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*+1. Oladoye A.O, Ola-Adams B.A., Adedire M.O., and Agboola D.A.(2008)  Nutrient dynamics and Litter decomposition in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit Plantation in the Nigerian derived savanna. West African Journal of Applied Ecology 13: 131-141.


*2 Adekunle, M.F.; Oladoye A.O. and Bamimore O.A. (2009) Appropriate Valuation: A Panacea for Sustainable Management of Forest Resources. Forests and Forest Products Journal  2: 1-10.


*+3.Adedokun, M.O., Oladoye A.O., Oluwalana, S.A and Mendie I.I. (2010) Socio-Economic Importance And Utilization Of Spondias mombin In Abeokuta, Nigeria. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 3: 169-172.  .




*+4. Oladoye A.O, Ola-Adams B.A.,and Adedire M.O. (2010). Litter dynamics Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de wit plantation in the Nigeria derived savanna. ARPN Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 5(2):31-38


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*5. Adesegun, D.A, Oladoye, A.O, Ola-Adams, B.A, and Agboola D.  A (2010). :Effects of Spacing on Litterfall and Nutrient content of Litterfall in Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F.) in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Obeche Journal 28(2):82-87. Publisher: Scientific journal of the tree club, Department of Forest resources, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


*6..Adedokun, M.O., Oladoye A.O., Olawumi, A.T. and Laminou, K. I. (2010) Economic Contribution ofMoringa oleifera (Lam) Plantation to Rural Livelihoods in Maradi Local GovernmentArea of Niger Republic. Obeche Journal 28 (2): 142-146. Publisher: Scientific journal of the tree club, Department of Forest resources, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

7. Oyelowo O.J, Chima, D.U. and Oladoye A.O. (2010) An Assessment of TheManagement of Osun Osogbo World Heritage Site. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Social Sciences. Volume 8(1)


8. Oladoye A.O., Aduradola A.M, Bada B.S. and Kudaisi, B.O.(2011). Light Fraction of Soil Organic Matter Under Different Management Systems In Abeokuta, a Derived Savanna, Nigeria. . Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Social Sciences. Volume 9(1)






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