Among his publications are:
O.M. Sadiq, M.A. Salau and E.O.Akinola (2007). “ Strenght Assesment of Yoyo Sand Concrete Paving Stones”. Journal-NSE Technical Transaction, Vol. 42, No. 4,pp41-54.
O.M. Sadiq. (2002).”Dynamic Instability Behavior of Complete Cylindrical Reservoir with Torospherical Covers Under Internal Periodic pressures”. Journal of International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 43, No.1, pp. 3-12.
O.M. Sadiq, (2002)“Strength stability and Durability of Balast under rail and sleepers loading”Proceedings : fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering Analysis and Modelling.(SEAM 5). Accra, Ghana, Vol.2. pp 259-265.