- Musa, J.J., J.K. Adewumi and J. Ohu (2013). “Comparing Developed Runoff Coefficients for Some Selected Soils of GidanKwano with Existing Values”, International Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences. Vol. 01, No 03, Jan. 2013. Pp 473-469. P-ISSN: 2301-4458; E-ISSN: 2301-8038.
- *fSamuel, O.D., and O.U Dairo. 2012. A Critical Review of In-situ Trans-esterification Process for Biodiesel Production. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. Vol.13(2):72-79.
- *fDairo, O.U and T. M. A Olayanju. 2012. Convective Thin-layer drying characteristics of sesame seed. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa Vol. 7 (2012) pp 55-62. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/JERA.7.55
- *Samuel, O.D., O.U Dairo, and O.O. Adama. 2012. Physical properties of castor bean seed relevant to mechanical processing. Journal of Engineering and Environmental Studies. Vol. 3(2):101-105pp.
- *fAzodo, A.P., S.B. Adejuyigbe, M.A. Waheed, and O.U. Dairo. 2012. Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Clutch. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. Vol .13(2):39-56.
- *fDairo, O.U , Olayanju, T. M. A., and Amusan O. 2012. Effect of initial catalyst amount on production of bio-diesel from jathropha curcas seed using in-situ technique. Transnational Journal of Science and Technology.Vol 2(6): 23-34
- *Dairo, O.U, Olayanju, T.M.A. and Amusan, O. 2012. Influence of Catalyst Amount and Alcohol-seed ratio on the production of bio-diesel from jathropha seed using in-situ technique. LAUJET: Ladoke Akintola University. LAUTEC. Nigeria. In Press
- *Shittu, T. A., O Ogunjinmi, I. A. Ola, O. P Sobukola, O. M. Sogunle, T. M Olayanju, Dairo, O.U. 2012. Optimization of a convective drying process for producing starch-albumen powder as coating material in fried foods. 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2012) Xiamen, China, 11-15 November 2012
- Musa, J.J., J.K. Adewumi and J. Ohu (2012). “Comparing Developed Manning Coefficients for Some Selected Soils of GidanKwano with Existing Values”, The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE), Vol. 17 (2012), Bund. V. ISSN 1089-3032. Pp 2999 – 3008.
- Adekunle, A.A., J.K. Adewumi, N.J. Bello and J.O. Akinyemi (2012). “Stromwater Characteristics on 3rd Mainland Bridge Lagos, Nigeria”.Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation.Vol. 2, No. 2.Pp.
- Martins, O.O., S.B. Adejuyigbe, M.A. Waheed and J.K. Adewumi (2012). “Computerization of Production Progress and Control of Small Scale Bottled Water Industry in Nigeria”. Paper Presented in The Nigeria Society of Engineer’s Conference Tagged Strategies for Promotion of Sustainable Driven Economy in Nigeria. HARMONY 2012. Kwara Hotel, Ilorin. Kwara State.
- Adewumi B.A, 2012. Agro-based alternatives to petroleum economy. In: Building a non-oil export economy for Nigeria: The potential of value-added products from agricultural residues. Book Project of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation published by Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, Germany. Pp 1-8.
- Adewumi, B. A. 2012. Transformation from field to food materials: Agro-food process engineering approach. 36th Inaugural Lecture Series of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Pp 126 – 106.
- Ikenwiwe, N. B., Balogun, E. A., Adewumi, B. A., Otubusin, S. o., Ozoje, M. O., Soaja, J. O., Bamidele, N. A and Adeoye, A. A. 2012. Effect of Terminalia suparba on fecundity and latency period of Clarias gariepinus broodstocks. International Journal of fisheries and Aquacultural Sciences 2: 27 – 33.22.
- Ogedengbe, T.S., Adejuyigbe, S.B., Ismaila, S.O., Adewumi, B.A., and Ali, D.M. (2012). Computer Aided Plant Layout Development for an Aluminum Product Factory. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 13 (1): 358 – 371. http://www.akamaiuniversity.us/PJST13_1_358.pdf.37.
