FUNAAB VC, Prof. Oluwafemi Olaiya Balogun addressing members of the University community during the Joint Prayer Session.
The Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Prof. Oluwafemi Olaiya Balogun has declared that the institution, in the last four years and seven months of his administration is “a testimony of God’s answered prayers”.
Prof. Balogun made the declaration at a Joint Prayer Session, heralding the University into the New Year, held at the Julius Okojie Lecture Theatre Complex.
The Vice-Chancellor, who traced the genesis of the annual Joint Prayer Session to January 2008, said God had been faithful to every of his Biblical declarations into the life and operations of the University, such that testimonies of answered prayers usually abound at the end of each year.
Prof. Balogun said, for instance, during the 2010 Joint Prayer Session where he read from 2nd Kings, Chapter 2 Verses 1 to 10, he declared that the University will enjoy double portion in all ramifications.
He said God kept to His word because, thereafter, the University got a N2.4b grant, even though, not all was released by the Federal Government but the University had since recorded an unprecedented harvest of projects.
Announcing God’s divine promise for FUNAAB in 2012, Prof. Balogun declared, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it. I will even make way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43: 9).
He pointed out that since God had promised to do new things, even though his tenure of office remained barely four months, he had taken a cue from God’s promise to work like never before, in the remaining days of his tenure.
He, therefore, enjoined members of staff whom he described as the best in the nation’s Ivory Towers, to bear with him by re-dedicating themselves to work.
According to him, “I want to plead that the last four months and twenty-two days will be as if we have just started. We have been flying all this while, we are about to land now, kindly fasten your seat belts because the pace (speed) of finishing will be so fast-tracked that the enormity of work in the next four months and twenty-two days will even be more than what you witnessed in the last four years and seven months”.
“But as you are working, you won’t work in vain. God will crown your efforts with success. In spite of subsidy you will never lack anything good. God will provide an enabling environment that will make people to wonder why you are so different”, he prayed.
The Vice-Chancellor pointed out that it was imperative for his administration to work harder till its last day, “because we can’t afford to fall beyond our standard. Therefore, kindly endure with us till the end”. At the behest of the Dean of Student Affairs, Prof. Sam Oluwalana, the Vice-Chancellor approved the extension of students’ registration exercise, which had earlier been closed, till when members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) will call-off their nationwide strike.
The Vice-Chancellor also pardoned the President of the Student Union, Mr. Abdulkadir Bamigbade for his alleged misconduct but added that he was not in any position to lift the suspension placed on him because it was strictly an internal affair of the Student Union Executive.
Professor Balogun thanked members of the University community for their co-operation and unflinching support since he has assumed office and “for believing that this is your Jerusalem”.