Dr.OLUWASILE, Babafela Babalola
Degree: D.V.M., M.V.Sc.E-mail: babafela@yahoo.comTel:Dept: Veterinary Public Health and ReproductionAcademic Rank: Lecturer ISpecialization: Veterinary Public Health Institutions Attended Membership of professional Bodies Awards Received Courses Taught Research Publications Conferences Attended
Mr.Bassahwa, Akyang Philip
Degree: N.D., S.S.C.E E-mail: apbasshwa@yahoo.com Telephone No: Department: Veterinary Public Health & Reproduction Designation: Assistant TechnologistSpecialization: Theriogenology Institutions Attended Membership of professional Bodies Awards Received Specialization Conferences Attended
Hassan, Jubril Olugbenga
Degree: DVM, MPVM, MSc, PhD, Cert, Vet. Acupunture, Cert. Mol. Biol. E-mail: freeb4him@yahoo.com Tel: Dept: Vet. Public Health & Reproduction Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer/ Ag. HOD Specialization: Veterinary Preventive Medicine Academic Degree Institutions Attended Membership of professional Bodies Awards Received Courses Taught Research Publications Conferences Attended