The West African region is attributable to adverse climate conditions like low rainfall, frequent droughts, deforestation and environmental degradation due to population growth and civil strife. Livestock sector is one of the potential areas to accelerate agricultural growth. A systematic approach and methodology to climate change effects in the region is to promote training in sustainable livestock production through demand driven and globally competitive research and development. The curricula are designed for teaching and to promote collaborative and sustainable research with relevance to the region, livestock industry, relevant organizations and agencies. The proposed option has a total of 35 unit courses including 10 units of Centre courses, 16 units of compulsory option courses and 4 units of elective option courses. Research projects thesis and internship reports carry 4 and 1 units respectively.
APL 701 Biostatistics ( 3 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 702 Tropical Livestock Feed Resource and Commercial Feed Milling (3 Units, 2nd Semester)
APL 703 Livestock Farming Systems and Research (3 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 704 Pastures in Farming Systems (3 Units, 2nd Semester)
APL 705 Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals ( 3 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 706 Biotechnology ( 2 Units, 2nd Semester
APL 798 Internships, Seminars and Reports ( 1 Units)
APL 799 Research Projects Seminars and Dissertations (4 Units)
Electives (minimum of 2 courses of 2 units each to be selected)
APL 707 Quantitative Genetics ( 2 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 708 Poultry Nutrition ( 2 Units, 2nd Semester)
APL 709 Small Ruminant Nutrition ( 2 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 710 Sheep and Goat Production Enterprises ( 2 units, 2nd Semester)
APL 711 Commercial Poultry Production ( 2 Units, 1st Semester)
APL 712 Animal Behaviour ( 2 Units, 2nd Semester)
Students can take more electives to gain knowledge and experience in their areas of interest
Total Option Units = 25 Units
APL 701 Biostatistics ( 3 Units)
Planning of experiments. Ways of increasing accuracy of experiments. Regression and correlation. Mixed models, completely randomized designs, randomized complete block, latin squares, factorial experiments, confounding variables, split plots designs. Lattice designs, lattice squares, missing data, analysis of results of a series of experiments. Analysis of data arising from animal production/breeding. Use of package programmes for analysis of data arising from animal experimentation.
APL 702 Tropical Livestock Feed Resource and Commercial Feed Milling (3 Units)
Conventional, alternative and new feed resources. Tropical feedstuffs type, availability and extent of utilization, feed microscopy, and feedstuff standardisation and quality assessment. Feedmill operation and design. General aspects of livestock feed formulation for various classes of livestock. Computer in feed formulation and least cost diets. Recycling of waste and their nutritional potentials.
Seminars: Two topics per student
Practicals: Feedmill operations
APL 703 Livestock Farming Systems and Research (3 Units)
Types and characteristics of livestock farming/production systems with special emphasis on West African concept, methodology and applicability of livestock farming systems. Research in small holder systems in Africa with emphasis on African livestock extension services.
APL 704 Pastures in Farming Systems (3 Units)
Definitions of farming systems. Roles of legumes in crop-livestock systems. Integration of pastures in plantation and annual crops intensive feed garden fodder bank. Enhancing dry season feeding in farming systems. Fast growing nitrogen fixing trees and browse plants. Pastures and animal production systems.
APL 705 Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals (3 Units)
Climate and livestock production. Influence of climatic factors on animal productivity. Acclimatization and adaptation. Physiological basis of adaptation, heat stress, physiological responses to heat stress; determination of heat stress index; modification of the microclimate to enhance animal productivity; management of exotic breeds in tropical environment.
Seminar: Four topics per student.
APL 706 Advanced Biotechnology ( 3 Units)
Animal cell and tissue culture, maturation of oocytes, in vitro oocytes fusion, cloning, species hybridization, inter-species embryo transfer and artificial insemination, DNA sequences, blood group analysis and genetic polymorphism, electrophoretic techniques, genes and genetic markers. Linkage mapping by recombination. Mapping and map distances, chi-square test, mitotic segregation and recombination, analysis of single meiosis, sex chromosomes and sex linkages. Extensive practical sessions on relevant sections to be carried out.
APL 798 Internships, Seminars and Reports (1 Units)
APL 799 Research Projects and Dissertations (4 Units)
APL 707 Quantitative Genetics (2 Units)
Genetics and phenotype variations. Genetic basis of qualitative traits, heritability and repeatability, correlation among traits. Selection in long and short term. Cross breeding and selection for crossing ability. Inbreeding depression and heterosis, genetic conservation.
APL 708 Poultry Nutrition (2 Units)
Feed resources and nutrient quality of ingredients for poultry feeding standards/NRC requirement vs requirements in tropics for all classes of and/specie of poultry. Methods for metabolic studies and determination of protein utilization and quality of proteins utilized by poultry. Importance of vitamins and minerals for poultry and associated deficiency symptoms.
APL 709 Small Ruminant Nutrition (2 Units)
Feeding habits of small ruminants. Conventional and non-conventional feed resources for sheep and goats. Feed conservation and improvement techniques. Nutrient requirements of sheep and goats for various productive purposes. Feed production for small-holder small ruminant feeding in crop-livestock integrations. Recent advances in sheep and goat nutrition.
APL 710 Sheep and Goat Production Enterprises (2 units)
Some considerations in raising sheep and goats. Breeds of sheep and goats. Production records. Determining the age of sheep and goats. Housing and equipment, fences, plans etc. sheep and goat feeding. Functions of vitamins and minerals. Feeding the dry and lactating ewe/doe. Management practices. Managing the kids/lambs, doe/ewe, tethering, dehorning, hoof trimming, castration. Identification practices. Goat/sheep disease: internal parasites, brucellosis, mastitis, footrot, mange, bloat, poisonous plants etc.
APL 711 Commercial Poultry Production (2 Units)
Management of different classes of birds from day-old to maturity. Poultry feed formulation and feed milling business. Routine poultry farm operations. Hatchery operations. By-products utilization. Processing and packaging of poultry meat. Egg handling and processing. Poultry diseases management. Visit to relevant farms.
APL 712 Animal Behaviour (2 Units)
Animal behaviour and livestock production; Neuro-endocrine basis of animal behaviour; evolutionary aspects of animal behaviour; adaptive aspects of animal behaviour; sexual behaviour; aggression and dominance in farm animals; behaviour considerations in animal housing and herding; modification of behaviour patterns in farm animals; temperament in dairy cattle; maternal and neonatal behaviour.