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“Interlocked grain in Timber” M. Sc. Thesis, University of London (1971).

Books/Chapter In Books
1. Lucas, E.B. 1996.’Forest Industries and Wood Availability’ In: The Role and Practice of Forestry in National Economy, Edited by King, R. F. S. and Iyamabo, D. E. pp 211-224.

2. Lucas, E. B. 1972. ‘Utilisation of Bamboo’. In: The Impact of Forest Resources on the Development of Industries, Edited by Adeyoju, S. K. and Kio, P. R. O. pp. 149-156.

3. Lucas, E. B. and Comben, A. J. 1972. ‘Prefabricated Timber Building Components’. In: The Impact of Forest Resources on the Development of Industries. Edited by Adeyoju, S. K. and Kio, P. R. O. pp 154 – 169.

4. Odeyinde, M. A. and Lucas, E. B. 1975. ‘The Relevance of Wood Preservation for increased Utilisation of “Lesser-Used Timber Species in Nigeria” In: International Union of Forest Research Organisation (IUFRO) Division VS 5.03 Groupe. Protection du Bois edited per le Centre Technique Forestier Tropical pp. 19 – 34.

5. Lucas, E. B.1978. ‘The Forest, a Renewable Source of Energy’. In: Towards a Comprehensive Energy Policy Published by the ‘Think Tank’, Cabinet Office, Lagos. Pp. 351 – 361.

6. Lucas, E. B.1981. ‘ The Use and Potentials of Biomass Energy in Agricultural Operations’. In: Energy Conservation and Renewable Energies in Bio-Industries Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K. pp480 – 494.

7. Enabor, E. E. and Lucas, E. B.1982. ‘Utilisation of Wood Fuel in Nigeria: Economic and Technical Aspects’. In: Industrial Wood Energy Forum 1982 Forest Products Research Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

8. Fuwape, J. A. and Lucas, E. B. 1984. ‘Wood residues as Fuel in Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria’. In: Alternative Energy System: Electrical Integration and Utilisation. Edited by Mike West et al. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U. K. pp. 117 – 125.

9. Dada, S. A. Lucas, E. B. and Olorunniwo, F. O. 1989. ‘A system Approach to Planning and Control of Tree Harvesting Operations in the Tropical High Forests’. In: A systems Approach to Forest Operation Planning and Control. Edited by Pritchad, V. A. Forest Commission Bulletin 82 H.M.S.O., London pp. 147 – 153.

10. Lucas, E. B. 1989. ‘The Health of Forestry Workers’. (Chapter 16). In: The Principles and Practice of Public Health in Africa, 2nd Edition. Edited by Sofoluwe, G. O.; University Press Limited, Ibadan.

11. Lucas, E. B. and Falade, G. K. 1992. ‘Engineering Manpower Development in Nigeria: 1960 – 85’. In, Independent Nigeria: The First 25 years.

12. Lucas, E. B. 1996. ‘Drying of fish/food Crops Using Solar Energy’. UNESCO, Lagos, Nigeria.

13. Lucas, E. B. 1996. ‘Obtaining Better Performance from Wood/Charcoal Stoves’ UNESCO, Lagos, Nigeria.

14. Lucas, E. B.1996. ‘Improving the performance of the Cassava Grater’. UNESCO. Lagos, Nigeria.

15. Lucas, E. B. 1997. ‘The Forest: Our Heritage, Our Future’ University Lecture, University of Ibadan.
Part I:  ‘Wood, The Miracle Resource, Its Nature and Properties’ [5 December 1997].
Part II:‘Wood, The Indispensable Raw Material: Its Processing and Utilisation (12 December, 1997).
Part III: ‘Wood in the 21st Century: Looking Into the Crytal-ball’ [19 December 1997].

16. Lucas, E.B. 2001. ‘Who Owns This University?’ Faculty of Technology Lecture Series No. 1. Vantage Publishers, Ibadan.

