Authors: O.T. Agbebi , S.O. Olufeagba , G.N.O. Ezeri , S.O. Otubusin and I.T. Omoniyi
Journal of Fisheries International
Twenty specimens of triploid with weight and length ranging from 207-300 g and 29-32 cm, diploid 150-200 g and 23-28 cm Heterobranchus bidorsalis were subjected to morphometric and meristic characterization, length-weight relationship and condition factor
evaluation. Triploid specimens were higher in all the parameters. All morphometric characters were significantly different at p<0.005. In the regression analysis of diploid and triploid, the ranges of condition factor (K) were 0.802-1.453 and 0.838-0.906, respectively while the relative condition factor values (Kn) ranged between 0.869-1.087 and 0.968-1.038, respectively. Weight increases directly as the total length increases for both diploid and triploid indicating isometric growth. The R2 in triploid was higher 96.8% than 42.4% in diploids. In diploid, the length has significant effect on weight at p<0.05 while p<0.01 in triploid.