UNAAB INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a co-educational secondary school located within the University’s expanse of land on Alabata Road, Abeokuta. It is a full boarding school with well-qualified and experienced teaching staff that stand in loco parentis to the pupils. The school opened with JS1 in September, 2004. When fully developed, the total number of pupils in both junior and senior sections is expected to be 540. The location of the school is serene and conducive to learning. When fully developed the facilities provided on the master plan are sure to further enrich the pupils’ school experience.
The school is a unifying factor for the high and low. Apart from the academic curriculum, a wide range of co-curricular activities are put in place to encourage the development of the pupils’ natural talents and creative abilities. At the end of 6-year sojourn in the school, a total child would have evolved and be fully groomed to stand-out tall among his/her peers in academics, commitments to duty, high moral values and service to the Nation and mankind.