17. Lucas, E.B. and Olorunnisola, A.O. (2002). Wood Processing and Ultilisation in Nigeria: The Present Situation and Future Prospects; in; Ajav, E.A., Raji, A.O. and Ewemoje, T.A. eds. Agricultural Engineering in Nigeria: 30 Years of University of Ibadan Experience Published by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Pp. 98 – 109.

18. Lucas, E. B. 2003. ‘JESUS CHRIST the Alpha and Omega and Fifteen other sermons’ Alualemhegbe publishers, Ibadan.

Journal Articles/Other Publications
19. Lucas, E. B. Ajayi, D. O. A. 1966. ‘Stiffness and Specific Gravity related to other Mechanical Properties of Seven Tropical Timbers’. Forest Products Research Report F.P.R.L/1. Department of Forest Research, Ibadan. 12 pages.

20. Lucas, E. B. and Oluyide, A. O. 1966. ‘Wooden Railway Sleepers Survey’. F. P. R. L/13, Ibadan. 26 pages.

21. Lucas, E. B. Giwa, S. A. O., Oni, and Okeke, R. E. 1967. ‘The Properties of Some Savanna Timber Trees’. F.P.R.L/11, Ibadan. 59 pages.

22. Lucas, E. B. and Oni B.O. 1969. ‘Suitability of Mobile Sawmills in the Forest Zones of Nigeria, with particular reference to the Graf Saw’. F.P.R.L/14, Ibadan.24 pages.

23. Lucas, E. B. 1972 ‘Grade Stresses and Grading Rules for Nigerian Timbers for Structural Purposes’. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan. 20 pages.

24. Ikumoguniyi, B. A. and Lucas, E. B 1973. ‘The Uses of Tropical Hardwood in Nigeria’. Special Report No. C.P. 3.3. II-IT8/73 Report of the International Conference on Properties, Uses and Marketing of Tropical Timbers’ West Berlin, June 25to July 7, 1973.

25. Lucas, E. B 1974. ‘Some Secondary Forest Industries’. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan.4pp.

26. Lucas, E. B. and Ademiluyi, E. O. 1974. ‘The Role of Timber in Road Development in Nigeria’. Proc. 4th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria.

27. Lucas, E. B1975. ‘Grade Stresses and Classifications for Twenty Nigerian Timbers’. Bull Sci. Association Nigeria Vol. 2. pp. 142 – 143.

28. Lucas, E. B 1975. ‘Wasted Trees Products in Nigeria. Part I. Their causes extent and characteristics. Nigerian Journal of Forestry. Vol. 5, No. 1 and 2, pp. 24 – 30.

29. Lucas, E. B and A. J. Comben 1975. ‘The Design and Manufacture of a Sixty Foot Span Nailed I-beam with Diagonal-boarded Webs’ Nigerian Journal of Forestry. Vol. 6, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 51 – 58.

30. Lucas, E. B. 1975. ‘ Some Recent Technological Advances in wood utilisation and their Relevance to Nigeria’s Industrial Growth’. Proc. 6th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria. 24 pp.

31. Lucas, E. B. 1976. ‘The problems of Lesser Used Timber Species in Nigeria and Methods Used in Tackling Them’. F. A. O. Doc. FO FDT/76/11. Voluntary background paper to the International Conference on Forest Development into the Tropics.

32. Lucas, E.B. 1976 ‘Wasted tree products in Nigeria Part II: Their Potential as Industrial raw material’. Nigerian Journal of Forestry Vol. 6 (1) pp. 13 – 17.

33. Lucas, E. B. 1977. ‘Modern Trends in Technology of Wood Processing’. Proc. Conference on the Role of Technology in Nigeria’s Industrial Development Ibadan, 12pp.

34. Chow, Poo, and Lucas, E. B. 1977. ‘Tropical Wood Utilisation in Nigeria’. Forest Products Journal Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 7 – 9.

35. Lucas, E. B. 1977. ‘Mechanical Force as Agency of Wood Deterioration’. Proc. International Workshop on Wood Preservation. Forest Research Institute of Nigeria, Nigeria. Pp. 18 – 26.

