a. Okunlola, O.T,(2004) .Topographical Survey of Part of Middle-Belt, The Polytechnic Ibadan ;National Diploma Project Submitted to the Department of surveying and Geoinformatics, The Polytechnic Ibadan (Unpublished).
b. Okunlola,O.T,(2007) .Database Creation For Electricity Distribution of Iyaji Lay-out, Oyo ; Higher National Diploma Project Submitted to the Department of surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal School of Surveying Oyo(Unpublished).
c. Okunlola,O.T,(2009).Application of Geographic Information System in Property Management “A case study of Federal Low Cost Housing Estate, Ofa-Meta Oyo; Professional Diploma Project Submitted to the Department of surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal School of Surveying Oyo (Unpublished).