Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Jegede,A.V., O.M. O. Idowu, O. N. Legunsen and O. O. Oduguwa. 2005. Performance blood composition of finishing broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with magnesium and calcium salts. Proc. of 1st Nig. Int. Poultry summit. Feb., 20-25, 2005, Ota Ogun state.
- Idowu, O. M. O., A. M. Bamgbose, A. V. Jegede, A. O. Idowu, R. Sule and Daisy Eruvbetine. 2005. Effect of replacement of cassava peel with cassava root sieviate on performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hens. Proc. of 10th Ann. Conf. Anim Sci. Ass. of Nig., Sept. 12-15, 2005. Univ. of Ado Ekiti. Pp 136-139.
- Fafiolu,A.O.,Jegede,A.V., Oso,A.O.,Idowu O.M.O., Jacobs, S. T. and Baungartner,M.(2007). Effect if dietary carnitine supplementation on performance and nutrient metabolisabilty of starting broiler chickens in diets containing cashew nut reject meal. Proceedings of Annual Spring Meeting of WPSA UK Branch held 3-4 April, 2007 at Royal Clifton Hotel and Theatre and Floral Hall Complex, Southport, Lancashire. Published in British Poultry Abstracts, an official publication of British poultry Science. British Poultry Abstracts 3(1): 37-38 (United Kingdom)
- Jegede, A.V., O.O. Oduguwa, A.O Fafiolu, O.M.O Idowu, R.A Olorunsola and O.O Ibitoye. 2007. Performance Characteristics of Cockerel Chickens Fed Organic and Inorganic Copper Sources. 32nd Ann Conf ., Nig. Soc. For Anim. Prod. (NSAP), March 18-21, 2007, Univ. of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. (Editors: E. A. Agiang, L. N. Agwoobi and O. O. Olawoyin) Pg 201-203.
- Oduguwa, O. O., A. O. Fafiolu, A. V. Jegede and P. B. Akinwale. 2007. The effect of diets containing malted sorghum sprout supplemented with yeast and amyloglucosidae enzyme on blood composition of broiler chickens. Proceedings of Annual Spring Meeting of WPSA UK Branch held 3-4 April, 2007 at Royal Clifton Hotel and Theatre and Floral Hall Complex, Southport, Lancashire. Published in British Poultry Abstracts, an official publication of British poultry Science. British Poultry Abstracts 3 (1) 40-41.(United Kingdom)
- Oduguwa, O. O., A. V. Jegede , A. O. Fafiolu, A. O. Adigun and S. O. Olubowale. Effect of yeast and amyloglucosidase enzyme supplementation on the performance of broiler chicks fed malted sorghum sprout (MSP) based diets. Proceedings of Annual Spring Meeting of WPSA UK Branch held 3-4 April, 2007 at Royal Clifton Hotel and Theatre and Floral Hall Complex, Southport, Lancashire. Published in British Poultry Abstracts, an official publication of British poultry Science. British Poultry Abstracts 3 (1) 41-42 (United Kingdom)
- Jegede, A. V., A. O. Fafiolu, O. S. Akinola, O. A. Oso, E. A. Ayandele and A. S. Osunbuyide. 2008. Performance characteristics of weaner rabbits fed natural and Alkaline fermented Malted Sorghum Sprout (MSP). Proc. of 13h Ann. Conf. Anim Sci. Ass. of Nig., Sept. 15-19, 2008. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Pp 433-435
- Jegede, A. V., A. O. Fafiolu, A. O. Oso and R. A.Sobayo. 2009. Growth Performance, blood characteristics and cholesterol status of growing pullets fed copper salts. Proc. of 14th Ann. Conf. Anim Sci. Ass. of Nig., Sept. 14-17, 2009. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State.
- Fafiolu, A. O., A. V. Jegede, A. O. Oso, O. M. O. Idowu and R. A. Sobayo. 2009. Effect of dietary L-Carnitine supplementation of diets containing cashew nut reject meal by broiler chicken. Proc. of 14th Ann. Conf. Anim Sci. Ass. of Nig., Sept. 14-17, 2009. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State.
