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1. Sanni L.O. (1990): Design, fabrication and test performance of flat plate solar drier. Unpublished B.Sc. degree Project, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
2. Sanni L.O. (1992): Dehydration characteristics of cassava chips in a cabinet solar dryer, Unpublished MSc. Degree Dissertation, University of Ibadan
3. Sanni L.O. (1999): Effect of Chemical, Physiochemical and sensory qualities of fufu from cassava. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

*J3 Alimi, B. A., Shittu, T. A., Sanni, L. O., and Arowolo, T. A. (2013). Effect of some hydrocolloids as adjuncts on the quality of whole egg or egg white coated fried yam chips. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11 (1): 19-24. WFL Publisher, Helsinki, Finland.J2 Adebowale, A. A., Fetuga,

*J2 G. O, Apata, C. B. and Sanni, L O. (2012). Effect of variety and initial moisture content on physical properties of improved millet grains. Nigerian Food Journal 30 (1): 5-10. Published by the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Available online at

*J1  Oke, M.O., Awonorin, S.O., Sanni, L.O., Asiedu, R.  And Aiyedun, P.O. (2012). Effect Of Extrusion Variables On Extrudates Properties Of Water Yam Flour – A Response Surface Analysis.  Journal of Fdoi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2011.00661.x

B1a. James, B., Okechukwu, R., Abass, A., Fannah, S., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L., Osei-Sarfoh, A., Fomba, S.and Lukombo, S. 2012. Producing Gari from Cassava: An illustrated guide for smallholder cassava processors. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA): Ibadan, Nigeria.32pp.

B1. Aworh, O. C., Ogunmoyela, O. A. Okoruwa, A. O. Babajide, J. M., Sanni, S. A., Olayiwola, I. O., Sanni, L. O., Obadina, A. O. Adebowale, A. A., Ebuehi O. A. T., George, A. and Nd’iaye, F. , I.G Onimawo (2011). University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-5-0. 42 pp.
B2. Dipeolu, A.A., Akinbode, S.O., Babajide, J.M., Obadina, A.O., Siwoku, B.O., George, A., Nd’iaye, F., Adebowale, A.A. and Sanni, L.O. (2011). University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-7-4. 19 pp.
B3. A.O. Obadina, M.O. Edema, J.M.Babajide, O.O. Atanda, M.O. Adegunwa, W.A.O. Afolabi, A. George, F. Nd’iaye, A.A. Adebowale and L.O. Sanni, (2011). Food Safety Framework for West African Foods. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-6-7. 60 pp.
B4. Dixon, A. G. O., Okechukwu, R. U., Akoroda, M. O., Ilona, P., Ogbe, F., Egesi, C. N., Kulakow, P., Ssemakula, G., Maziya-Dixon, B., Iluebbey, P., Yomeni, M. O., Geteloma, C., James, B., Eke-Okoro, O. N., Sanni, L. O., Ntawuruhunga, P., Tarawali, G., Mahungu, N., Lemchi, J, Ezedinma, C. I., Okoro, E., Kanju, E., Adeniji, A. A., and Nwosu, K. (2010). Improved cassava variety handbook. IITA Integrated Cassava Project, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978-131-3021. 129 pp.
B5. Sanni, L. O., Onadipe, O. O., Ilona, P., Mussagy, M. D., Abass, A. and Dixon, A. G. O. 2009.
Successes and Challenges of Cassava Enterprise in West Africa: Case study of Nigeria, Benin and Sierra Leone. ISBN 978-131-200-5. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 35 pp.…

B6. Mussagy, M.D., Sanni, L.O., Onadipe, O. O., Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. G. O. 2009. Viability of
Commercializing Cassava in CFC-Covered Districts in West Africa. ISBN 978-131-200-5. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 25 pp.
B7. Sanni, L., A. A. Adebowale, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, I. O. Olayiwola, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (Eds) (2009). The Proceedings of the 1st Training Workshop on the Use of Statistical Software for Data Analysis and Documentation in Food Research. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-9-0. 188 pp.
B8. Sanni, L., A. A. Adebowale, M. A. Idowu, M. K. Sawi, N. R. Kamara, I. O. Olayiwola, M. Egunlety, A. Dipeolu, I. O. O. Aiyelaagbe, and S. Fomba (2009). West African Foods from Root and Tuber Crops- A Brief Review. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-8-3. 82 pp.