36. Lucas E. B. 1977. ‘Medium duration test in compression parallel to grain on some specimens of Nigerian grown Afara (Terminalia Superba)’ Proc. 7th Annual Conference of the Forest Association of Nigeria.

37. Lucas, E. B. ‘The Role of wood as a Constructional Material for Farm Structures’. Proc. Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers. Vol. 2 Edited by I.O. Duru. Pp 183 – 185.

38. Lucas, E. B. 1979. ‘The Efficient Use of Wood as a Energy Source for Domestic Purposes’ Proc. Forestry Association of Nigeria. Ibadan.

39. Lucas, E. B. and S. A. Dada 1980. ‘Bacita Mill Residues: A Potential Source of raw Material for Particle board Manufacture and other industrial uses. Proc. Symposium on the Sugarcane Industry in Nigeria University of Ilorin, 24- 15 June, 1980. Edited by M. O. Fawole pp. 147 – 160.

40. Lucas, E. B. and D. Tserga 1980. ‘The Design of a Twenty Cubic Meter Capacity Portable Charcoal Kiln’. Proc. 10th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria November, 23 – 28, 1980.

41. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘The Heating Values of some Wood-Based Fuels commonly used as a Domestic Energy Sources’. Nigerian Journal of Science Vol. 19, Nos. 1 and 2 pp. 79 – 85.

42. Lucas, E. B. 1981. ‘The Design of a Quality Control System Applicable to Tropical Hardwood Lumbers’. The Nigerian Journal of Forestry, January and July, Vol. 9, Nos. 1 and 2. pp. 35 – 43.

43. Lucas, E. B. 1981. ‘A Study of the factors Preventing Wider Commercialization of Several of the Available Tree Species in Nigeria’. Proc. Of the Forest Products Research Society Conference, New Orleans. U. S. June 21 – 25, 1982.

44. Lucas, E. B. 1981. ‘The Properties of Tropical Timbers in Relation to their Utilisation’. Proc. Of the Forest Association of Nigeria, Conference, Akure.

45. Fajimi, M. A. and E. B. Lucas 1981. ‘The Pattern of occurrence and causes of Wood Deterioration in enclosed spaces in Ibadan’. Proc. Of the Forestry Association of Nigeria Conference, Akure. 8 pp.

46. Lucas, E. B. and Alade G. A. 1982. ‘Timber Connectors: A major Contributor to Structural Failure in wooden Components in Nigeria’. F.P.R.S. Conference, New Orleans, U. S. A.

47. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘A theoretical evaluation of the effect of interlocked grain in Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa) on its compression Strength’ Nigeria Journal of Forestry Vol. 15, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 23 – 34.

48. Lucas, E. B. 1983. ‘Modern Concepts of Wood Processing and Utilisation’. Forestry Association of Nigeria. Benin, November, 1983.

49. Lucas, E. B. 1983. ‘Factors preventing wider commercialization of Nigerian Trees’. Forest Products Journal Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 64 – 68.

50. Lucas, E. B. and Fuwape, J. A. 1984. ‘Burning and related characteristics of forty-two Nigeria Fuelwood trees species’. The Nigerian Journal of Forestry Vol. 14, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 45 – 52.

51. Lucas E. B. 1984.’A Treeless Age Approaches Fast, it’s a Lifeless Era as Long as it Lasts’ An Inaugural lecture from the Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan.

52. Lucas E. B. 1985. ‘The Heating Values of some Wood-based Fuels Commonly Used as Domestic Energy-Sources’. The Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 45 – 52.

53. Lucas E. B. 1985. ‘Improving Lumber Recovery from Live-sawn Logs in the Nigerian Sawmill Situation Using a Computer Program’. Nigerian Journal of Forestry. Vol. 12, No. IN 27 – 39.

