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Dissertation/ Thesis
i. Aduradola, R.R. (2010), ‘‘Indigenous Communication Media Forms in Selected Works of Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka’’ Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.

ii. Aduradola, R. R. (2003), ٬٬Attitude to Teaching and Learning of Use of English and
Communication Skills’ Course: A Study of UNAAB.’’ Unpublished M.A. Dissertation, University of Ibadan.

iii. Awodola, R. R. (1998), ‘‘Promotional Activity and Seasoning Products: A Case Study of Nestle Foods Nigeria Plc.’’ Unpublished M.B.A Dissertation. Usmanu-Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

iv. Awodola, R. R. (1996), ‘‘Personnel Motivation in the Banking Industry: A case Study of Central Bank of Nigeria, Sokoto’’ Unpublished Postgraduate Diploma in Management Project. Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

b. Journal Articles in Print
+*1. Thompson, O.O., Nwaorgu, O.G.F. and Aduradola, R.R. (2019), ‘‘Remembered or
Dismembered, Deified or Defiled? The Challenges of African Heroines in Contemporary
History.” LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research. 16, 1: 94-115. ISSN: 1813-222. Published by the Universal Academic Service, University of Swaziland, Southern Africa.

*2. Thompson, O.O. and Aduradola, R. R. (2016), “Terrorism, the Vulnerable Population and Social Inclusion Question in Nigeria.” ASUU Journal of Humanities: A Journal of Research and Development. 3, 3:1-14. Published by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

+3. Sotiloye, B.S., Bodunde, H. A., Akeredolu-Ale, B.I., Adebiyi, A. A. and Aduradola, R.R. (2016), ‘‘English and Communication Skills in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: The State of the Art.” Esp World. 17, 50:1-21. Published by English for Specific PurposesISSN1682-3257. Russia.

* Paper published after the last promotion
+Paper in International Journal
+* Papers in International Journals
4. Thompson, O.O., Njemanze, P.O.O.M, Aduradola, R.R., Onifade, C.A. and Boge, F.I.O. (2015), ‘A Dereliction of the Child Rights’ Act: A Diagnosis of a Pretext in Nigerian Context.’’ IRORO Journal of Arts.16, 1:16-36. Published by the Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. ISSN 0795-4417. Nigeria.

*5. Aduradola, R.R. and Onifade, C.A (2015), ‘‘Culture, Communication and the Management of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in Nigeria.’’Journal of Humanities, Social Sciencesand Creative Arts. (Formerly ASSET: An International Journal (Series C). 10:39-53. Published by the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta. ISSN: 2277-078X

6. Aduradola, R. R., Thompson O.O. and Adebiyi, A.A. (2015), ‘‘Impact of Visual Media
Technology as Instructional Aid on Learning at Tertiary Level.’’ ELTT Journal for Teachersof English and Communication Skills. 12:25-36. Published by NATRESL. FederalUniversity of Agriculture, Abeokuta. ISSN 1119-0426. Nigeria.

7. Idowu, O.M., Aduradola, R. R. and Banmeke, T.O.A. (2014), ‘‘Language Learning Strategies and Gender in Ogun State Senior Secondary Schools.’’ Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts (formerly ASSET Journal Series C) 9:1-13. ISSN: Print -2277-078X.Nigeria.

8. Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R.R., Akeredolu-Ale, B. and Bodunde, H. (2014), ‘‘Utilising the Digital Age Opportunities for Enriching Classroom Interaction in Higher Education: A FUNAAB Experiment.’ Published by the Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts (formerly ASSET Journal Series C), 9:14-21. ISSN: Print-2277078X. Nigeria.

9. Aduradola, R.R., Sotiloye, B. S., Adebiyi,A.A., Bodunde, H.A. and Akeredolu-Ale, B.I. (2014), ‘‘Adopting a Learner-Friendly Approach to English Language Learners’ Speech Challenge.’’ ELTT, Journal for Teachers of English and Communication Skills. Published by NATRESL. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 11:74-88. ISSN: 1119-0426 Nigeria.

