(i) Dissertation/Thesis
- Afolabi W.A.O. (1986). Assessment of Nutritional status of the aged in low income areas of Ibadan. B.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Afolabi W.A O. (1989). Nutritional Anthropometry, plasma and urinary ascorbic acid level in rural school adolescents. M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- Afolabi W.A.O. (2006). Livelihood and Nutritional status of Fulani women and children in twelve agro-pastoral communities in Ogun State, Nigeria. D Thesis, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
(ii) Journal Articles
- Afolabi, W.A.O. and E.O. Famuyide (1999): The Need for a School Feeding Program for Effective Early Childhood Education in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Theory and Practice 5 (1 &2): 81-86. Published by Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Afolabi, W.A.O., Oguntona, C.R.B., and Fakunmoju, B.B. (2001): Acceptability and Chemical Composition of Bread from Beniseed Composite Flour. Nutrition and Food Science 31 (6): 310 – 314. Published by MCB University Press, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Available online at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ toc/nfs/31/6
- Oguntona, C.R.B., Afolabi, W. A. O. and Sosanya, B. (2003): Standardization, Proximate Composition and Sensory Evaluation of some Nigerian Dishes. Nigerian Food Journal 21: 29 – 35. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Nigeria.
- Afolabi, W.A.O., Addo, A.A., and Sonibare, M.A. (2004): Activity Pattern, Energy Intake and Obesity among Nigerian Urban Market Women. International Journal of Food Science & Nutrition 55 (2): 85 – 90. Published by Taylor and Francis Publishers,United Kingdom. Available online at:wtandfonline.com/toc/iijf20/55/2
- Fabusoro, E., Afolabi W.A.O., and Adenekan L.A. (2004): Effect of Rural Women’s Workload on Care Practices and Children’s Growth: the case of Yewa South Local Government, Ogun State. Outlook on Agriculture 33 (2): 125 -132. Published by IP publishing Ltd., London, United Kingdom. Available online at: http://journals. sagepub.com/toc/oaga/33/2
- Afolabi W.A.O., Sanni S.A., Pikuda, Y.S. and Bandipo M.S. (2007): The relationship between Television Food Advert, Food Consumption and Food Preference of Urban School Children. West African Journal of Nutrition 8(1): 54-61. Published by Food Basket Foundation International, Nigeria. Available online at: http://www.food basketfoundation.org/wajfn/west-african-journal-of-foods-and-nutrition-vol-8-no-1-march-2007/
- Bhadmus, B. A., Oguntona, C.R.B., Olayiwola, I.O., and Afolabi, W .A.O. (2007). Nutritional status and perceived health of Qur’anic school pupils (Almajirai) Jalingo, Taraba, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 28(2): 114-120. Published by Nutrition society of Nigeria, Nigeria.
- Arowolo A.B., Oguntona CRB., Bamgbose, A.M., Afolabi W.A.O; Alegbeleye, W.O., Oluwalana, S.A; Ibidapo P.O; Kayode, O.F and Olatope, S.O.A.(2011) Evaluation of Proximate and Anti-nutritional Contents of Sprouted and Fermented Cotton seed (Gossypium hirsutum L) Nigerian Food Journal 29(1): 1-5. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Nigeria.
- Olayiwola I.O., Folaranmi F., Adebowale A.A., Onabanjo O., Sanni A., and Afolabi W.A.O (2012). Chemical, Mineral composition and Sensory Acceptability of Cocoyam Based recipes Enriched with Cowpea Flour. Food Science and Nutrition 1(3):228-234. Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc. United Kingdom. Available online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fsn3.30/pdf
- Olayiwola I.O., Ogannah B.C., Onabanjo O.O, Oguntona C.R.B., Popoola A.R., Sanni S.A., Afolabi W.A.O and Sam-Wobo S.O. (2012) Consumption Pattern of Maize based Dishes in Four Agro-Ecological Zones of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment. 12(2): 45-61. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
- Olayiwola, I.O., Akinfenwa, V.O., Oguntona C.R.B., Sanni, S.A., Onabanjo, O.O. and Afolabi, W.A.O. (2013) Phytonutrient, Antioxidant and Mineral Composition of some Wild Fruits in South western Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal 31 (2): 33 – 40. Published by the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Nigeria
- Olayiwola, I.O., Akinrinmade, R., Afolabi W.AO. and Sanni, S.A. (2013) Nutritional Status and Socioeconomic condition of Acute Stroke Patients among the Yoruba in South west Nigeria. Journal of Humanity and Social Science. Published by International Organization of Scientific Research (India). Available online at: (iosrjournals.org).