B9. M. A. Idowu, A. A. Adebowale, L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, I. O. Olayiwola, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for food science and technology in tertiary institutions (Universities) in West Africa, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-6-9. 35 pp.
B10. Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O., L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, I. O. Olayiwola, A. A.Adebowale, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for organic agriculture in tertiary institutions (universities) in west Africa. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-5-2. 32 pp.…/RECOMMENDED%20CURRICULUM%20ORGANIC%20(1).pdf
B11. Olayiwola, I. O., L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, A. A. Adebowale, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for nutrition and dietetics in tertiary institutions (Universities) in West Africa, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-7-6. 27 pp.
B12. Sanni, L. O., Adeyemi, I. A. and Onuora, (2009). Research Methodology 2. Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos, Nigeria. ISBN 978-978-49396-07. 115 pp.
B13. Sanni, L. O. (2009). Excellence and Quality Consumer Service in the Fast Food Industry.
Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos. 55 pp.
B14. Sanni, L., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R., Lemchi, J., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Okoro, E.,
Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. (2007). Cassava Postharvest Assessment survey in Nigeria. Published by IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 265 3. 200 pp.
B15. Sanni L.O., Ezedinma C., Okechukwu R., Lemchi J., ogbe F., Akoroda M., Okoro E., Maziya-Dixon B., Ilora P. and Dixon A (2007). Cassava postharvest assessment survey in Nigeria, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 1312653. 200pp.
B16. Sanni L.O., Ezedinma C., Okechukwu R. Lemechi J., Ogbe G., Akoroda M., Okoro E., Maziya-Dixon B., Ilona P., and Dixon A., (2007). Cassava postharvest assessnment survey in nigeria: Synthesis report IITA, ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 274 2. 49pp
B17. Sanni L.O., Maziya Dixon B., okoruwa A.E., Arowosafe B., Lemechi J. Ogbe F., Ezedinma C., okechukwu, Akorode M., Okoro E., Maziya-Dixon B., Ilona P., Babaleye T. and Dixon A. (2007). Cassava recipes for household food security. IITA Integrated cassava project, ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 293 – 9 Ibadan, Nigeria. 45pp
B18. Ezedinma C., Sanni L.O. and Okechukwu R. (2007). Socioeconomic studiies on selected cassava markets in Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312769, 53pp.
B19. Ezedinma C., Lemechi J., Okechukwu R., Ogbe F., Akoroda M., Sanni L.O., L., Okoro E., Ilona P. Okarter C and Dixon A. (2007). Status of cassava production in southwest and southsouth Nigeria. A baseline report 2004. IITA, Ibadna, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312874. 54pp
B20. Ezedinma C., ojiako I.A., okechukwu R.U., Lemechi J.R., Umar A.M., Sanni L.O., Akoroda M., Ogbe F., Okoro E., Tarawai E., and Dixon A., (2007). The cassava food commodity market and trade network in nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, ISBN 9781312005. 296pp
B21. Tarawali G., M. Kure, I. Ezedinma, C. Okechukwu, Lum A.F., Dixon A.G.O., Akoroda M, Ogbe F., Lemechi J., Sanni L.O., Ilona P., and Okoro E. (2007). A guide on livelihood analysis for scientists and extension workers. IITA Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978131284X. 52pp
B22. Tarawali G., Adedzwa D.K. Exedinma C., Okechukwu, Lum, A.F., Dixon A.G.O., Akoroda M., Ogbe F., Lemechi J. Sanni L.O., Ilona P. and okoro E. (2007). Community analysis of Ikot Etuk Udo, Akwa ibom state, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312831.55pp
B23. Sanni L.O. (2006) Quality assurance system in the food industry. Jedidiah Publishers, Abeokuta. ISBN 9782951609, 188pp. 2nd edition.
