Authors: Ademolu K.O. , Idowu A.B., Jayeola O.A.
Trop. J. Anim. Sci. 2008, Vol. 10 (Supplement) 81 – 83
A comparative assessment of the reproductive tracts of three common African Land Snails (Archachatina marginata Achatina achatina and Achatina fulica) found in Abeokuta, Ogun State
was carried out. The reproductivs Structure of A. marginata was the biggest followed by that of A . fulica while A. achatina had. The smallest. Statistical analysis indicated that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the width of albumen gland, common hermaphrodite duct and little hermaphrodite duct of A. marginata and A. fulica. The relationship between this finding and egg production was discussed.
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