- Olayiwola I.O, Afolabi W.A.O, Tijani A., Mojekwu C., Eniolorunda T. (2013) Educational Attainment, Functional Capacity and Disability in the Elderly: The Situation in Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research. 1(5): 1-8. Published by Contemporary Research Centre, Australia. Available online at: http://www.ijern.com/images/May-2013/03.pdf
- Afolabi W.A.O., Towobola S.K., Oguntona C.R.B., Olayiwola I.O (2013) Pattern of Fast Foods Consumption and Contribution to Nutrient intakes of Nigerian University Students. International Journal of Education and Research. 1(5): 31-37. Published by Contemporary Research Centre, Australia. Available online at: http://www.ijern.com/images/May-2013/03.pdf
- Sebanjo I.O., Olayiwola I.O., Afolabi W.A.O., Sebanjo C.O (2013) Maternal and Child under- Nutrition in Rural and Urban Communities of Lagos State, Nigeria: the Relationship and Risk Factors. BMC Research Notes.6:286-303. Doi10.1186/1756-0500-6-286. Published by BMC Research, United Kingdom. Available online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/6/286
- Afolabi W.A.O, Oyawoye O.O., Sanni S.A. and Onabanjo O.O (2013) Proximate and Cholesterol Composition of Selected Fast Foods Sold in Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal. 31(1): 70-76. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Nigeria.
- Olayiwola I.O., Olanrewaju C.A., Adelekan D.A., Arigbede M., and Afolabi W.A.O., (2013) Body Ailments, Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Status of Elderly in Ondo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Disease and Health. 3(4):365-377. Published by Science domain International, USA. Available online at: http://www.sciencedomain.org/issue/257
- Oladapo, A., Olayiwola I. O., Sanni, S. A., Agbonlahor, M.U., Afolabi, W.A.O., and Deji, S. A. (2014) Dietary Diversity of a Group of Women of Child-Bearing Age in Rural and Urban of Ondo State, Nigeria. Humboldt International Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Development Published by Humboldt University, Berlin Germany. Available online at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24112075
- Onabanjo O.O., Sanni S.A., Afolabi W.A.O., Oyawoye O.O and Obanla O.O (2014) Lipid Composition of some Commonly Consumed Traditional Nigerian Dishes. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 26: 367-376. Published by the British Dietetic Association, United Kingdom. Available online at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24112075
- Afolabi W.A.O., Ayenigba B., Onabanjo O.O., Sanni S.A. and Ariyo M.A. (2014) Fathers’ Involvement in Child Care Practices and Under-three Children Malnutrition in Peri-urban Communities in South West Nigeria . Nigerian Journal Nutritional Sciences. Vol 35 (1) 9-14
- *Akinlade A.R; Afolabi W.A.O; Oguntona E.B. and Mure Agbonlahor (2014) “Prevalence of Obesity among Adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Oyo State Nigeria”. Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Science 2(4):1-5 Published by Symbiosis Group Available online at: https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/ nutritionalhealth-foodscience/nutritionalhealth-foodscience30.php
- *Afolabi W.A.O. Oyawoye O.O. Sanni S.A. Onabanjo O.O. and Obanla O.O, (2014) Portion Size, Micronutrient Content and Nutritional Quality of Selected Fast Foods sold in Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Nutrition. 5 (3): 1-8 Published by Academy Publication Inc. USA. Available online at:
- Afolabi W. A. O. and Akinyele I.O. (2014). Effects of Seasonal Variation on Nutrient Intake of Fulani Women Agropastoralists in Ogun State, Nigeria. West African Journal of Food and Nutrition. Published by Food Basket Foundation International, Nigeria. Available online at foodbasketfoundation.org/wajfn/
- *Afolabi W.A.O; Olayiwola, I.O; Sanni, S.A. and Oyawoye O. (2015) “Nutrient Intake and Nutritional Status of the Aged in Low Income Areas of South West Nigeria” . Journal of Aging and Clinical Practice, 4 (1): 66-72. Available online at: http://www.jarcp.com/938-nutrient-intake-and-nutritional-status-of-the-aged-in-low-income-areas-of-southwest-nigeria.html
- *O.C. Oginni; O.P. Sobukola; F.O. Henshaw; A.O. Afolabi; L. Munoz (2015) Effect of starch gelatinization and vacuum frying conditions on structure development and associated quality attributes of cassava-gluten based snack Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foostr.2014.12.001