B24. Sanni L.O., M.A. Adelaja, R.U. Okechukwu, C. Ezedinma, M. Patimo, m.O. Akoroda, B. Maziya-Dixon, J. Lemechi, P. Ilona, E. Okoro, G. Tarawali, T. Awodeyi, B. Bamkefa, N. Nnaji, F. Ogbe, A.G.O. Dixon, O.E. Obi and A Ozigi (2006). Cataloque of postharvest equipment for cassava processing. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312718, 132pp
B25. Sanni L.O., B. Maziya-Dixon, J. Akanya, C.I. okoro, Y. Alaya, C.V. Egwuonwu, R. Okechukwu, C. Ezedinma, M. Akoroda, J. Lemechi, E. okoro and A. Dixon (2005). Statndards for cassava products and guidelines for export. IITA, ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 2483, 93pgs
B26. Sanni L.O., B. Maziya-Dixon, A.O. Onabolu, B.E. Arowosafe, R.U. Okechukwu, A.G.O. Dixon, P. Ilona, C. Ezedinma, G. Ssemakula, J. Lemechi, M. Akoroda, F. Ogbe. G. Tarawali, E. Okoro and C. Geteloma (2006). Cassava recipes for household food security. IITA Intergrated Cassava Project, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 293 9, Ibadan, Nigeria. 45pgs
B27. Philips T. D.S. Taylor, Sanni L.O., and M Akoroda (2004). A cassava industrial Revolution in Nigeria. The potential for new industrial crop. IFAD/FAD, Rome. 43pp
B28. Sanni L.O. Edition (2001). Research Methodology for young scientists. Jedidiah publishers. ISBN 978 2951 36 6, 180pp
1. Oyewole O.B., Sanni L.O. and Ogunjobi M. (1996) production Biscuits using cassava flour. Nigeria Food Journal, 14, 25 – 30
2. Sanni L.O. and Akinlua O. (1996). Chemical, Physical, Physicochemical and sensory qualities of soylafun. Nigeria Food Journal, 14, 30 – 36
3. Sanni L.O., Charles A. and Kuye A (1997). Moisture Sorption isotherms of fufu and tapioca. Journal of Food engineering, 34, 203 -212.
4. Sanni L.O., Oyewole O.B. and Olowogbade D.V. (1998). Effect of different drying methods on the qualities of lafun (ferment cassava products). Tropical Science, 38, 1 – 4
5. Sanni L.O., Akingbala J.O., Oguntunde A.O. Bainbridge Z.A., Graffham A.J. and Westby A. (1998). Processing of fufu from cassava in Nigeria: Problems and prospects for development. Science, technology and Development, 16(1): 58 – 71
6. Sanni L.O., Kolawole J.O., Akingbala J.O. and kuye A (1999) Effects of drying methods on moisture sorption isotherm of dried fufu at three temperatures. Drying technology – An International Journal, 17(1 & 2): 285 – 297
7. Kuye A and L.O. Sanni (1999). Industrialization of fermented food processes: How far in Nigeria?. Journal of Scientific and International Research, 58(11): 837 – 843
8. Sanni L.O., Oyewole O.B. and Ejidoh N.N. (1990). Qualities of Yoghurt produced from melon seeds (Cococynthis citrullus L.). West African journal of Foods and Nutrition, Nigeria. 1(20: 16 – 19
9. Sanni L.O., Idowu M.A. and Taiwo A.A. (1999). Production and storage of foam-mat tomato powder. West African journal of Food and nutrition, Nigeria. 1(2): 54 – 60
10. Sanni S.A., CRB Oguntana and Sanni L.O. (1990). Chemical and nutritional composition of some common foods in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Brazilian Achivers of Biology and Technology, BABT, 42 (3): 331 – 337
11. Sanni S.A., CRB Oguntana and Sanni L.O. and Oyewole o.B. (1999) Total viable bacteria and coliform counts of some common foods in Abeokuta, Nigeria. West African Journal of Food and Nutrition, 2(2): 51 – 60
12. Sanni L.O. (1999). Effective post harvest system in Nigeria. Nigeria Food Journal, 17: 61 – 74
13. Sanni L.O. and Akingbala J.O. (2000). Effects of Drying methods on Physicochemical and sensory qualities of fufu. Drying Technology – An International Journal, 18 (1 & 2): 421 – 431
14. Sanni L.O., O.B. Oyewole and J.O. Akingbala (2000). The effects of controlled and uncontrolled solar drying on the drying temperature, heat fluxes, proximate composition and functional properties of soybeans. Tropical oilseeds Journal, 5: 62 – 68
15. Shittu T.A., Lasekan O.o. Sanni L.O. and Oladosu M.O. (2001) and sensory . The effect of drying method on the functional and sensory characteristics of pupuru – A fermented cassava product. Asset – An international journal, A(1)(2): 9 – 16
