Authors: O A Jaiyeola, K O Ademolu, A A Ogunjinmi, A J Meduna
The Zoologist Vol. 5: 54-59 (2007)
The effect of breeding nest disturbance and hatchability potential of feral helmet guinea-fowl was studied. Ten (10) breeding nests were identified and monitored for number of eggs laid per week for
eight weeks within the Kainji Lake Basin. Eggs were collected as a form of disturbance at different percentages i.e. 0, 50, 60, 80 and 100. The eggs were later incubated and tested for their hatchability. The bird’s egg laying pattern changed drastically in response to egg collection. The trend in nests where 100%, 80% and 60% of their eggs were collected presented sharp decrease in number of egg laid per week immediately after the collection. Incidentally, there was significant difference (P
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