- *Sanni, S.A, Badejo, A.A, and Afolabi W.A. (2015) Beverage Consumption Pattern among Undergraduates of selected Tertiary Institutions in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences 36 (1) pg 38 – 46. Available online at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njns/about/submissions
- * O Okojie, T.A Obasan and W.AO Afolabi (2016): Food Security Assessment and Consumption Pattern in Rural Households in Ogun State, Nigeria Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce APSTRACT Vol 10 (4-5)2 Official Journal of the International MBA Network in Agribussiness and Commerce AGRI-MBA. Center-Print Publishing House, Debrecen Hungary. DOI: 10.19041/APSTRACT/2016/4-5/2 Available Online at: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/257102/files/Apstract_2016 _04-05_vol10_02_fejezet.pdf
- *Agbontale, A.O. and Afolabi, W.A.O. (2016) Comparative Analysis of the Nutritional Qualites of Sun Dried Fresh Capsicum frutescen (Chilli Pepper). Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics. 5(2): 194 – 199. Publish by University of Abuja, Nigeria
- *Senbanjo, I.O; Olayiwola, I.O; Afolabi, W.A.O. (2016) Dietary Practices and Nutritional Status of Under-five Children in Rural and Urban Communities of Lagos State, Nigeria. Nigerian Medical Journal 57:307‑13. Publish by Nigerian Medical Association Available online at http://www.nigeriamedj.com/
- *Folorunso, A. A., Oguntona, E. B., Afolabi, W. A., Idowu, O. M. O. and Omoniyi, S. A (2016) Nutrient and Nutrient-inhibitor Compositions of Standardized Bambara-nut
(vigna substerranea) based dishes commonly consumed in Niger state, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology 7(2): 34-38. Published by Federal University of Technology Minna - *Afolabi W.A.O , Odebunmi H.B, Onabanjo O.O, Sanni S.A And Oyawoye, O.O (2016) Dietary pattern, body composition, obesity and hypertension among a population of market women in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Nutritional Sciences 37 (2). Published by Nutrition Society of Nigeria
- *Obanla O.O; Onabanjo, O.O; Sanni, S.A; Adegunwa, M.O; Afolabi, W.A.O; Oyawoye, O.O; Lano-Maduagwu, A.T. (2016) Fatty Acid Profile and Dietary Fibre Content of some Standardized Soups and Dishes Consumed in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences 37 (1) pg 20 – 28 Published by Nutrition Society of Nigeria
- *Ehebhamen, O. G.,Obayelu, A.E., Vaughan, I.O. and Afolabi, W.A.O. (2017) Rural Households’ Food Security Status and Coping Strategies in Edo State Nigeria. International Food Research Journal 24(1): 333-340. Published by Faculty of Food Sciences, University of P Malaysia: Available online at: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu. my/index.html
(iii) Journal Accepted for Publication
- *Afolabi, W.A.O; Adesanya, F.A., Adubi K.O, Onabanjo O.O and Sanni S.A (2017) Maternal Nutritional Knowledge and Nutritional Status of Under-five Children in selected Rural Communities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal Nutritional Sciences. Vol.38 published by the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Nigeria. (Accepted 30th May 2017)
- *Folorunso, A., Oguntona E.B, Afolabi, W.A.O, Idowu, O.M.O (2017) Chemical, Sensory Qualities and Microbial Load of Standardized Acha Dishes Commonly Consumed in Niger State Nigeria. Nigerian Journal Nutritional Sciences. Vol.38 published by the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Nigeria. (Accepted 19th June 2017)
* Publications after last promotion
- iv) Book: Nil
(v) Chapter in Book:
- Akinyele, I.O, I.O Onifade and W.A.O Afolabi (1994). Poverty Reduction and Urban Violence; The case for street food vendors in Nigeria. In Proceedings International Symposium on Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa. I.O. Albert, J. Adisa, T. Agboola and G. Herault (Eds). Chapter 3, pg. 99-107. Published by Institute for French Research in Africa, Ibadan.
(vi) Edited Conference Proceedings:
- Afolabi, W.A.O., Addo, A.A. and Soyinka, A.O. and B.D. Omotola (2002) The Right of Motherless Children to Adequate Nutrition: A Case Study of SOS Village Children, Owu-Ijebu. Nigeria. Proceeding of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, S. Oguntona, A.A. Addo, B.D Omotola, B.I.C. Brai and T.S. Bolarinwa (Eds). 15-18. Published by Nutrition society of Nigeria.
- Afolabi, W.A.O., and Bandipo, M.S. (2002). The Need for Improved Nutritional Status of the Youth for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity. Proceeding of the 35th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Salako E.K, S.T.O. Lagoke, AB.J Aina, D. Eruvbetine and A.O. Dipeolu (Eds). 296-299. Published by Agricultural Society of Nigeria.
