(A) F.S.P. PROGRAMME (University of Agriculture, Abeokuta)
- CHE 102 Introductory Organic Chemistry
(B) BSc. PROGRAMME (University of Agriculture, Abeokuta)
- BCH 304 Enzymology
- BCH 308 Food Biochemistry
- BCH 405 Regulation of Metabolic Processes
- EMT 304 Hazardous Substances Management
- EMT 307 Environmental pollution studies
- EMT 407 Principle of Toxicology I
- EMT 411 Experimental Pesticide Chemistry
- EMT 502 Advanced Pesticide Chemistry
- EMT 503 Principle of Toxicology II
- EMT 508 Environmental Aspects of Toxicants Use
- EMT 512 Petroleum and Environment
- EMT 599 Research Project