An investigation was conducted to determine the quality and consumer preference for “lafun” (cooked fermented cassava flour) made from different cassava varieties. The cassava varieties which were fermented to produce ‘lafun’ in this study three newly introduced varieties namely TMS 30572, TME1, TMS 4(2)1425 and one local variety which is called “Isunikankoniyan”. There was no significant difference in the physico-chemical changes of the cassava varieties as a result of the 96 hours fermentation process. The fermentation process effected increases in the total titratable acidity and decreases in the total sugars, starch, ash, fat, fibre and protein contents of the root. However, significant reductions in fibre was found with TMS 4(2)1425. There were significant differences in the cooking characteristics of the fermented flour made from different cassava varieties. The flour from the local variety, “Isunikankoniyan’ gelatinizes faster than the new varieties., while Cassava clone TMS 4(2)1425 requires significantly higher heating to gelatinize. Except for the flour of Cassava clone, TMS 4(2)1425, , there was no significant difference in the viscosity of the cooked cassava flour from the tested varieties. The cooked fermented cassava flour (‘lafun” made from the local variety, ‘Isunikankoniyan’ and Cassava clone TME 1 were most preferred.