Authors: Adebayo, O. O.; Ajadi, T. A.; Ajadi, R. A
Tropical Veterinarian 2009 Vol. 27 No. 3 pp. 30-40
This study was designed to identify if veterinarians in Nigeria are subjected to burnout syndrome and also to correlate the degree of burnout with demographic and occupational information.
Questionnaire comprising of Copenhagen burnout inventory instrument, demographic, occupational data and health records were administered to fifty veterinarians during the annual conference of Christian Veterinarians, Nigeria in August, 2009. The respondent comprised mainly of men (74%), aged between 31-40 years (42%). Most were married (90%), had higher degree in addition to their veterinary degree (54%), and had been in practice for 11-20 years (42%), being on their present job for over 10 years (42%) and work for 30-45 hours per week. Sixteen (32%) of the respondents were not satisfied with their job conditions. Major areas of dissatisfaction include salary (20%), management of work place (26%) and promotion criteria (26%). Only 10 (20%) of the respondents met the criteria for burnout. The major indices of burnout include emotional exhaustion (60%), physical exhaustion (72%), anxiety (52%), irritability (52%) and pain (60%). It was therefore, observed that veterinarians with high levels of burnout had lower job satisfaction, higher emotional and physical exhaustion, anxiety, irritability and pains.