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Please be informed that the 2011/2012 Second Semester Examinations for Part-time Students have been scheduled as shown in a timetable below. Students are to note that:


1. Exam passes are to be collected from the programme office at Mawuko with a condition that all receipts of school fee payment, from their first year to date, are presented before collection of Exam passes.

2. Only full payment of university fees can qualify a student for collection of exam pass, and consequently entrance into the exam hall.

3. Instructions to Candidates on examination conduct as given below are important.



Examination Conduct


1. Candidates must wait outside the examination room until told to enter by an invigilator.

2. Candidates will ONLY be permitted to enter up to half an hour after the start of the examination; a candidate arriving more than half an hour after the start may be admitted at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator. Lateness to exam hall will not be tolerated.

3. Candidates SHOULD  not leave earlier than half an hour after the start of the examination nor may they leave during the last ten minutes of the examination period.

4. At the end of the examination candidates must remain seated until the invigilators have collected all the scripts and candidates are told they may leave. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that his or her script is handed to the invigilator.

5. Candidates must be quiet when entering or leaving the room during the examination and must not speak to anyone, other than an invigilator, between entering the room and the end of the examination. A candidate creating a disturbance may be expelled from the examination room.

6. A candidate leaving the examination room, intending to return, must be accompanied by an invigilator.

7. Bags, briefcases, etc. should not be taken into the examination room; candidates living off campus, who have nowhere to leave such items safely, may deposit them outside the examination room as the invigilators may direct.

8. Candidates should not bring textbooks, notes or similar aids into the examination room unless this has been specifically authorised for the examination paper concerned.

9. Mobile telephones must be switched off and left in bags, briefcases etc.

10. Candidates may use only non programmable calculators in examinations, or any other model with lower functionality (i.e. non-programmable, no alphanumeric memory, no communication devices). Use of any other type of calculator will be deemed exam misconduct, and the calculator will be confiscated. Phones, IPods, Bluetooth, and Blackberry are not allowed in and within examination rooms

11. The attention of candidates is drawn to the section on exam misconduct in the Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations. Exam misconduct includes communicating with, or copying from the script of another candidate or introducing unauthorised notes, etc. A candidate introducing an unauthorised aid or copying from another candidate may obtain a mark of zero for the paper or for the whole set of examinations.

12. It is in a candidate’s interest that answers are legible; therefore only black, blue or blue-black ink or biro should be used except where additional colours may be needed in diagrams, etc.

13. All rough work must be carried out in the answer book(s) provided; such work should be crossed out to distinguish it from answers to questions. It is an offence to remove any part of an answer book.

14. No food or drink is permitted in the examination room except that candidates may consume sweets and plain water, provided they do not disturb other candidates and they remove any litter at the end of the examination. Smoking is prohibited.

15. No inscription, jotting or writing on examination pass  (front or back).

16. Photocopy version of examination pass is not tenable at examination centre.

17. Lost examination pass should be replaced before examination, subject to recommendation and identification by Student Affairs Units.

18. Impersonation is serious exam misconduct, do not write exam for your friend.







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