16. Kuye A and Sanni L.O. (2002). Analysis of the equilibrium moisture sorption data for lafun and soyflour. Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering systems, 1(1): 63 – 71
17. Kuye A and Sanni L.O. (2002). Modeling the sorption Isotherms of Lafun and soyflour using a spreadsheet. International journal of Food Properties, 5(3): 599 – 610
18. Shittu T.A., Awonorin A, Sanni L.O. and Idoowu M.A. (2002). Dry milling characteristics of cassava chips as related to moisture content. Journal of Applied Science and technology, 2(1): 13 – 18
19. Sanni L.O. and Ayinde I.A. (2002) Consumer acceptance and economic feasibility of dried fufu production in Nigeria. Asset – An International Journal, A (3) (1): 107 – 115
20. Sanni L.O. and JaJi F.F. (2003). Effect of drying and roasting on the quality attributes of fufu powder. International journal of Food Properties, 6 (2): 229 – 238
21. Sanni L.O., SHittu T.A> and Ayoola O. (2003). Water absorption kinetics in some Nigerian Varieties of soybeans (Glycine max) during soaking. Nigerian Food Journal, 21: 106 – 112
22. Adebayo K., White J.L., Morris m.J., Dipeolu A.O., Ayinde I.A. Wandschneider T.S., Sanni L.O., Oyewole O.B., Tomlins K and Westby A. (2003). Innovativeness and stakeholdership in the fufuf processing systems in South-west Nigeriia. ASSET – An International Journal, Series, A, 3(4): 15 – 27
23. Sanni L.O., kosoko S.B. Adebowale A.A. and Adeoye R.J. (2004). The influence of Palm oil and chemical modification on the pasting and sensory properties of fufu flour. International Journal of Food Properties, 7(2): 229 – 237
24. Abiona O.O., Sanni L.O. and Awonorin S.O. (2004). Chemical Properties of water source for cassava processing in selected areqas in South-west Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 2 (3 & 4): 222 – 223
25. Abiona O.O., Sanni L.O. and Bamgbose O. (2005). An evaluation of microbial, heavy metals and cyanide contents of water sources, effluents and peels from three cassava processing location. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 3 (1): 207 – 208.
26. Adebowale A.A., Sanni L.O. and Awonorin S.O. (2005). Effect of Texture modifiers on the Physicochemical and Sensory properties of dried fufu. Food Science and technology International, 11(5): 373 – 382
27. Sanni L.O., Adebowale A.A., Filani T.A., Oyewole O.B. and A Westby (2006). Quality of flash and rotary dried fufu flour. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) 4 (3 & 4): 74 – 78.
28. Adebowale A.A. Sanni L.O. and Ayoadde Kuye (2006). Sorption isotherms of Tapioca grits from different roasting methods. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agriculture and Food chemistry (EJEAFChe) , 5 (6), 2006. [1649 – 1653]
29. Adegbite J.A., Sanni L.O. and osinowo o.A. (2006) Comparative evaluation of chemical and sensory properties of Achatin achatina and Archachatina marginata. Asset – An International Journal, Series A 6(2): 1-6
30. Adeniyi T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S. and Hart A.D. (2006)., Determination of micronutrients and colour variability among new plantain and banana hybrids. World Journal of Chemistry 1(1): 23 – 27
31. Shittu T.A., Sanni L.O., Awonorin S.O., Maziya-Dixon A. (2007). Use of Multivariate techniques in studying the flour making properties of some CMD resistant cassava clone. Food Chemistry 101 (2007): 1634 – 1643
32. Oke M.O., Awonorin S.O., Sanni L.O., Akanbi C.T. and Abioye A.O. (2007). Determination of some selected engineering properties of sweet potato cuts as function of temperature. Journal of Food Technology 5(1): 66-70
33. Sanni L., B. Alenkhe, R. Edosio, M. Patino and A. Dixon (2007). Technology transfer in developing countries: Capitalizing on Equipment Development. Joural of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 5(2): 88 – 91.
34. Stittu T.A., Raji A.O. and Sanni L.O. (2007). Bread from composition cassava-wheat flour: I. effect of baking time and temperature on some physical properties of bread loaf. Food Research International. 40: 280 – 290.