- *fDairo, O.U and T. M. A Olayanju. 2012. Convective Thin-layer drying characteristics of sesame seed. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa Vol. 7 (2012) pp 55-62. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/JERA.7.55
- *fDairo, O.U , Olayanju, T. M. A., and Amusan O. 2012. Effect of initial catalyst amount on production of bio-diesel from jathropha curcas seed using in-situ technique. Transnational Journal of Science and Technology.Vol 2(6): 23-34
- Adisa, A. F., Ndirika, V.I.O, Yiljep, Y.D. and Mohammed, U.S. 2012. Field Performance Evaluation of a Grain Stripper for Rice Harvesting in Nigeria. Transnational Journal of Science and Technology (TJST), Republic of Macedonia. Vol. 2, No. 2:p 93- 107.
- Adisa, A. F. 2012. Development and Performance Evaluation of Pedestrian Controlled Rice Stripper Harvester. Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (JAAR), Abuja, Nigeria. Vol.4, No.1: p 43-51.
- Adisa, A. F. 2012. Appropriate Management and Operational Planning Technique for Mechanized Soybean and Maize production in Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology & Mathematics Education (JOSTMED). Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.Vol.8 No. 2: p46-53.
- Adisa, A.F., Ndirika V.I.O., Yiljep Y.D. and Mohammed U.S. 2012. Determination of Optimum Operational Conditions of a Grain Stripper for Rice Harvesting in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), U.K., vol.2, No. 7: p1290-1300.
- Adisa, A. F. 2012. Effects of Stripper Forward Speed on Header Losses and Harvester Efficiency of a Developed Self Propelled Grain Harvester. Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences (RJEAS), USA. Accepted in May 2012.
- Adisa, A. F. and Inns, F. M. 2012. Design and Calibration of Epicyclic Gear Transmission Dynamometer for Rural Use. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET- IJENS) ISSN: 2077-1185. Vol:12 Issue: 04. UK. Accepted in August 2012.
- Adisa, A.F. 2012. Effect of Stripper Peripheral Speeds on Grain Purity, Field Capacity and Field Efficiency of a Developed Self Propelled Stripping Harvester. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences (OJAS), Turkey. Accepted in September 2012.
- Adisa, A.F. 2012. Harvest loss estimation for rice grain harvester. National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Management in Nigeria. 2ND Professor Bart Nnaji Biennial Lecture, Enugu, Nigeria. Page 68- 75.
- Adewumi, J.K., Olufayo, A.A. and T.J. Oyelaja. (2011): Crop Water Use of Cowpea (VignaUnguiculata) Under Deficit Irrigation in a Controlled Environment. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS). 2011. Published by the Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited, UK. http://www.scholarlinkresearch.org.
- Musa, J.J., J.K. Adewumi, A.P. Adeoye, I.H. Mustapha and E.S. Adebayo (2011). Physicochemical Assessment of Groundwater as a Source of Domestic Water Use in Some Selected Settlements in Minna, Niger State.The IUP Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011.
- Musa, J.J., Ode, O. G; Anijofor, SC and Adewumi, JK. (2011). “Quality Evaluation of Household wastewater for irrigation”.Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management (JASEM). An International Journal Published by the World Bank No. ISSN – 1119 – 8362. (2011). http://www.ajol.info/jasem.(Accepted 15th April, 2011).
- Adewumi J.K., Sobowale, A, and Kolawole, A. (2011). Rain water harvesting and farming system productivity in drought prone areas of Nigeria. European Journal Of Social Science. Vol. 42. (EJSS) www.http://eurojournals.com/1htm . 2011.
- Musa, J.J.,J.K. Adewumi, J. Ohu and G.A. Bolaji (2011). “Seasonality Effect of Infiltration Rates of some Selected Soil Types of Soilin North Central Area of Nigeria”. Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences (JBES).No.1 Issue 4. Pp. 342 – 351. ISSN: 2008-9287. Fall 2011 JBES. info@jbes.ir
- Dada, P.O.O., Salako, F.K. and Adewumi, J.K. (2011).“Maize Root Characterization Using Image Analysis as Affected by Topsoil Removal and Soil Strength”. Transnational Journal of Science and Technology. March edition, Vol. 2, No 2. Pp. 80-92.
