Research Interest:
Major research interests are endocrine, paracrine and autocrine control of reproduction in farm animals, embryo physiology, adaptation physiology, incubation biology, developmental biology and gene expression profiling using molecular biology and proteomic methods. Additional interests are in the field of nutrition-reproduction interaction in farm animals.
Research Grants
1) Agric and Food Research Council, UK. (BBSRC) 1992-1995; £72,000 (joint award with Dr MJ Peddie, Southampton University, to study the functions in the gonads of the domestic fowl)of growth factors IGF-I, EGF, TGF
2) British Council, Paris, 1990-1993; £12,000 including travels (joint award with Dr M.J. Peddie, University of Southampton and Dr John Williams of INRA, Nouzilly,France)
3) Wellcome Trust, UK; £140,000 – 1993-1996, (joint award with Dr MJ Peddie, University of Southampton, to study the expression and activation of epidermal growth factor receptors in the developing ovary of the domestic fowl)
4) J. Reprod Fert Ltd, UK; £57,500 –1991-1992, (To study the gene expression and functions of epidermal growth factors in the ovary of the domestic fowl)
5) Katholeic University Research Fellowship Grant (Onderzoeksfonds), 1,840,000 BEF –1996-1998, (joint award with Professor Decuypere, KU, to study effect of nutrition on the gene expression and functioning of the IGF system in the ovary of layer chickens)
6) Ministry of Agriculture, Belgium, 4,650,000 BEF –1997-1999, (joint award with Professor Decuypere, KU, to study the effect of growth factors and leptin on feed intake and reproduction in broiler breeder chickens).
7) Ministry of Agric. Food and Fissheries, UK, £190, 000 –1999-2001; (joint award with Professor W Haresign) to develop appropriate minimally invasive techniques for multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in hill ewes that are maintained in harsh environments.
8) European Community research grant (with 3 other partners in the UK {Roslin Inst}, Belgium {KUL} and France {INRA}), 450,000 Euros- 2001-2004; to study the paradoxical effects of selection for increased body weight on the depression of reproduction in broiler breeder chicken.
9) IWT/SBO Project (funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Belgium/Industrial User Group): Euros 231,851 joint award with Professors Decuypere and Buyse: 2005 – 2009). Impact of Arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on Man and animals as prebiotics.
10) VLIR, Belgium -University Development Cooperation for Developing Countries. (Cooperation project with University of Lome, Togo). Joint project with Professor Gbeassor (Togo), Dr Tona (Togo), Prof Decuypere (Belgium), Prof Buyse (Belgium). Euros 310,000: 2006 – 2008). Improvement of poultry production through adapted incubation and rearing management in sub-Saharan Africa.
11) RESDEC UNAAB (Nigeria) Research Grant: Joint award with three other co-applicants. Comparative evaluation of the Physicochemical and biological effects of snail mucin and hemolymph. Value of grant: N450,000 for 2years (2009 – 2011).