54 Lucas, E. B 1985. A proposed Methodology for Estimating Technical Efficiency Applicable to Nigerian Sawmills’ Forestry Department of Forestry, Benin, 14 pp.

55. Chow, Poo and Lucas, E.E. 1985.’Fuel Characteristics and Chemical Properties of Selected four year old Tropical Tree Species’. Special Document E-11. 3.I.B. World Forestry Congress Proc. Mexico D. F. / July 1010. 1985.

56. Lucas, E. B. 1986. ‘The Status of Research and Development in the derivation and use of Energy from Biomass’ Faculty of Technology Seminar Series, U. I.

57. Lucas, E. B. and Onilude, M. A. 1986. ‘Wooden Bridges and their potentials in Agricultural Infrastructure in Nigeria’. FACU National Engineering Conference, Ibadan 8 – 10/4/86 (Federal Agricultural Co-ordinating Unit, Ibadan).

58. Lucas, E. B. and Fuwape J. Adeola 1985. ‘Combustion-related and some other characteristics of six Nigerian Plant Species concerning their suitability as domestic fuel’. Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy. No. 2. pp. 89 – 97.

59. Lucas, E. B. 1986. ‘The role of Technology Training of Technologists in the Strategies for Health for All 2000’ Invited paper, ‘National Workshop on the role of Nigeria Universities in the strategies for Health for all by the year 2000’ WHO sponsored, University of Ibadan, 20 – 23/4/86.

60. Dada, S. A., Olorunniwo F. O. and E. B. Lucas 1978. ‘An Optimal tree Harvesting Schedule Applicable to a Mixed Tropical High Forest’. Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Industrial Engineers. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 63 – 77.

61. Lucas, E. B. and Njie, D. N. 1986. ‘The Potentials of Biomass as Energy Source in Agricultural Operations in Nigeria Transactions’ 10th Annual Conference, Nigeria Society of Agricultural Engineers, Sept. 1- 6, 1981, University of Ife.

62. Lucas, E. B. et al. ‘Nigerian Timbers for Match making’F.P.R.L./5 Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan.

63. Lucas, E. B. 1966. ‘Present situation of production trade. Consumption and demand of wood based panels in Nigeria’. Report to the United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organisation Committee on Wood-based Panel Products. F. A. O. Rome 3pp.

64. Lucas, E. B. 1966. ‘Report on the first session of the F. A. O. Committee on Wood-based Panels’ Federal Department of Forest Research. 26 pp.

65. Lucas, E. B. 1967. ‘The availability of ‘Lesser-known’ Nigerian timber species for plywood mills in Europe’ The International Conference on Tropical Timber Trade, Trieste; Italy. 7pages.

66. Lucas, E. B. et al., 1967. ‘Technical Report on the inspection of wood in the structures in the new Army Barracks in Benin’ by Lucas, Odiakosa, Chamas,Taylor, IKumogunniyi and Oluyide’. Federal Department of Forest Research, Ibadan., 7pp.

67. Lucas, E. B.1968. ‘Report on the second session of the F.A.O. Committee on Wood-based Panels’. Federal Department of Forest Research, 2 pp.

68. Lucas, E. B. 1972. ‘Grading Rules for logs and lumber’. Technical Document to the Nigerian Standard Organisation Committee on drafting of standard for log/lumber Grading. 31 pp.

69. Lucas, E. B.1973. ‘Prospects for wood Lamination Industry in Nigeria’. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan. 8 pp

70. Lucas, E. B. 1973. ‘Wood Structures and how they Fit into the Environment in Ibadan’ Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan. 11pp.

71. Lucas, E. B. 1973. ‘Non-pressure methods of wood preservation’ Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan, 12 pp.

72. Lucas, E. B. 1973. ‘Design and Construction Details on the Wood Structures Exhibited for the Nairobi Exhibition on the Environment’. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan, 13 pp.

73. Lucas, E. B. & Okon, E. U. 1973. ‘Forest Industries to Agro-Allied Research’. Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. 7 pp.

