Authors: Adio, Akinwale Taofiki; Adebayo, Adekoya Felix; Oluwafemi, Ooju Emmanuel
Computer Technology and Application 2 (2011) 730-735
The purpose of this paper is to design and implement a secure open database system for organizations that are increasingly opened up their information for easy access by different users. The work proposed some functionalities such as open password entry with active boxes, combined encryption methods and agent that can be incorporated into an open database system. It designed and implemented an algorithm that would not allow users to have free access into open database system. A user entering his password only needs to carefully study the sequence of codes and active boxes that describe his password and then enter these codes in place of his active boxes. The approach does not require the input code to be hidden from anyone or converted to place holder characters for security reasons. Integrating this scheme into an open database system is viable in practice in term of easy use and will improve security level of information.