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Authors: Babatunde Adewale Adewumi, Sathyendra B. V Rao, Kiran N. L Kumar, L Ventakrishnan, L Karthikeyan

Food Processing Automation Conference Proceedings, 28-29 June 2008, Providence, Rhode Island 701P0508cd.

Velocity And Trajectory Profiles of Soybean Grains in Cross Flow System


The velocity and trajectory profiles of threshed soybean grains obtained from the market were study with the aid of a cross flow classifier test rig and high speed camera. Experiments were conducted in triplicate for 2 mins per run at average feed height of 0.15 m, feed rate 320 kgh-1 and moisture content below 12%.

Air speed of 12, 15 and 18 ms-1 and blower angle of inclination of 0, 22.5 and 45o were used for the study. A view area of about 1.0 m2 was used with a black color back ground. Illumination was provided by 4,000 and 1,500 W sets of halogen lamps located at the sides and top of the classifier chamber respectively. The velocity and trajectory profiles of the grains in the classifier chamber were obtained using a high speed motion camera (Motion Pro HS3). The camera was monitored with a laptop. Images of the soybean were adequately captured by the camera on grey scale using TIFF format/ file at 500 frames per second and the images were analyzed using a 2-Dimensional algorithm.


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