+10. Aduradola R.R. and O. Oyero (2013), “The Pragmatics Import of ‘Child’ in Yoruba Proverbs.’’ Fort Hare Papers (FHP): A Multi-disciplinary Journal of the University of Fort Hare. 20, 1:1-15. Published by Govern Mbeki Research and Development Centre, University of Fort Hare Alice.South-Africa.ISSN:00515-8054

11. Aduradola, R. R. and M.O.O. Oyatogun (2012), ‘‘Cultural and Ecological Information Dissemination in Post-colonial Nigeria.’’ African Notes. 36, 3:59-75. Special Edition.
Published by Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. ISSN: 0002-0087 Nigeria.

* Paper published after the last promotion
+Paper in International Journal

+12. Aduradola, R.R. and B.I. Akeredolu-Ale (2011), ”The Power of Student’s Involvement: Using Posters as Teaching Tools in Managing Large Classes.” English for Specific Purposes World .14, 40:1-20. Published by English for Specific Purposes (ESPWorld). ISSN1682-3257. Russia.

13. Aduradola, R. R. and H. A. Bodunde (2011), ‘‘Information Communication Technology: A Resource for English Language Teaching in a Second Language Classroom.” ELTT 8:38-45. Published by NATRESL. ISSN: 1119-0426. Nigeria.

14. Aduradola, R. R., Onifade, C. A. and Adamu, C.O. (2007), “An Assessment of Communication Strategies for the Presidential Initiative on Cassava Production (PICP) in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State.’’ Development Studies Round Table Journal of Development). 3, 2:41-54. Published by the Department of Politicaland Administrative Studies, University of Port-Harcourt. Rivers State. ISSN: 0331-183X. Nigeria.

15. Aduradola, R. R. (2007), ‘‘Lecturers٫ Attitudinal Behaviour to the Teaching of Use of
English and Communication Skills”Gege: Ogun Studies in English 7:103 – 118. Published by Department of English. Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU). Ago-Iwoye. ISSN: 1115-117X. Nigeria.

16. Aduradola, R. R. (2006), ٬٬Writing errors of Students in Tertiary Institutions ASSET
SERIES C. 1:161-171.Published by the Federal University of Agriculture. Abeokuta.ISSN:1595-9694. Nigeria.

17. Aduradola, R. R. (2005). ٬٬Gender Perception of and Attitude to Use of English Course
in a Nigerian University.’’ ELTT 4, 1: 35-41.Published by NATRESL. ISSN: 1119-0426. Nigeria.

18. Aduradola, R. R. (2005), ‘‘Attitude of Students to English and Communication Skills`(ECS) Course: A Study of UNAAB.’’ Gege: Ogun Studies in English. 5, 1:205-219. Published by the Department of English, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Ago-Iwoye. ISSN: 1115-117X. Nigeria.

19. Aduradola, R. R. (2004), ‘‘Post-colonial Challenges in the Writings of Achebe and Soyinka.’’ African Notes. 28, 1& 2:14-43. Published by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. ISSN: 0802-0087. Nigeria.

c. Papers /Journal Articles Accepted for Publication
*20. Thompson, O.O., Nwaorgu, O.G.F., Afolabi, A.S., Aduradola, R.R., Odozor, U.S and
Ademola, E.O., (2019), “Fascismizing the State? Fake News, Hate Speeches and Government Responses in Nigeria, 2015-2019.” Journal of Communication and Media Research. Published by the Association of Communication Professional of Nigeria. ISSN 2141-5277. Date of Acceptance: June 29, 2019.

+Paper in International Journal
* Paper published after the last promotion

d. Books
21. Akeredolu- Ale, B. Bodunde, H., Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R. R., Olaifa T. and Adebiyi,
A. (2014), Studies in English Language and Literature. Department of Communication and General Studies, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Published by Jacob and Lydia. (Sponsored by TetFund). ISBN: 978-97849953-9-9. Pp.216.

22. Bodunde H., and Aduradola, R. R., Akeredolu- Ale, B., Ayebola, Pat., Sotiloye, B., Azeez, T. (2005), Communicative English Practice: A Referenceand Practice Book for Students. Abeokuta: Department of General Studies, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. ISBN: 978-2810-44-4. Pp.160.