- Sobowale, A. and Olayanju, T.M.A. (2011). Student Information Handbook, Department of Agricultural Engineering (B.A. Adewumi ed.), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 75pp. Nigeria
- A. Sobowale, J.K. Adewumi, O.S. Awokola O.A. Bamgboye , D. Bashir and A.N. Egbulem (2011). Towards Integrated Water Resources Management in South West Nigeria: The Role of CBIs. Proceedings of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna; pp302-309. Nigeria.
- Samuel, O. D, M. A., Waheed, and O.U Dairo. 2011. Sustainable Biodiesel Development Strategies in Fossil-Driven Economy – Nigeria. In: University of Lagos 7th Annual Research Conference & Fair, 19th 21st October 2011. Book of Abstract. 26pp
- Sobayo, R. A., Oso, A. O., Fafiolu, A. O, Aderinboye, R. Y., Jegede, A. V, Dairo, O.U., Iyerimah, R.B. 2011. Growth response and Apparent Nutrient Digestability of Broiler Chicken fed diet containing ethanol cum lime treated castor oil seed (Ricinus cummunis, L) meal. Proceedings of the 36th Annual conference of Nigeria Society for Animal Production. 13th -16th March 2011. Ed. Adeniji A.A, Olatunji E.A and Gana, E.S. 34 – 37pp.
- Aderinlewo A. A. and Raji O. A. (2011). Effect of variety and moisture content on aerodynamic properties of four Nigerian cowpea varieties. ASSET International Journal, Vol 10(1)
- Dairo, O.U, T.M.A., Olayanju, E.S.A., Ajisegiri, S.O. Awonorin, and O.J Alamu, 2011. Influence of Catalyst Amount and Alcohol-seed ratio on the production of bio-diesel from raw castor oil bean seed using in-situ technique. LAUJET: Ladoke Akintola University. LAUTEC. Nigeria. Vol 6 (2) : 45-52pp.
- Dairo, O.U, T.M.A., Olayanju, E.S.A., Ajisegiri, S.O. Awonorin, and O.J Alamu, 2011. Effect of Temperature and Percentage of Initial catalyst on the in-situ production of biodiesel from castor oil bean seed using response surface methodology. ASSET: An International Journal. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. UNAAB Series B. Vol. 10 (1): In Press
- Dairo, O.U, T.M.A., Olayanju, E.S.A., Ajisegiri, S.O. Awonorin, and O.J Alamu, 2011. Influence of Initial Catalyst quantity and reaction time on in-situ production of biodiesel from castor oil bean seed using response surface methodology. ASSET: An International Journal. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. UNAAB Series B. Vol. 10 (1): In Press
- Adewumi, J.K., K.F. Omotayo and I.O. Oladipo (2011). “Climatic Variability and Water Resources Development: A case study of Rivers Ogbese and Owena” In: Water and Sanitation Sector Reform: Empowering LGAs in Achieving National Development Objectives and the MDGs Targets. Proceeding of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna, 23RD – 25TH March, 2011.
- Oladipo, I.O., K.F. Omotayo and Adewumi, J.K. (2011). “Runoff Catching: A Mechanism for Sustainable Ground Water Recharge”. In: Water and Sanitation Sector Reform: Empowering LGAs in Achieving National Development Objectives and the MDGs Targets. Proceeding of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna, 23RD – 25TH March, 2011.
- Ahmed, S.D., A.K. Ndahi, J.K. Adewumi and S. Dauda. (2011).”Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Nigeria: The Need for Scaling up Services”. In: Water and Sanitation Sector Reform: Empowering LGAs in Achieving National Development Objectives and the MDGs Targets. Proceeding of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna, 23RD – 25TH March, 2011.
