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( a) Research completed:

  1. Effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extracts on the growth and reproductive performance of New Zealand white rabbits
  2. Effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extracts on blood profile and reproductive hormones of New Zealand white rabbits
  3. Effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extracts on semen characteristics and morphology of New Zealand white rabbits
  4. Effect of aqueous Ficus asperifolia leaf extracts on carcass characteristics of New Zealand white rabbits
  5. Effect of weaning age on the reproductive performance of rabbit does at second parity
  6. Relationship between body weight at first mating and reproductive performance of rabbit does
  7. Effect of weaning age on the post kindling performance of rabbit does and kits

(b) Research in Progress

  1. Survey of current status and opportunities in rabbit production in Ogun state
  2. Effect of different feed forms on the growth performance of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  3. Effect of different feed forms on the linear body measurements of post-weaning New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  4. Effect of different feed forms on the nutrient digestibility of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  5. Effect of different feed forms on the blood status of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  6. Effect of different feed forms on the gastro-intestinal tract of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  7. Effect of different feed forms on the intestinal microbiota of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits
  8. Effect of different feed forms on the carcass traits of New Zealand white and Chinchilla rabbits


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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