35. Adebowale A.A., Sanni L.O., Awonorin S.A., Daniel I.O. and Ayoade Kuye (2007). Effect of cassava varieties on the sorption isotherm of tapioca grits. Internation Journal of Food Science and technology. 42: 488 – 452
36. Sobukola O.P., Dairo O.U., Sanni L.O., Odunewu A.V. and Fafolu B.O. (2007). Thin layer drying Process of some leafy vegetable under open sun. Food Science and Technology International. 13 (1): 35 – 40
37. Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S> and Hart A.D. (2007). Nutritional composition of Five new Nigerian Musa hybrids: implications for adoption in human nutrition. Fruits 62 (3): 135 – 142.
38. Keith Tomlins, Lateef Sanni, Olusola Oyewale, Adewale Dipeolu, Idris Ayinde, Kolawale Adebayo and Andrew Westby (2007). Consumer acceptability and sensory evaluation of a fermented cassava product (Nigerian Fufu). Journal of Science of Food and Agricuture. 87: 1949 – 1956
39. Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S. and Hart A.D. (2007). Minerals composition of five improved varieties of cassava. Nigerian Food Journal 25 (2): 39 – 44.
40. Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., BArimalaa I.S. and Harth A.D. (2007). Nutritional and Anti-nutritional composition of flour made from plantain and banana hybrid pulp and peel mixture. Nigeria Food Journal 25 (2) cultivars. Nigeria Food Journal : 68 -76.
41. Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S. and Harth A.D. (2007). Anti-Nutrients and heavy metals in some new plantain and banana cultivars. Nigerian Food Journal 25(2): 165 – 170.
42. Eke J., Achinewhu S.C., Sanni L.O., Barimala I.S., Maziya-Dixon B and Dixon A. (2007). Season variations in the Chemical and functional properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment – JFAE 5(3 & 4): 36 – 42.
43. Onitilo M.O., Sanni L.O., Daniel I., Mazita-Dixon and Dixon A. (2007)Physicochemical and functional properties of native starches from cassava varieties in south west Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment – JFAE 5 (3 & 4): 108 – 114.
44. Onitilo M.O., Sanni L.O., Oyewole O.B. and Maziya-Dixon B. (2007). Physicochemical and functional properties of Sour starches from different cassava varieties. International Journal of Food Properties 10: 607 – 620
45. Obadina A.O., Oyewole O.B., Sanni L.O., Tomlins K.I. and Westby A. (2008). Identification of hazards and critical control points (CCP) for cassava fufu processing in South-West Nigeria. Food Control 19: 22 – 26
46. Kareem O.R., Awonorin S.O. and Sanni L.O. (2008). Effect of pretreatments on Quality attributes of Air-Dehydrated Pineapple slices. Journal of Food Technology 6(4): 158 – 165.
47. Raji A.O., Kanwanya N., Sanni L.O., Asiru W.B., Dixon A and P.Ilona (2007). Optimization of cassava pellet processing method. International Journal Food Engineering Vol. 4: Iss 2, 1 – 13.
48. Sanni L.O., Adebowale A.A., Maziya – Dixon B and Dixon A. (2008). Chemical composition and pasting properties of CMD resistamt cassava planted at different location. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 6(2): 97 – 104
49. Sobukola O.P., Awonorin S.O., Sanni L.O., and Bamiro F.O. (2008). Optimization of Blanching conditions prior to deep fat frying of yam slices. International Journal of Food properties. 11:379 – 391.
50. Sobukola O.P., Awonorin S.O., Sanni L.O., and Bamiro F.O. (2008). Deep fat frying of yan slices: optimization of processing conditions using response surface methodology. Journal of Food processing and preservation 32: 343 – 360
51. Shittu T.A., Dixon A., Awonorin, S.O., Sanni L.O. and Maziya-Dixon B. (2008). Bread from composite cassava-wheat flour. II: Effect of cassava genotype and nitrogen fertilizer on bread quality. Food Research International 41: 569 – 578
52. Adebowale A.A., Sanni L.O. and Onitilo M.O. (2008). Chemical composition and pasting properties of tapioca grits from different cassava varieties and roasting methods. African Journal of Food Science (Accepted, In press)
53. Sanni L.O., Adebowale A.A., Awoyale W. and Fetuga G.O. (2008). Quality of gari (fermented roasted cassava mash) in Lagos, Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal, Vol. 26 No.2 (In press)
54. Daniel I.O., oyekale K.O., Ajala M.O., Sanni L.O. and Okelana M.O. (2009). Physiological quality of hybrid maize seeds during containerized-dry storage with silica get. Africal Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 8(2), pp. 181 – 186
55 Kosoko, S. B., Sanni, L. O. Adebowale, A. A. Daramola, A. O. and Oyelakin, M.O. (2009): Effect of period of steaming and drying temperature on chemical properties of cashew nut. African Journal of Food Science, 3(6): 156-164. Academic Journals Limited, Nairobi, Kenya.
