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Authors: A.B. Idowu, O.M. Somide, K.O. Ademolu
Trop. Vet. Vol. 26: (1&2), 20-29 (2008)


Comparative analyses of the biochemical composition of the haemolymph, proximate composition of the flesh and the microbial content of the guts of some African land snails: Archachatina marginata Achatina achatina Achatina fulica and Limicolaria aurora found in Abeokuta were carried out. Analysis of the haemolymph revealed that A.achatina and L. aurora recorded the highest concentrations of glucose, protein, Ca 2+, Na2+, Cl-, and PO42, while A. marginata had the highest lipid content (30.80mg/dl). Proximate analysis of the flesh, however, showed that A. marginata had the highest protein content (l6.08g/100g) and dry matter content (27.61g/l00g) while L. aurora had the least protein content (7.67g/I00g). The highest carbohydrate, crude fibre, fat and ash contents of the flesh were recorded for L. aurora. Despite their different locations (Kuto, Iberekodo, Osiele and Alabata), there were close similarities in the range of gut microflora. A positive correlation (r = 0.88, P<O.Ol)was obtained between live weight and total protein content of the flesh suggesting that the protein content of snails available for human consumption might be dependent on their live weights.
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