23. Akeredolu-Ale, B. Sotiloye, T. Azeez, H. Bodunde, Aduradola, R. R., and Ayebola, P.
(2004), Communication Skills` in English for Tertiary Institutions. Abeokuta: Department
of General Studies, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. ISBN: 978-183-058-1. Pp. 217.

e. Book Article or Chapter in Book
+*24. Thompson, O.O., Aduradola, R.R., Odozor, U.S., Nwaorgu, O.G.S., Afolabi, A.S. and Ade-Ibijola, A.O. (2019), “‘The World against Us’: The Vulnerable Group, Marange Diamond Mines and the Corporate Social Responsibility Question.” Opportunities and Pitfalls of Corporate Social Responsibility. Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-17101-8. Pp. 123-138.

+*25. Odozor, U.S., Aduradola, R. R., Thompson, O.O. and E.O. Akintona (2019), ‘‘A Conceptual and Ethical Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa’s Development Crisis: The Marange Experience. Opportunities and Pitfalls of Corporate Social Responsibility. Switzerland: Springer. .ISBN 978-3-030-17101-8

26. Oyero, O. S., Joshua, S. and Aduradola, R. R. (2013), ‘‘Radio and Community Partnership for Mediation and Peace Building in Africa.’’ Community Media for Development and Participation Experiences, Thoughts and Forethoughts.’’ Ibadan: John Archers (Publishers). ISBN 978- 978-52615-0-9. 93-113.

f. Edited Conference Proceedings
+*27. Akintona, E., Odozor, U., Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R., Bodunde, H. & Akeredolu- Ale, B. (2017), “Feminism and the Unity of Opposites: Enhancing Good Leadership and Governance in Nigeria.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance. South-Africa.

+*28. Bodunde, H., A. Akeredolu – Ale, B., Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R.R. and Adebiyi, A. (2017). “Comparative Analysis of Communication Strategies of Two Selected Organisations in Nigeria.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance. South-Africa.

+* Papers in International Journals

+29. Fapojuwo, O. E., Sotiloye, B. S.; Aduradola, R. R. and Akeredolu- Ale, B. I. (2015), ‘‘Using Digital Technologies to Enrich Classroom Interactions in Higher Education: Experimental Observations from FUNAAB.’’ SOLSTICE eLearningConference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices. Held from June 4-5, 2015 at Edge Hill University Ormiskirk, United Kingdom. Pp.1-18.

+30. Akeredolu-Ale, B.; B. Sotiloye; H. Bodunde and Aduradola, R.R. (2014) ‘‘Impact of the Digital Age on the Teaching and Learning of English and Communication Skills (ECS): Exploratory Observations from a Nigerian University.” PIXEL Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. 7th Edition. Held from November, 13-14, 2014 at Florence-Italy. 230- 234.

vi. Technical Report
31. Sokoya, G., Akinyemi, O., Akinwande, S. Aduradola, R.R., Eni-Olorunda,T., Fabusoro, E., Olubiyo, F., Sanni, S., Popoola, M., Ofodile, M., Oluwatoki, B., Oyewunmi, O.O., Adebayo, K., Irekhore, O., and Makanjuola, O. (2015), Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines. A Technical Report Presented to FUNAAB Management by the Gender Policy Drafting Committee April 2015.

i. Aduradola, R.R. and Onifade, C. A (2019). ‘‘Peace through Education: Perspectives of
Gender and Girls ‘Empowerment in Nigeria.’’ A paper presented during the 33rd Triennial Conference and 100th Anniversary of Graduate Woman International. Held at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland from, July 25-28, 2019.

ii. Onifade, C. A. and Aduradola, R. R. (2019). “Curbing Violence against Women through
Lifelong Education. “A paper presented during the 33rd Triennial Conference and 100th Anniversary of Graduate Woman International. Held at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland from July 25-28, 2019.

iii. Aduradola, R. R Invited Discussant (University Representative) to the National
Dialogue on Education held from March 1-2, 2019 at the Penchi Mi Hall, Paradise Suite Hotel. Kololi-The Gambia.

iv. Aduradola, R. R. Invited Participant to Dr. Lenrie Peters’ Symposium. A One Day
Programme organised by the Writers’ Association of the Gambia .Held on Friday May 31, 2019 at the Alliance Franco, Kairaba Avenue, The Gambia.

v. Aduradola, R.R. Invited Speaker (“Releasing Your Creativity”) to the Annual Youth
Conference/ Bantaba organised by Youth with A Mission, The Gambia. GOSPHERE 2018 held from June, 14-16, 2018 at WEC Hall, Kairaba Avenue, The Gambia.

