Prof. O. Ademuyiwa : My research now centres on the effects of heavy metals on
aspects of cell signaling.
Prof. (Mrs) E.A. Balogun : Use of rodents in screening local herbs/medicinal plant in the treatment of malaria.
Dr. O.A. Akinloye : Toxicological Aspects of \Non-conventional
feeds/Enzymatic basis of Detoxification.
Mrs. R. N. Ugbaja : Lipid metabolism in schizophrenia
Lipid metabolism in pre-eclampsia
Mr. T. T. Adeniyi : Monoamine oxidase inhibitory principles of psycho-
Active herbs/folic acid in diabetes
Mrs. O. A. Dosunmu : Emparative effects of chelators and vitamin C on lead
induced DNA damage
Mr. B. O. Onukwor : Effects of Vitamin C, Conventional chelators and Phenylalanine on lead toxicity.