.O. and Afolabi, C.G. 2012. Assessment of Insect pest Infestation in a Maize-Cassava Intercropping System. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection. .26 (1) 190-202. (Published by The Nigeria Society for Plant Protection).
  2. Fabunmi T.O., Agbonlahor, M.U., Odedina, J.N. and Adigbo, S.O. 2012. Profitability of Pre-season Green Manure Practices Using Maize as a Test Crop in a Derived Savanna of Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Science, 49 (4) 1- 4. (Published by University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  1. Fabunmi, T.O.; Gbadamosi, B.K. and Adigbo, S.O. 2012. Seed Hydro-Prime and Early Moisture Stress Impact on Biomass Production and Grain Yield of Cowpea. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2. (10) 112-122. (Published by Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA www.ijasnet).
  1. Adigbo, S. O.; Wakatsuki, T.; Fabusoro, E.; Alarima, C.I.; Alao, O.A.; Odedina, J.N. Adeyemi, O.R.and Fabunmi, T.O. 2013. Evaluation of the Performance of Lowland Rice-Ratooned Rice-Vegetable as Influenced by Fertilizer Rates in Sawah Rice Systems. Journal of Agricultural Science. 5,(1), 181-186. (Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Available online: URL: Http:// Accepted in October 22, 2012)
  1. Adigbo, S.O.; Odedina, J.N.; Fabunmi T.O. and Adigbo, V.B. 2013. Exploiting the Potentials of Inland Valleys of Nigeria for Poverty Alleviation. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, 13 (8): 1063-1071. (Published by Idosi publishing company, Dubai, United Arab Emirate)
  1. Adigbo, S.O.; Iyasere, E.; Fabunmi, T.O.; Olowe, V.I.O.; Adejuyigbe, C.O. 2013. Effect of Spatial Arrangement on the Performance of Cowpea/Maize Intercrop in Derive Savannah of Nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 3 (4) 959-970 (Accepted 27th June 2013. Published by Science Domain International www., USA)
  1. Taiwo, I.O.; Adigbo, S.O.; Olopade, O.A.; Ezeri, G.N.O.; and Bamidele, N.A. 2012. Haematological and Proximate Composition of Tilapia’Wesafu’ and Hybrid Orechromis niloticus in Rici-Pisciculture System. Aquafield 8: 94-103. Published by Multidisciplinary aquatic Study team (MAST). Departmental Journal of Fishery and Aquaculture Management. Federal University Agriculture Abeokuta.
  1. Taiwo, I.O.; Adigbo, S.O.; Ipinmoroti, M.O.; Ezeri, G.N.O.; Bamidele, N.A. and Obasa, S.O. 2012. Heavy metal Analysis of Tiliapia Wesafu and Hybrid Oreochromis niloticus in Rizi-Pisciculture System. Aquafield 8: 88-94. Published by Multidisciplinary aquatic Study team (MAST). Departmental Journal of Fishery and Aquaculture Management. Federal University Agriculture Abeokuta.
  1. Adigbo, S.O.; Fabunmi, T.O.; Isadeha, A.; Adigbo, V.B.; Odedina, J.N. and Korede, K.B. 2013. Effects of Preceding Cowpea on the Performance of Maize in Cowpea-Maize Sequential Cropping. Agricultura Tropica Et Subtropica. 46 (3) 91-96. (Published by Czech University of Life Science, Prague. Czech Republic. Available online: URL: http”// dx. doi. 10.2478/ats-2013-0001 Accepted in October, 2013)
  1. Fabunmi, T.O.; Adigbo, S.O. and Ajibade, A.O. 2014. Potentials of Twig and Leaves of some Common Plant as Fertilizer Materials in Organic Agriculture. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Enviroment. 2 54-62. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institution of Nigeria (OAPTIN). Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
  1. Afolabi C.G. and Adigbo, S.O. 2014. Effects of N Application on the Development of Blast Disease and Yield of Rice under Sawah System in Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Research 36 (1):63-74. Published by the Vsayas State University, Baybay City, Philippines.
  1. 19. Itabiyi, O.V.I.; Adebowale, A.A.; Shittu, T.A., Adigbo, S.O. and Sanni, L.O. 2016. Effect of Ratooning Process on the Engineering Properties of NERICA Rice Varieties. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods issue 8 (1) 21-31. Published by Wageningen Academic Publishers in co-operation with ICC. DOI:
  1. Fabunmi, T.O., Adigbo, S.O., Odedina, J.N. and Akinsanya, Y. I. 2016. Effects of tuber size, soaking hours and sprouting media on sprouting of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L. var. sativa) tubers. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 107, – (2) 345-354. Published by University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. index.php/AAS/article/view/157/136
  1. 21. Awoyemi, S. O., Afolabi, C. G., Popoola, A.R., Odedina, J. N. and Adigbo, S. O. 2016. Performances of improved cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars against root rot disease and yield in cassava-maize intercropping systems under natural infection. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 49:15-16, 386-401, DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2016.1221561
  1. Olunlade, B.A; Adeola, A.A.; Singeer, O.A.; Akinnuwesi, M.B. and Adigbo, S.O. 2016. Effect of fertilizer treatment on the chemical and functional properties of high quality cassava flour. Bowen Journal of Agriculture.6 (1) 48 – 55
  1. Fabunmi, T.O., Adigbo, S.O. and Adebayo, O.O. 2017. Emergence, growth and productivity response of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus var.sativa) to size of planting material and moisture stress in a green house. Journal of Agricultural Research, 55 (1) 185-196. Published by Directorate of Agricultural Information, Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Online: 2076-7897, Print:0368-1157

  1. Sakariyawo, A. L.; Atayese, M.O.; Okeleye, K.A.; Soremi, P.; Dare, M.O.; Adigbo, S.O. 2017. Yield and its attributes responses of drought tolerant upland NERICA rice to different nutrient supplying treatments in rainforest transitory agroecology. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 109 (1) 15-27. Published by University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  2. Adigbo, S.O; Joy N Odedina ; C G Afolabi; A.A Osipitan; M Agbonlahor; T O Fabunmi; C O Adejuyigbe; F G Atanda; M L Nweke-Okoh. 2017. Response of lowland rice-ratooned rice-fluted pumpkin sequence to fertilizer in rainfed inland valley in derived savannah of Nigeria. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 109 (1) 32- 52. Published by University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. doi:10.14720/aas.2017.109.1.04
  3. Odedina, J.N., Adigbo, S.O., Kulako, P., Iluebbey, P., Fanbumi, T.O., Afolabi, C.G. and Osipitan, A.A. 2017. Effect of Cropping System and Age of Plant at Harvest on Tuber Rot and Performance of Elite Cassava Varieties in Derived savannah. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 109 (2) 165- 173 Published by University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. doi: 10.14720/aas.2017.109.2.01
  1. Adeola, A.A, Ashimolowo, O.R., Ayasina, S.O., Obayelu, A.E., Shittu, I.A., Onabanjo, O.O., Adigbo, S.O., Oose, M.O. and Oladunmoye, O.O. 2017. Socio-economic factor influencing consumption of bio-fortified cassava-sorghum-based complementary foods in Ogun State Nigeria. Moore Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 18. In Press.
  1. Sunday Ojo Adigbo1,2*, Philip Joseph Osadebay1, Innocent Iseghohi1, Cornelius Idowu. Alarima3, Nnennaya Ogechi Agbenin1, Joy Nwakaego Odedina4, Thomas Oladeji Fabunmi4 2018 Screening and Evaluation of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties in Inundated Soil. Sent to Agricultura Tropica Et subtropica, 51 (2) 63-69


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