1. IDOWU A.A (2008): Socio-economic activities and their effects on fish diversity in the lagoon systems of Ogun waterside Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria PhD Thesis, 2008.University of Ibadan
2. IDOWU A.A (1989): Identification of metacercariae cysts found in various organs of Tilapia M.Sc Dissertation, 1989. University of Ibadan
3. IDOWU A.A (1987) The meristic and morphometric characteristics of Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) from the Lagos Lagoon and Marine environment B.Sc. Project, Zoology unit, University of Lagos
Articles in Learned Journals
1. IDOWU, A. A, JENYO-ONI, A and AYOOLA, S. O (2008): Fish resources of lagoon waters of Ogun waterside Local Government Area, Ogun state, Nigeria. Obeche Journal University of Ibadan 26(2) .Pp 15 – 22.[Abstract]
2. AYOOLA, S. O and IDOWU, A. A (2008): Biotechnology and species development in aquaculture. African Journal of Biotechnology.Vol 7(25), pp 4722 – 4725.
3. IDOWU, A. A and AYOOLA, S. O (2008): Fish resources and physico-chemical parameters of lagoon systems in Ogun waterside Local Government Area, Ogun state, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Extension. Vol 7:56 – 62. [Abstract]
4. Ayoola, S. O, IDOWU, A. A and Lawal-Are, A. O (2009): Monoculture of Fresh Water Shrimps (Macobrancium Species). European Journal of Scientific Research. ISSN 1450-216 x vol. 29 No.4. pp. 471 – 480
5. IDOWU, A. A (2010): Effect of some socio-economic activities on fish diversity of Lagoon systems in Ogun waterside local government of Ogun state, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol 4(1):88-99. [Abstract]
Technical Reports/Papers
1. IDOWU, A.A (1994)): Test cropping/harvesting in small scale ponds using simple fishing gears. Contribution to KAKAKI AGBE Newsletter of Ogun state Agricultural Development Programme (OGADEP) pp. 10 – 11.
2. IDOWU, A.A (1998): Establishment and Management of fish pond. Paper presented at two day preseason training for farmers in Ifo Local Government Area. (In press)
3 IDOWU A.A (2006): Fish Farm Management Technique. Paper presented at the training for St Johns Church Fish farmers/Fadama/ Users Group, Ososa, Ogun state, Nigeria. (In press)
4, IDOWU A.A (2008): Fish Feed Production Technique. Paper presented at the training for Vineyard Fish-Farmers/Fadama Users Group, Eriwe, Ijebu-ode, Ogun state, Nigeria. (In press)