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  1. A. Inorganic – organic hybrid nanocomposite: Nanocomposites of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) e.g. Composites of POSS with perhydropolysilazane, silicon carbide, polymers (e.g. polyimide, polyvinyl chloride, resins e.t.c)

Synthesis, properties and applications of POSS: Using Sol-gel to synthesize novel POSS from monosilanes, hybridize and functionalise them using various reactions. POSS-based Aerogel and Xerogel as seen in one of my papers (Dare et al: Dalton Trans. 3668 – 3671 (2006). POSS applications as photoresist, lithographic, ceramics (SiC, SiOC, special glasses), high temperature electronic, especially by developing low – dielectric mesoporous POSS thin film templated by various surfactants.

Anatomy of POSS nanomaterial

Metal – Nanocomposite/Silsesquioxanes: Reaction of incompletely condensed POSS (trisilanol) with transition metals with the hope of studying their catalytic behaviour and light harvesting antennae capability.

Dendritic polymers with POSS as core

Optical/luminescence/light-harvesting materials based on POSS & Porphrin, Ferrocene, Fullerene C60 in a hybrid system, (an innovative research proposal is available on this topic presently)

  1. B. Materials for high temperature devices: Using natural biomaterial/agricultural wastes (Rice husk, wood, saw dust) to develop nanocrystalline SiC, mesoporous silica for nuclear system and high temperature electronic.
  2. C. Membrane Technology: Surfactant templated mesoporous/nanoporous water filter system

DNA Nanotechnology / Biosensor: photoluminescent inorganic nanoparticles have been investigated for several bio-applications including as optical biomarkers and biosensors.

  1. D. Sensor / Catalysis/ metallic nanoparticles: solid state sensor (hybrid metal oxide) / core shell / nanocapsule
  2. E. Solar cell research: I have experience in the design and synthesis of conjugated polymers, dye-sensitised polymers, hybrid polymers for photovoltaic applications.
  3. F. Renewable resources: I have been involved in personal, national and international projects whereby we source biodiesel, hydrocarbon fuel, ethanol fuel from renewable biomaterial and biomass.
  4. G. Polymerization/living polymerization: As seen in my publication, I have experience in the synthesis of polyofeins and living polymers using metallocene catalysts/MAO
  5. H. Equipments/instruments experience: I have used extensively (a) NMR (1H, 13C, 29Si, 31P – NMR), FTIR, MS, EA, DSC, TGA, GPC, XRD, AFM e.t.c. I am very much conversant with Schlenk techniques, dry box and double – fold vacuum-nitrogen line.                                


Field of Research: Industrial Material Chemistry and Nanotechnology

Research in progress

(1) Magnetite – Haemoglobin/Amino acids Nanocapsule delivery in In – vitro manner

(2) Magnetite – Breast specific antibody for delivery study on cancerous cell

(3) photoluminescent inorganic nanoparticles have been investigated for several bio applications including as optical biomarkers and biosensors.

(4) Development of nanoporous water filter

(5) Ag – ZnO/ DNA nanocomposite for sensor application


Research completed but not yet published

  1. Development of nanoporous water filter from rice husk silica, maize cob and clay composite for point-of-use in Nigerian homes (patent filed)
  2. Zinc salt mediated synthesis of Ag – ZnO nanocomposite and application as humidity sensor (Submitted to Journal of the American Chemical Society)


Grants and Executive Sponsored Research Projects handled nationally and internationally

Apart from numerous undergraduate and postgraduate project supervised/handled, the following underlisted are the prototype product oriented project that I have handled at both national and international level:

[1] PROJECT 1: Development of Nanoporous membrane Filter from Rice Hull Ash/Baggase Silica

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: TWAS, Grant no. 08-003 LDC/CHE/AF/AC-UNESCO


Grant value: $20,000

Year Awarded: 2008

Status: completed

Witness: TWAS, Italy.

[2] PROJECT 2:

Creating Nanoporous Water Filter Membrane from Clay Composite for Point-of-use

in Nigerian Homes

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: collaboration

Sponsor/Grant: USAMI, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

Grant value: N5.0 million

Year Awarded: 2009

Status: Ongoing

[3] PROJECT 3:

Topic: Synthesis of Silver Allied Nanomaterials for Electronic Application

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: Centre For Energy Research and Development (CERD)

Grant value: N2.8 million

Year Awarded: 2008

Status: Completed

Witness: Prof. G.A. Osinkolu, Director, CERD. (

[4] PROJECT 4:

Topic: Developing Nanocystalline Silicon Carbide from Rice Hull Ash and Wood for

Nuclear Application

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: Centre for energy research and development, OAU, Ile-Ife.

Grant value: Not yet estimated

Year Awarded: 2007

Status: Ongoing

Witness: Prof. G.A. Osinkolu


[5] PROJECT 5:

Topic: Biofuel Production from Renewable Resources Using Locally fabricated Small

Scale Transesterification Reactor in a Batch Process.

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: Research and Development Centre, UNAAB (Grant number

RG 292)

Grant value: N372,000

Year Awarded: 2008

Status: Completed with evolution of Two M.Sc. Thesis

Witness: (1) Vice Chancellor, UNAAB (2) Prof. A. Aiyelaagbe, Director, RESDEC

[6] PROJECT 6:

Topic: Development of Lithographic and Letterpress ink from Renewable Ressources

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: Research and Development Centre, UNAAB (Grant number

RG 194)

Grant value: N72,500

Year Awarded: 2007

Status: Completed

Witness: (1) Vice Chancellor, UNAAB (2) Prof. A. Aiyelaagbe, Director, RESDEC.


[7] PROJECT 7:

Topic: Development of Lubricants from Renewable Resources for Off-road Machines

Proposal Submitted By: Dr. E. O. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Sponsor/Grant: Research and Development Centre, UNAAB (Grant number

RG 189)

[8] Topic: Water Filter from Clay and Maize Cob for Point-of-use

Proposal Submitted by: Dr. Dare

Contribution: Major investigator

Amount : N1.4 million


Year awarded: 2013



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