- Adekunle, A.A. and J.K. Adewumi. (2011).”The Challenge of Meeting Capacity Building in the Local Government Water Supply”. In: Water and Sanitation Sector Reform: Empowering LGAs in Achieving National Development Objectives and the MDGs Targets. Proceeding of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna, 23RD – 25TH March, 2011.
- Sobowale, A., J.K. Adewumi, O.S. Awokola, O.A. Bamigboye, D. Bashir and A.N. Egbulem (2011). “Towards Integrated Water Resources Management in South West Nigeria: The role of Capacity Building Institutions (CBIs)”. In: Water and Sanitation Sector Reform: Empowering LGAs in Achieving National Development Objectives and the MDGs Targets. Proceeding of the 2nd National Water and Sanitation Conference, NWRI, Kaduna, 23RD – 25TH March, 2011.
- Adewumi B.A, 2011. The Roles of Science and Technology in Solving the Problem of Food Insecurity. Journal of Food Science & hospitality. 2 (1): 1-10.
- Lawson, O. S., Adewumi B.A, Olayanju, T. M. A., and Awonarin, S. O. 2011. Prospect and challenges of extrusion technology in oil seed processing. Journal of Food Science & hospitality. 2 (1): 25-35.
- Adewumi, B. A. (2011). Aerodynamics and particle dynamics: Applications in grain fractionation and classification. International Journal of Sciences, USA.
- Adewumi, B. A, Sathyendra Rao, B. V., Kiran Kumar, N. L. and Ventakrishnan, L. (2011). Development of a cross flow classifier test rig. International Journal of Sciences, USA.
- Adewumi B. A, 2011. Local raw material content development and rapid national industrialization: cluster and triple helix concept in the Nigerian context. Paper presented at the Techno-Expo organized by Raw Material Research Council, Abuja, Nigeria held on February 15 – 18, 2011.
- Adewumi B. A. 2011. Adapting engineering technology and allied practices toward climate change. Proceedings of the 4th National Conference of the School of Engineering, Kwara Polytechnic, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, held on Sept. 7 – 9, 2011.
- Adewumi B. A. 2011. Rural roads and infrastructures: crucial and indispensable issues in national development Proceedings of the National Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, held at Calabar on December 3 – 7, 2011.
- Asiru, W.B., Igbeka, J.C. and Olayanju,T.M.A., 2011: Energy Expenditure in Gari Processing Activities by Nigerian Women. ASSET – An International Journal. Series B Volume 10 Number 1. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
- Dairo O.U, Olayanju, T.M.A, Ajisegiri E.S.A., Awonorin O.O and Alamu O.J. 2011: Influence of catalyst quantity and reaction time on the in-situ production of biodiesel from raw castor bean seed using response surface methodology. ASSET – An International Journal. Series B Volume 10 Number 1. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria.
- Dairo O.U, Olayanju, T.M.A, Ajisegiri E.S.A., Awonorin O.O and Alamu O.J. 2011: Effect of temperature and percentage of initial catalyst on the in-situ production of biodiesel from castor oil bean seed using response surface methodology. ASSET – An International Journal. Series B Volume 10 Number 1. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria.
- Dairo, O.U, Olayanju, T.M.A., Ajisegiri, E.S.A., Awonorin, S.O., and Alamu, O.J. 2011. Influence of Catalyst amount and Alcohol-seed ratio on the production of bio-diesel from raw castor oil bean seed using in-situ technique. LAUJET Volume 10 Number (1). Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria
- Adisa, A. F. and Braide, F.G. 2009. Design and Development of Template Row Planter. Transnational Journal of Science and Technology (TJST), Republic of Macedonia, vol. 2, No. 7: p27- 33.
- Adisa, A. F. 2011. Performance and Assessment of Farm Equipment Utilization in a Nigeria Arable Farm. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Science, Environment and Technology (ASSET), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Accepted in March , 2011.
