- College of Environmental Resources Management (COLERM)
- College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM)
- College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development (COLAMRUD)
- College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT)
- College of Engineering (COLENG)
- College of Natural Sciences (COLNAS)
- College of Food Sciences and Human Ecology (COLFHEC)
- College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET)
- College of Environmental Resources Management (COLERM)
- College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM)
- College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development (COLAMRUD)
- College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT)
- College of Engineering (COLENG)
- College of Natural Sciences (COLNAS)
- College of Food Sciences and Human Ecology (COLFHEC)
- College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET)