1. 2010 Open Science Meeting of Global Land Project (GLP), held at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 17th– 19th October, 2010.
Paper read: Fabusoro, E., M. Maruyama, A. Braimoh and K. Shoyama (2010): Institutions for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management and Enterprise in Oguni, Kumamoro Prefecture, African.
2. 9th European IFSA Symposium, held in the Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, July 4-7, 2010
Paper read: Fabusoro, E.and Sodya, C. I. (2010): Institutions for collective action among settled Fulani agro-pastoralists in southwest Nigeria.
3. First World Social Science Forum, Bergen, Norway 10 – 12 May, 2009
Paper read:Fabusoro E. (2009): Fulbe Communities in Strange Lands: Institutions for Collective Action for Overcoming Grazing Constraints in Southwest Nigeria
4. Sustainability Science Seminar Series Graduate Program in Sustainability Science (GPSS), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Kashiwa Campus, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Tokyo, 18th March 2009
Paper read:Fabusoro, E.(2009) Culture and Modernisation: Essential Values for Sustainability in Developing Societies, Presentation for;
5. 8th European International Farming System Association (IFSA) Symposium, 6–10 July 2008, Clermont Fd (France)
Paper read:Fabusoro, E.and Adebayo, K. (2008): That extension will not go intoextinction’: experts’ opinion on the public extension service in Nigeria.
6. International Science and Policy Conference, Resilience 2008, held at Congress Venue, Aula Magna, Stockholm University from 14th–17th April, 2008
Paper read:Fabusoro, E.(2008): From One Generation to the Other: Knowledge Transfer System among Fulani Pastoralists in Ogun State, Nigeria and Its Implications for Household Resilience,
7. AEGIS European Conference on African Studies. Theme: “African Alternatives: Initiative and Creativity beyond Current Constraints” 11 – 14 July 2007, African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Paper read: Fabusoro, E.(2007): Key Issues in Livelihoods Security of Migrant Fulani Pastoralists: Empirical Evidence from Southwest Nigeria.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
i. Adebayo, K; Fabusoro, E., Sanni, L.O. and Osuntade, O.B (2010): Potential adoption of the cassava peeling machine in Southwest Nigeria Paper presented at the 15th Triennial symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC)
ii. Eniola Fabusoro and Ibironke Sodiya (2010): ‘Institutions for collective action among settled Fulani agro-pastoralists in southwest Nigeria’. In Ika Darnhofer and Michaela Grötzer (eds), Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty, The Proceedings of the 9th European IFSA Symposium, held in the Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, July 4-7 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9) pp. 165-174.
iii. Eniola Fabusoro and Fu Hoi-Yee (2009): ‘Challenges of climatic change to pastoral system in rainforest zone of Southwest Nigeria’, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 (2009), doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/7/372015;
iv. E. Fabusoro and K. Adebayo (2008): ‘That extension will not go into extinction’: experts’ opinion on the public extension service in Nigeria’. In Dedieu B. and Zasser–Bedoya S. (Eds.). 2008. Proceedings of the 8th European International Farming System Association (IFSA) Symposium, Empowerment of the rural actors: a renewal of farming systems perspectives. 6–10 July 2008, Clermont Fd (France) CD Rom, 867 – 873.
v. Agbontale, A. O., E. Fabusoro, O. A. Ilebani, O. Oso and C. I. Alarima (2008). Agricultural Knowledge Information System in Nigeria: Fluxes, Forces and Flash Flosses, Proceedings of the 13th Annual National Conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, Developing Agricultural Extension Policy for Nigeria, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, 8-11th, 2008
vi. Fabusoro, E. (2003): Socioeconomic Incentives for Private Delivery of Extension Service in Nigeria. In P. A. Okuneye, and K. Adebayo, (eds), Private Sector Participation in Nigerian Agriculture, Refereed Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) held at the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria, December 1st to 4th 2003, pp 95-102
D. Chapters in Texts
i. Grace Sokoya, Eniola Fabusoro, Kemi Irekhore and Tosin Ikudehin (2006): Training Handbook on STIs/HIV/AIDS For peer-to-peer Education, Abeokuta, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, November, 2006
ii. Bola Okuneye, Eniola Fabusoro and Kola Adebayo (2004): “Employment Generation and Farm Settlement Transformation: A Two Pronged Objective Achievable Through Government Agenda for Sustainable Development. In Onigbinde, A. (ed): The New Deal: Agenda for Sustainable Development Frontline Resources Limited, Ibadan, pp101-126
iii. Fabusoro, Eniola (2003): “Agricultural Extension Communication System and its Implications for Small Rice Farmer’s Production In Ogun State”. In Oso, L. (ed.) Communication and Development: A Reader. Abeokuta. Jedidiah Publishers, Abeokuta
E. Technical Reports
i. Report on Property Rights, Access to Natural Resources and Livelihood Security among Settled Fulani Agro-Pastoralists in Southwestern Nigeria to be submitted to International Foundation for Science. June 2006.
ii. Report on the Project on HIV/AIDS Awareness programme and campaigns among staff and students in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, for the United State Embassy, Abuja. April, 2006
iii. Report on the Assessment of Support Services Needs of Identified SMEs clusters in Ogun, Osun, Lagos, Kaduna and Anambra States for the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDAN), Abuja, and United Nations Development Programme, Abuja. May 2006
Unpublished Workshop/Conference Papers Read
i. Fabusoro, E., M. Maruyama, A. Braimoh and K. Shoyama (2010): Institutions for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management and Enterprise in Oguni, Kumamoro Prefecture, Japan. Paper presented at the 2010 Open Science Meeting of Global Land Project (GLP), held at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 17th – 19th October, 2010.
ii. Eniola Fabusoro (2009) Culture and Modernisation: Essential Values for Sustainability in Developing Societies, Presentation for Sustainability Science Seminar Series Graduate Program in Sustainability Science (GPSS), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Kashiwa Campus, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Tokyo, 18th March 2009;
iii. Eniola Fabusoro (2008): Effective Mobilization of Human and Material Resources for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals at the Local Government Level, being Paper delivered at a National Workshop on Food Security and the MDGs: The Place of the Nigerian Local Governments, held at the Cultural Centre, Ibadan, on the 5th of November, 2008.
iv. Fabusoro, E (2008): The forgotten ones, yet the chief cornerstone: Relevance of Fulani pastoralists to Nigeria’s National Food Security Presentation made at an Interactive forum at the International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden, April 18, 2008
v. Fabusoro, Eniola (2008): ‘From One Generation to the Other: Knowledge Transfer System among Fulani Pastoralists in Ogun State, Nigeria and Its Implications for Household Resilience’, Paper Presented at the International Science and Policy Conference, Resilience 2008, held at Congress Venue, Aula Magna, Stockholm University from 14th–17th April, 2008;
vi. Omotayo, A. M. and Fabusoro, E. (2004): Veritable tools for measuring poverty in Nigeria. Paper presented at the Zonal Workshop on “Definition of Poverty in Nigeria”, 8th and 9th December 2004 at the Southwest Resource Centre, Abeokuta.
Conference Presentations
1 Ilebani, O., E. Fabusoro, E. A. Fakoya and P. Abdulsallam-Sagir: Contribution of Organic Agriculture in the Food System of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) in Benue State, Nigeria. Paper presented at the 1st West African Summit on Organic Agriculture, held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, November 17-21, 2008
2 Fabusoro, E (2008): ‘The forgotten ones, yet the chief cornerstone: Relevance of Fulani pastoralists to Nigeria’s National Food Security’ Presentation made at an Interactive forum at the International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden, April 18, 2008
3 Fabusoro, Eniola (2007): Key Issues in the Livelihoods Security of Migrant Fulani Pastoralists: Empirical Evidence from Southwest Nigeri a, Paper for presentation at the forth coming conference of AEGIS European Conference on African Studies. Theme: “African Alternatives: Initiative and Creativity beyond Current Constraints” 11 – 14 July 2007, African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands.
4 Fabusoro, E., Omotayo, A. M. and Taeb, M. (in print): Property Rights and Livelihoods Sustainability in Fulani Agro-Pastoral System in Southwest, Nigeria. Paper presented at an International Conference on a conference on “The Pastoral Food and Product Chain: Strategies, Dynamics, Conflicts and Interventions” at ECOWAS Secretariat Abuja, Nigeria from November 20-24, 2006
5 Omotayo, A. M. and Fabusoro, E. (2004): Veritable tools for measuring poverty in Nigeria. Paper presented at the Zonal Workshop on “Definition of Poverty in Nigeria”, 8th and 9th December 2004 at the Southwest Resource Centre, Abeokuta.
6 Agbonlahor, M.U., Fabusoro, E. and Sodiya, C.I. (2002): Off-farm diverisification strategy for poverty alleviation’ A paper presented at the annual conference of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) held at Abuja, 2002.
7 Fabusoro, Eniola (2008): ‘From One Generation to the Other: Knowledge Transfer System among Fulani Pastoralists in Ogun State, Nigeria and Its Implications for Household Resilience’, Poster Presentation Paper Abstract for poster presentation at the International Science and Policy Conference, Resilience 2008, holding at Congress Venue, Aula Magna, Stockholm University from 14th – 17th April, 2008.