+Paper in International Journal

vi. Aduradola, R. R. (2017). ‘‘Impact of the Digital Age on Teaching and Learning: From Poster to Electronic Technology.’’ A Paper Presented at the Maiden Edition of a Two-Day Workshop Organised for Academic Staff in the College of Agricultural Management andRural Development, FUNAAB (on Using Digital Communication Technologies in Teaching and Learning). Held from October, 11-12, 2017 at the Postgraduate School Auditorium.

vii. Akintona, E., Odozor, U., Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R.R., Bodunde, H. and Akeredolu-
Ale, B. (2017). “Feminism and the Unity of Opposites: Enhancing Good Leadership and Governance in Nigeria.”’5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance held from March, 16-17, 2017 in Johannesburg, South-Africa.

viii. Bodunde, H., Akeredolu- Ale, B., Sotiloye, B., Aduradola, R.R. and Adebiyi, A. A.
(2017), “Comparative Analysis of Communication Strategies of Two Selected Organisations in Nigeria.” 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance. Held from March, 16-17, 2017, Johannesburg. South-Africa.

ix. Akeredolu-Ale B., Sotiloye, B..Fola-Adebayo, T., Aduradola, R.R., Adebiyi, A. Bodunde H., and Owoyemi, B. (2015), “Applications of Web 2.0: Using Forum to Support Academic Literacy in Two Nigerian Universities.” 9th Pan-African Literacy of All &10th RASA National Literacy Conference held from September, 2-5, 2015 in Cape-Town, South-Africa.

x. Aduradola, R.R (2015), “The Use of Visual Media Technology in Higher Education Delivery: Lessons from a Pilot Test.’’ International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning (ICELTAL) held from October, 8-9,2015 in Benson Idahosa University, Edo State.

xi. Fapojuwo, O., Sotiloye, B. S., Aduradola, R. R. and Akeredolu-Ale, B. I. (2015), ‘‘Using Digital Technologies to Enrich Classroom Interactions in Higher Education: Experimental Observations from FUNAAB.’’ SOLSTICE eLearning Conference for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices. June, 1-5, 2015

xii. Aduradola, R. R., and C.A. Onifade (2014), ‘‘The Role of Communication and Culture in the Management of ethno-religious Crisis in Nigeria.’’ SPSP Conference held in Kano.

xiii. Akeredolu-Ale, B.; B. Sotiloye; H. Bodunde and Aduradola, R.R. (2014), ‘‘Impact of the Digital Age on the Teaching and Learning of English and Communication Skills (ECS): Exploratory Observations from a Nigerian University.’’ PIXEL Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. 7th Edition of the Conference heldNovember, 13-14, 2014 at Florence- Italy.

xii. Oyero, O. S., S. Joshua and Aduradola R. R. (2012), ‘‘Radio and Community Partnership forMediation and Peace building in Africa. ’Conference held in honour of Alfred Opubor at University of Ibadan Conference Centre. Ibadan.

xiii. Aduradola, R. R. and M.O.O. Oyatogun (2011), ‘‘Cultural and Ecological Information
Dissemination in Post-colonial Nigeria.’’ Paper presented during the Conference held in
honour of Ulli Beier at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, November,
29-31, 2011.

xiv. Aduradola, R. R. (2004), ‘‘Positive Attitude: A Panacea for effective teaching and learning of English and Communication Skills (ECS).’’Paper presented at the11th Biennial Conference of Modern Languages Association of Nigeria (MLAN), Badagry. April, 20-24, 2004.

Last Updated on February 18, 2020 by FUNAAB


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