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Degree: B. Agric., M. Agric. Ph. D


Tel: +2348023990201, +2348060379600

Department: Animal Production and Health

Academic Rank: Professor

I, Prof. SOGUNLE Olajide Mark graduated from the Department of Animal Production and Health, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in the year 1998 in Second Class upper division. Afterwards, I hold a research Master of Agriculture Degree in Animal Production and Health in the year 2001 and a PhD in Animal Production and Health in year 2007 with option in Non-Ruminant Animal Production from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. In the year 2016, I was fortunate to be among the selected few for the Prestigious C V Raman Fellowship for African Researchers as a Post-Doctoral Fellow tenable at the India Council of Agricultural Research – National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ICAR-NIANP), Bengaluru, India. I have been a faculty member of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta since 2003 and have taught courses relating to the current research quests as an Animal Scientist; production systems. I am a Registered Animal Scientist.

The body of activities and procedures carried out by rural–resource poor livestock farmers in the on-going management of their farms and for which advice may be sought continue to be a major driving force of my research for over a decade. Consequently, my research over the years has been hinged on the following thematic areas:

  1. Evaluation of the nutritional components of underutilized feed resources in Non-Ruminant Production
  2. Value-addition in animal products particularly meat
  3. Hatching eggs and post-hatching performance in cockerel and broiler chickens
  4. Manipulation of the micro-environment/housing systems of poultry production
  5. Forms of feed and feeding strategies on growth performance, carcass traits and villus morphology of poultry, pig and rabbit
  6. In ovo injection of nutrients in broiler and indigenous chickens



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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