74. Lucas, E. B. 1974. ‘Wood Processing in Itu and Awi, south-Eastern State of Nigeria. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan, 9pp.

75. Lucas, E.B. 1974. ‘Comments and Suggestions on the Sawmills at Itu and the Proposed Mills in South-Eastern State of Nigeria’. Forest Products Research Laboratory, Ibadan. 4pp.

76. Lucas, E. B. 1978. ‘Planning and Implementing National Certification for Craft Level Technical Education I Nigeria’. Seminar on the Development of Technical Education in Nigeria. West African Examination Council (WAEC), 11pp.

77. Lucas, E. B. 1984. ‘Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Application of Ergonomic Principles in Nigeria’. Paper to the 2nd Training Session of P.E.T. Wagenigen, 7 pp.

78. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘An assessment of some indigenous Technology in Nigeria and their contributions to Development’ Institute of African Studies Seminar Series. Wednesday 29 May, 1985. 22pp. University of Ibadan. 22 pages.

79. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘Concepts of Technology and Technical Education’. University of Ibadan, Faculty of Education on the NBTE Staff Development Programme Seminar on Management of Technical and Vocational Education. August 1985. 14 pp.

80. Lucas, E. B.1985. ‘Aims and Philosophy of Technical Education’. University of Ibadan Faculty of Education/NBTE Staff Development Programme Seminar on Management of Technical and Vocational Education. August 1985. 9 pp.

81. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘Appropriate Technology as an instrument of Nigeria’s Industrial development’. Nigerian Society of Engineers Symposium on Nigeria and I.M.F. Ibadan. 22/10/85.

82. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘Agricultural Development in Nigeria and the Nigerian Universities: The Beginning of Local Technology’. Paper to 3-day business investment Seminar, Ibadan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; on the theme: AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES FOR DEVELOPMENT. 29/10/85.

83. Lucas, E. B. 1985. ‘Production and Uses of Biogas as a Domestic Fuel in a Rural Community’. 14/2/85 Rotary Club, Ibadan, Public Forum.

84. Lucas, E. B. 1986. ‘The Status of Research and Development in the Derivation and Use of Energy from Biomass’. Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, March 20th 1981.

85. Lucas, E. B. 1987. ‘Sociology and Cultural Problems of Opening up the Rural Area’. Commissioned paper, seminar on integrated rural development strategies in Lagos State. 12 pp. Badagry. May 6 – 8, 1987.

86. Lucas, E. B. 1987. ‘Research and Development trends in Biomass Energy’. Seminar series Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Environmental Science, Lagos State University, OJO, April 28, 1987. 24 pages

87. Odeyinde, M. A., E. B. Lucas, Eyenike, J.O. and Akanni, S. 1987. ‘Decay Process in Tropical hardwood Window Frames in Nigeria’ Document No. IRG/WP/2294 Fundamental of Testing; International Research Group on Wood Preservation. IRG Secretariat, Stockholm Sweden. Pp. 1- 14.

88. Lucas, E. B. and Ogedengbe, K. 1988. ‘Shrinkage Characteristics of Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Shrad). Nigerian Jounal of Forestry Vol. 17, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 7 – 11.

89. Lucas, E. B. 1988. ‘Agro-based industries in Nigeria, Current status and Future Potentials’. Lead paper to the Industrialisation Sub-Theme of the First national congress of Science and Technology, Ibadan. August 14 – 20, 1988, University of Ibadan.

90. Lucas, E. B. 1988. ‘The Role of Engineers in the Development of Veterinary Medical Practice in Nigeria’. Vet. Surgeon Vol. XIII, pp. 8 – 10.

91. Chow, Poo and Lucas, E. B. 1988. ‘Fuel Characteristics of selected Four Year Old Trees in Nigeria’. Wood and Timber Science. Vol. 20.

92. Lucas, E. B. 1989. ‘Basic Issues in Standardization with Special Emphasis on Agricultural Mechanization Colloquium, Ilorin on Standardization of Agricultural Machinery in Nigeria’, Ilorin, March 29 – 31, 1989.