- Jegede, A.V, Oso,A.O, Fafiolu,A.O, Sobayo,A.O and Oduguwa,O.O. 2010. Comparative effect of dietary organic and inorganic copper salts on blood and yolk cholesterol and copper residue in yolk of laying chicken. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria. Oct. 18th-22nd, 2010. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State. Pp761-763
- Fafiolu, A. O., Oduguwa, O.O, A. V. Jegede, O.M.O. Idowu, A.O. Oso and R. A. Sobayo. 2010. Improvement in the use of undecorticated sunflower seed meal diets with multi- enzyme mixture by growing pullets. Paper presented at the World Poultry Science Association, United Kingdom Branch held 13rd-14th April 2010 at The Canada Room, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK Pg 42 (BRITIAN)
- Oke, F.O., O.O. Oduguwa, A.O. Fafiolu, A.V. Jegede, O.M.O Idowu, K.H. Sudekum.2010. Effect of yeast and enzyme supplementation on energy metabolisability by broiler chicken fed diets containing malted sorghum sprout and wheat bran. Paper presented at the World Poultry Science Association, United Kingdom Branch held 13rd-14th April 2010 at The Canada Room, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK Pg 40 (BRITIAN)
- C.C.N Ezennabike, O.O.Oduguwa, A.V. Jegede, A.O.Fafiolu, O.M.O Idowu, K.H. Sudekum.2010. Energy metabolisability by broiler chickens fed enzyme supplemented maize-wheat bran based diets. Paper presented at the World Poultry Science Association, United Kingdom Branch held 13rd-14th April 2010 at The Canada Room, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK Pg 45 (BRITIAN)
- * Jamiu-Azeez, S. O., Jegede, A. V., Fafiolu, A. O., Oduguwa, B. O., Oso, A. O., Akinola, O.S., Daramola, J. O., Oduguwa, O. O. Nutrients utilization and haematological parameters of broiler chickens fed diets based on cassava products supplemented with an exogenous enzyme. Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium for International Society for Tropical Root crops held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 23rd- 28th September, 2012. Pp. 351
- *Jamiu-Azeez, S. O., Fafiolu, A. O., Jegede, A. V., Oduguwa, B. O., Akinola, O. S., Daramola, J. O., Oso, A. O., Oduguwa, O. O. Performance and cost evaluation of broilers fed composite feeds containing processed cassava leaf and cassava peels supplemented with xylanase. Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium for International Society for Tropical Root crops held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 23rd- 28th September, 2012. Pp 226
- *Osofowora, A.O., Kareem, S.O., Jegede,. A.V., Oduguwa, O.O., Edema, M.O., Südekum, K-H., Pirgozliev, V. (2012). Chemical evalution of fungi biodegraded products of malted sorghum sprouts using Apsergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and their mixed culture. Proceedings of the Spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association, UK Branch held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK. 23rd – 23th April, 2012. 18
- *Oke, F.O., Oso, A.O., Adeyemi, A.O., Fafiolu, A.O., Jegede, A.V., Oduguwa, O.O. (2012). Response of turkey poults to diets containing malted sorghum sprouts supplemented with enzyme or yeast. Proceedings of the Spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association, UK Branch held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK. 23rd – 23th April, 2012. 19
- *Osofowora, A. O., Kareem, S.O., Jegede, A.V., Edema, M.O., Südekum, K-H., Oduguwa, O.O. (2012). Biodegradation of shrimp waste meal by Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and their mixed culture and chemical composition of the biodegraded products. Proceedings of the Spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association, UK Branch held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK. 23rd – 23th April, 2012. 43
- *Jegede, A., Oke, O., Oso, A., Oduguwa, O., Pirgozliev K.-H. 2013. Energy metabolisability and ileal digesta viscosity of turkeys fed diets containing malted sorghum sprout supplemented with enzyme or yeast. Proceedings of of the 19th symposium on Poultry Nutrition, postdam, Germany, August, 26-29, 2013.
- *Lawal, F.R., Jegede,A.V., Oduguwa,O.O., Bello, k.O., Ajayo, O.I., Adebisi, Y.A., Pirgozliev, K-H and Rose, S.P. 2013. Growth response of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with neem (Azardichrata indica ) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) in feed. British Poultry Abstracts, 9:1 Pp 45-46.
- *Oke, F.O, Oso, A. O., Osofowora, A.O.., Oduguwa, O.O., Jegede, A.V., Fafiolu, A.O., K-H Sudekum. 2014. Energy metabolisability by finishing turkeys fed malted sorghum sprouts supplemented with enzyme or yeast. In Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research work includes paper from the BSAS/EBLEX workshop. Volume 5 part 1, April 2014.
- *Oke, F.O, Fafiolu, A.O., Jegede, A.V., Oduguwa, O.O., Oso, A. O., Osofowora, A.O. K-H Sudekum. 2014. Effect of enzyme and yeast supplementation on energy metabolisability by broiler chickens fed diets containing malted sorghum sprouts and wheat bran. In Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research work includes paper from the BSAS/EBLEX workshop. Volume 5 part 1, April 2014.
*Proceedings marked were added after the last promotion