University Teaching: Units Contact Student No Lect Hrs
MCB 241 – Introductory Microbiology 3 3 161 3
MCB 344 -Microbial genetics & Molecular Biology 3 3 62 3
MCB 343 Microbiology-Introductory 3 3 62 3
MCB 401 – Pharmaceutical Microbiology 3 3 60 3
MCB 444 – Industrial Microbiology 3 3 60 3
MCB 499 – Research Project 6 6 6 1
MCB 701 Adv. Gen Microbiol. 3 3 12 3
MCB 703 – Environmental Microbiology 3 3 7 3
MCB 706 –Adv. Industrial Microbiology 3 3 12 3
MCB 707 – Aquatic Microbiology 3 3 7 3
MCB 708 – Adv. Microbial Phy. and Biochem. 3 3 12 3
MCB 709- Adv. Bacteriology 3 3 12 3
MCB.799- Project 6 6 5 6
Graduates and Postgraduates Supervision:
I have supervised so many undergraduate and post graduate projects in different capacities (major and minor); currently, I am supervising 6 undergraduate, 5 MSc; and one PhD projects.