93. Lucas, E. B.Itodo, I. N., Fatupe, O. P. and Aremu, A. K. 1991. ‘Renewable Energy Options Applicable to rural Developments especially Water Resources Development’. Proceedings of the Seminar on Water Corporation, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

94. Itodo I. N, E.B Lucas and E.I Kucha 1992, The Effect of Media material and its quantity on biogas yield. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy 3(1and 2); 45-49.

95. Lucas, E. B. 1993. ‘Nigeria Women and Technological Development’. Proc. Conference of the Association of Professional Women Engineers, Abuja.

96. Mohammed, Babagana and Lucas, E. B. 1994. ‘Traditional Storage Structure for Food Crops in North-Eastern Nigeria’. First International Conference on Research for Development in the Arid zone of Nigeria, Maiduguri, 19 – 25 June, 1994.

97. Lucas, E. B. 1994. ‘Patents: Their Potentials for the Development of Agricultural Industry in Nigeria’. Proc. National Workshop on the Commercialization of Agricultural machinery Production in Nigeria National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization, Ilorin, October 10 – 13, 1994.

98. Lucas, E. B. and Bamgboye, A. I. 1995. ‘The Distribution of Water Hyacinth in Nigeria’s Coastal Waters’ Proc. Nigeria Society of Agricultural Engineers’ Annual Conference, Akure.

99. Lucas, E. B. and Mijinyawa, Y. 1996. ‘The Design, Construction and Testing of Wooden Silo for Grain Storage’. N.S.E. Technical Transaction 31 (1): 76 – 84.

100. Lucas, E. B. 1996. ‘Wood in Service to Agriculture’. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agricultural Mecahnisation Practices, Edited by Ajibola, O. O. et al. National Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation NCAM, Ilorin, November 26 – 28, 1996, pp. 157 – 180.

101. Lucas, E. B. and Bamgboye, A. I. 1995. The Management of Water Hyacinth in Nigeria’ ‘Proceedings, 22nd Annual Conference of the Weed Society of Nigeria, Ibadan.

102. Fapetu, O. P and Lucas, E.B 1996, Effects of Temperature on product yield potentials during the pyrolysis of some tropical biomass. Research and Technical Journal 5( 1) 49-63

103. Itodo I. N, E.B Lucas and E.I Kucha 1997, The Effect of using Solar Energy on the thermophilic Digestion of poultry waste. Journal of Engineering for International Development. 3 (1); 15-21

104. Itodo I. N, E.B Lucas and E.I Kucha 1997, The suitability of Obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon) as media material in the Thermophilic Digestion of poultry waste. Journal of Engineering for International Development. 3 (1); 30-36.

105. Itodo, I.N and E.B Lucas 1997, Anaerobic Digestion of High Solids Poultry Waste Slurry in a Digester containing fixed and Suspended Media Material. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy 5 (1and 2) 64-66.

106. Lucas, E. B. and Mijinyawa, Y. 1997. ‘ Comparative Studies of Temperature Fluctuation Within Wooden and Steel Silos in Ibadan’ N.S.E. Technical Transactions 32(4): 8 – 12.

107. Lucas, E.B. and Bamgboye, A.I. 1998. ‘Anaerobic Digestion of Chopped Water Hycinth’. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy 6(1):62 – 66.

108. Olorunnisola, A.O., Lucas, E.B, and Oluleye, A.E. 1998 ‘A Production Planning Simulation Model Applicable to Small-Scale Sawmilling Industry in Nigeria, Productivity and Sustainable National Development Conference Proceeding by the Nigerian Institute of Industrial Engineers, Ibadan. Pp. 195 – 209.

109. Tangka, J. K, Aboaba, F. O and E.B Lucas 1998, Thermal Energy Requirements for the Extraction of leaf protein concentrate from the leaves of selected plant species. Journal of the Cameroon Society of Engineers 7; 23-27

110. Lucas, E.B. 1999. ‘The Trees and Wood Species Mentioned in the Bible; Their Features and Significance’ Dip. Th. Project Report, Immanuel College of Theology, Samonda, Ibadan. Pp. 79.