- Afolabi W.A.O., Akinyele I.O., Siddiq M.S., Jackson C., Mohammed A.Y., (2011). Rehabilitation of Malnourished Children in Kano, Nigeria Using Community Based Nutrition Rehabilitation Approach. Proceedings of 2nd Federation of African Nutrition societies Congress. Ene-Obong H.N (Eds).166-167. Published by Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
- Akinyele I.O and Afolabi W.A.O. (1992) The role of Street Foods in the Nutrition of Low income Households in Nigeria. In Food, Nutrition, Health and Better life for all Nigerians. Proceedings of the World Food Day Conference held in Abuja on October 16, 1992. Edited by Akinyele I.O and Ogunmodede B. Food Basket Foundation International publishers, Ibadan., Nigeria.
- Oguntona, C.R.B., Afolabi, W.A.O., Razak, M.A., Jaiyesimi, O.O. and Tella, T.O. (1998). The Contribution of Street Foods to Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of NIFST., Uzochukwu S.V.A, C.F.I Onwuka and M.A. Idowu (Eds). 127-128. Published by Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology
- Addo, A.A., Afolabi, W.A.O., and Raheem, K.A. (2001). Food Processing Technology Adoption by Women in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. 5: 523-526
- Folorunso, A.A. and Afolabi W.A.O (2006): Proximate Composition and Frequency of Consumption of Commonly Consumed Local Snacks In the South West of Nigeria. Proceeding of the 37th Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria., Fanimo and Olayiwola (Eds). 92 – 95. Published by Nutrition Society of Nigeria
- Agbon, C.A., Afolabi, W.A.O; Sanni, S.A., Kudowo, A. A., Okeke, C. (2010) Body Mass Index of Stationary and Hawking Female Fish Marketers in Abeokuta Ogun State. Proceeding of the 41st Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria. Ene-Obong H.N, Onimawo I.A., Williams I.M.A, Alozie Yetunde (Eds). 107-110. Published by Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
- Afolabi W.A.O; Sanni, S.A.; Martins, T.J. and Alegbeleye, WO. (2012) Acceptability and Proximate Composition of Snacks Produced from Cassava and Cassava-Fish Flour. Proceedings of 16th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) Held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria 23 -28th 2012
- Agbontale, A. O., Fabusoro, E. and Afolabi, W.A.O.(2013) Socio-economic Determinants of the use of Indigenous Preservation Techniques for Vegetables among Rural Households in Niger State Nigeria. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
- Afolabi WAO, Akhemonkhan O.V., Olayiwola, I.O., Sanni S.A.and O. Oyawoye (2013) Malnutrition among Children with Cerebral Palsy in Selected Hospitals in Southwest Nigeria. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria.
- *Yohanna-Dzingina, Cynthia, Jayne Webster, Isaac Akinyele, Rasheed Okunola, Wasiu Afolabi, Olutayo Adeyemi, Hussiani Lawal and Elaine Ferguson (2015) Constraints to Attending the Maternal, Newborn and
Child Health Weeks in North West Nigeria. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 5(5): 737. - *Afolabi W.A.O; Akinbule O.O; Sanni S.A; Onabanjo O.O; Olayiwola I.O; Oladoyinbo C.A; Bolajoko O.O; Ogundipe G.T and Durosinmi O.J (2016) Contribution and Consumption Pattern of Cassava and Its Products among Under 5 and School Children in FUNAAB Mandate Communities. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Food Science and Human Ecology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State.
- *Onabanjo, O.O, Olayiwola, I.O, Afolabi, W.A.O, Sanni, S.A, Oladoyinbo C. A., Akinbule, O.O and Bolajoko, O. (2016) Prevalence of Malnutrition and Intestinal Parasites in Primary School Children in Siun and Ofada, Ogun State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Food Science and Human Ecology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State
( *Published after Last Promotion)
(vii) Technical Reports
- *Afolabi W.A.O. (2016) A Decade of Nutrition Programming in Nigeria: 2006 – 2015. A Technical Report Submitted to Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) pg 1 – 46
- *Afolabi W.A.O. Paul Sommers, Aweke Teklu and Meg Walker (2016) Mainstreaming Nutrition into Agriculture in Nigeria: A Readiness Assessment. Produced by PATH through support provided by UKaid from the UK Government’s Department for International Development. Pg 1 – 55
- Afolabi W.A.O (2012) Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week in Sokoto State, Nigeria. A Technical Report Submitted to Helen Keller International, Abuja, Nigeria. 1-36.
- Afolabi W.A.O. (2010) Sector Studies in Community Nutrition and Health Projects in Nigeria: A case study of Safe Motherhood Initiative project by Partnership for Transforming Health systems (PATHS) in Jigawa State, Nigeria. A Technical Report Submitted to World Bank for the compilation of Mission Report on Community Based Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health Interventions in Nigeria: A Comparative Case Study Analysis on Best Practices. Available online at http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2011/02/16589188