45. Adisa, A. F. 2011. Design and Construction of Manually Operated Flute Planter with Fertilizer Distributor. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Science, Environment and Technology (ASSET), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Accepted in March , 2011. - Adisa, A. F. 2011. Design and Development of an Epicyclic Gear Transmission Laboratory Dynamometer. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) (ISSN: 2141-7016).UK. Accepted in April 2011.
- P. O.O. Dada, O.S. Abiola. Assessment of on-farm travel characteristics of small scale farmers in Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria. ASSET Journal series B, Vol. 9 No. 2 (2010)
- Soladoye, O.P., Ola, I.A., Adebowale, A.A., Sanni, L. 2010 Development and performance evaluation of a motorized globulator for tapioca production. International Food Research Journal 17, 549-555.
- A. Sobowale, J.K. Adewumi, D.B. Adie and J.A. Otun (2010).Water Resources Potentials of Hadejia River Sub-Catchment of Komadugu Yobe River Basin in Nigeria. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(2): 1-6 http://www.cigrjournal.org/index.php/Ejounral/article/view/1065 (Published in USA)
- Adisa, A. F. 2010. Operational Planning and Management of Mechanized Soybean/Maize Production Technology in Nigeria. Proceedings of 10th International Conference of Nigeria Institute of Agricultural Engineers, Enugu, Nigeria. Page 110- 117.56.
- Adewumi B. A. 2010. Important engineering issues in the post harvest technology and quality assurance for fruits and vegetables in Africa. In: Biotechnology Development and treat of climate change in Africa: The case of Nigeria (Vol. 2), Adebooye, C. A., Taiwo, K. A. and Fatufe, A. A (Eds.). Book Project of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation published by Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, Germany. Pp 53-62.
- Adewumi B.A, K. P. Adejuwon, H. N. Ayo-Omogie, A. Jeff-Agboola, T. A Opeyemi, R. O Osaade and B. O. Akomolafe. 2010. Microbial study on the concentrates produced from tropical fruits using dry freezing and rotary evaporation. In: Biotechnology Development and treat of climate change in Africa: The case of Nigeria (Vol. 1), Adebooye, C. A., Taiwo, K. A. and Fatufe, A. A. (Eds.). Book Project of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation published by Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, Germany. Pp 305-311.
- Akinoso R., Aboaba S.A. and Olayanju T.M.A, 2010: Effect of Moisture Content and Heat Treatment on Peroxide Value and Oxidative Stability of Unrefined Sesame oil. African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. Volume 10, Number 10, pp4268 – 4285 African Schorlarly Science Communication Trust Kenya
(online @http://www.ajfand.net) - Akinoso R, Olayanju T.M.A., Hassan L.O, Ajiboshin I.O, Adeyemi S.K., 2010: Design, Construction and Preliminary Testing of a Beniseed (Sesamum indicum) Air-Screen Cleaner. ASSET – An International Journal. Series B Volume 10 Number 1. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria33. Bolaji, B.O., Olayanju, T.M.A., and Taiwo, O.O., 2010: Performance Evaluation of a Solar Wind – Ventilated Cabinet Dryer. The West Indian Journal of Engineering. Volume 33, Nunmbers1/2. University of West Indies, Trinad and Tobago.
- Adisa, A. F. 1989. Planning, Operation and Evaluation of Mechanized Field Operation for Agriculture Production, Proceedings of Nigeria Society of Agricultural Engineers, Zaria, Nigeria. Page 197-208
- Adisa, A. F., Ndirika, V. I. O., Yiljep, Y. D., and Mohammed, U. S. 2009. Development of Pedestrian Controlled Stripper Harvester for Nigeria Rice Fields. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of Nigeria Institute of Agricultural Engineers, South- East, Abakaliki, Nigeria. Page 53- 62.
- Adisa, A. F., Inns, F. M. 2009. Assessment of the Power Demand of a Rubber Roller Rice Dehusking Machine. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of Nigeria Institute of Agricultural Engineers, South- East, Abakaliki, Nigeria. Page 46- 52.