List of Departments |
A |
Accounting |
Agricultural Administration |
Agricultural Economics and Farm Management |
Agricultural Engineering |
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development |
Animal Breeding and Genetics |
Animal Nutrition |
Animal Physiology |
Animal Production and Health |
Aquaculture and Fisheries Management |
B |
Banking and Finance |
Biochemistry |
Biological Sciences |
Business Administration |
Biotechnology |
C |
Chemistry |
Civil Engineering |
Communication and General Studies |
Computer Science |
Crop Protection |
E |
Economics |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Entrepreneurial Studies |
Environmental Management and Toxicology |
F |
Forestry and Wildlife Management |
Food Science and Technology |
Food Services and Tourism |
H |
Home Science and Management |
Horticulture |
M |
Mathematics |
Mechanical Engineering |
Microbiology |
N |
Nutrition and Dietetics |
P |
Pasture and Range Management |
Physics |
Plant Breeding and Seed Technology |
Plant Physiology and Crop Production |
S |
Soil Science and Land Management |
Statistics |
V |
Veterinary Medicine |
W |
Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology |