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1. Arogundade O.T., Akinwale A.T., Jin Z. and Yang X.G. (2011). “Enhancing Use cases for Deployed Information System Security Threats Identification”, in BIR 2011: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, Riga Latvia. Pp.147-154.

2. Arogundade O.T., Jin Z. and Yang X.G. (2011). “Enhancing Use cases with Subjective Risk Assessment,” in SSIRI 2011: proceedings of fifth IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement – C, Jeju Island, South Korea. Pp. 144-151. DOI 10.1109/SSIRI-C.2011.29 IEEE press.

3. Shang, Wei, Guoxin Li, Oluwasefunmi Arogundade, Xuemei Jiang (2010). “Understanding Cybercafés Users behavior in Mainland China: An Exploratory Study”,  G.Wicander, M. Hatakka and E. Kromidha (eds.) Proceedings of IPID  postgraduate strand, at the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2010, (London), UK. Published by Karlstad University Studies.

4. Arogundade O.T. and Akinwale A.T. (2009). On the application of Prim’s algorithm to a profit-oriented Transportation System in Rural areas of Nigeria. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, UAE, Dubai, vol. 37 January 2009, pp 1295-1306.

5. Arogundade O.’T., Akinwale A.T., and Adekoya A.F. and Ladeinde A. (2008). Simulation of National Income Accounting Using Information Technology. Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Abeokuta, Vol. 19 pp. 267-270.

6. Adekoya A., Akinwale A., Arogundade O., Ojo O. (2008). Design and implementation of a web-Based Tourism Information System. Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Abeokuta, Vol. 19 pp. 263-266.

7. Akinwale A.T., Ibharalu F.T., and Arogundade O.T. (2006). Comparative Analysis Of Artificial Neural Networks Back Propagation Algorithm To Statistical Least Square Method In Security Prediction Using Nigerian Stock Exchange Market. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Science and National Development,  College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Ogun state. pp 57-61.

Conferences, Seminars  and Workshops Attended

1. 3rd Conference on Science and National Development, College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 2008.

2. System Specification And Model Checking Organized By International Institute For Software Technology, United Nations University, Macao, China. Held At University Of Lagos, Nigeria. July, 2007.

3. Object Oriented Software Development With UML Organized by  International Institute Of Software Technology, United Nations University, Macao, China. Held At Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. May, 2007.

4. Formal modelling And Verification Organized by International Institute of Software Technology, United Nations University, Macao, China. Held At Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. May, 2007.

5. 2nd Conference on Science and National Development, College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 2006.

6. 22nd National Conference of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Abeokuta, 2008.

7. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement, Jeju Island, South Korea. June, 2011.

8. First CCF_SIGRE_2011 Workshop. Peking University, Beijing China. January, 2011.


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