111. Olorunnisola A.O, and Lucas E.B 2005. Sustainability of Forest Industries in Nigeria: A Case Study of Ebute Metta Sawmills, Lagos State. Proceedings Annual Conference Forestry Association of Nigeria, Kaduna, Vol. 30: 304-312.

112. Lucas, E.B. and Bamgboye, A.I. 1999 ‘Anaerobic Digestion of Balanced Water Hyacinth’ Nigerian Journal of Tropical Engineering 01, pp 11 – 15.

113. Lucas, E.B. 1999 ‘The Health of Safety of Worker in Civil Engineering, Woodworking and Construction Industries’ Proceeding, 2nd National Industrial Relations Seminars for Members and Leaders of the National Union of Civil Engineering, Construction Furniture and Woodworker, held in the University of Ibadan.Pp. 1 – 9.

114. Lucas, E.B. and Bamgboye, A.I. 2001. Pre-treatment of Water Hyacinth to Accelerate its Biodigestive into Biogas’ Journal of Applied Science and Technology 1(1):43 – 49.

115. Lucas, E.B. and Akinoso, R. 2001. A’ Solar Device for Crop Drying and Cooling’. Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineering Proceedings. Pp. 395 – 402.

116. Lucas, E.D. and Alabadan, B.A. (2002). ‘Simulation of Temperature Changes During Maize Storage in a Hexagonal Bin Subjected to Varying Weather Conditions’. Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, No. 1.Pp. 26-32.

117. Lucas, E.B. and Olayanju, T.M.A., 2003: Effect of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of Two Beniseed (Sesamum indicum L.) Accessions. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 3 (1): 7 – 12. Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

118. Olayanju, T.M.A. and Lucas, E.B., 2004: Mechanical Behaviour of Two Beniseed (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivars under Compression Loading. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 41 (6): 686 – 689. Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (AFSTI – India)

119. Lucas, E., Olorunnsola, A., and Adewole, N. 2006. Preliminary Evaluation of Guava Psidium guajava L.) Tre Branches for Truss Fabrication in Nigeria. Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR E-journal manuscript No. BC 05010Vol. 8, 10pp. (USA).

120. Lucas, E. B. and Dahunsi, B. I. O. 2004, Characteristics of Three Western Nigerian Rattan Species in Relation to their Utilization as Construction Material. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan. Vol. 3 No 1, 45 – 56. Accepted for publication December, 2003.

121. Lucas, E. B. and Dahunsi, B. I. O. 2004: Short and Medium Duration Tests on Rattan Cane-Reinforced Concrete Slabs. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol. 2 No 1 21-29. Accepted for publication December, 2003

122. Lucas, E. B. and Dahunsi, B. I. O. 2004: Bond Strength in Concrete of Canes from Three Rattan Species. Journal of Applied Science and Technology. Vol 4 No 1 pp. 1-5. Accepted for publication February, 2004

123. Lucas, E. B. and Dahunsi, B. I. O. 2004. Harvesting, Processing and Utilization of Rattan Canes in Western Nigeria. South African Journal of Forestry, No 202, November, 2004. J. Bamboo and Rattan

124. Mijinyawa, Y. Lucas, E. B. and F. O. Adegunloye. (2007). Termite Mound Clay as Material for Grain Silo Construction. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript BC 07 002 Vol. IX. July, 2007.

125. Mijinyawa, Y, Lucas E.B, and F. O. Adegunloye. (2007). Temperature Fluctuations within and Outside a Silo with Termite Mound Clay as Construction Material. Advances in Agricultural Engineering. 1(4): 19 – 25.

126. B. S. Ogunsina and E.B. Lucas. (2008) Development of a Manually Operated Cashew juice extractor. Agricultural Engineeering International: The CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript FP 07 037. Vol.X.


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