56 Etudaiye, H. A., Nwabueze, T. U. and Sanni, L. O. (2009). Pasting and functional properties of fufu processed from cassava mosaic disease-resistant varieties cultivated in a high rainfall zone. Nigerian Food Journal 27 (2): 185-193.
57 Etudaiye, H. A., Nwabueze, T. U. and Sanni, L. O. (2009). Quality of fufu
processed from cassava mosaic disease (CMD) resistant varieties. African Journal of Food Science 3 (3): 061-067. Academic Journals Limited, Nairobi, Kenya.
58 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C, Sanni, L., Barimalaa, I. S, Maziya-Dixon, B, Dixon, A. (2009). Pasting, color and granular properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria. International Journal of Food Properties 12 (2): 438 – 449. Marcel Dekker, Inc, UK.
59 Obadina, A. O., Oyewole, O. B., Sanni, L. O., Tomlins, K. I., Westby, A. (2010) Improvement of the hygienic quality of wet ‘fufu’ produced in South West Nigeria. Food Control 21 (5): 639-643.
60 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C. and Sanni, L. (2010). Chemical, pasting and sensory properties of tapioca grits from CMD resistant cassava varieties. Journal of Food Preservation and Processing, 34 (4): 632-648. Wiley Publisher, UK.
61 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C. and Sanni, L. (2010). Functional properties of cassava tapioca grits. International Journal of Food Properties 13 (3), 427-440. Marcel Dekker, Inc, UK.
62 Soladoye, O. P., Ola, I. A., Adebowale, A. A. and Sanni, L. (2010). Development and performance evaluation of a motorized globulator for tapioca production. International Food Research Journal, Malaysia 17: 549-555.
63 Ashaye, O. A., Sanni, L. O. and Arowosafe, B. E. (2010). Physicochemical, rheological and consumer acceptability of cassava starch salad cream. Journal of American Science, USA, 6(1):65-72.
64 Abu, O. M. G., Sanni, L. O., Erondu, E. S. and Akinrotimi, O. A. (2010). Chemical composition and cyanide levels of hybrid catfish fed whole cassava root meal in replacement of maize. Journal of Food Technology 8 (2): 52-57.
65 Awoyale, W., Maziya-Dixon, B, Sanni, L. and Shittu, T. A. (2010). Nutritional and sensory
properties of amala supplemented with distiller’s spent grain (DSG). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.8 (3&4): 66-70. WFL Publisher, Helsinki, Finland.
66 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O., Owo, H. O. and Karim, O. R. (2010). Engineering properties Variety Improved Moisture content. Journal of Science of Food and Technology. 48 (5): 551-559.
67 Adegunwa, M. O., Sanni, L. O. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2011). Effects of fermentation length and
varieties on the pasting properties of sour cassava starch. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10 (42): 8428-8433.
68 Awoyale, W., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L. O. And Shittu, T. A. (2011). Nutritional
and sensory properties of a maize-based snack food (kokoro) supplemented with treated Distillers’ spent grain (DSG). International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 46 (8): 1609-1620.
69 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O., Owo, H. O. and Karim, O. R. (2011). Effect of Variety and Moisture
Content on Some Engineering Properties of Paddy Rice. Journal of Food Science and Technology, India, 48 (5): 551-559.
70 Adebowale, A. A. and Sanni, L. O. (2011). Effects of solid content and temperature on viscosity of
tapioca meal. Journal of Food Science and Technology, India, DOI: 10.1007/s13197-011-0363-7

1. Eke J., Achinewhu S.C., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S., Maziya-Dixon B., Dixon A. (2009). Pasting, Color and Granular properties of starches from Local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria. International Journal of Food properties 24, 2: (In press)
2. Eke J., Achinewhu S.C., Sanni L.O. (2009). Chemical, Pasting and sensory properties of Tapioca grits from CMD resistant varieties. Journal of Food Preservation and processing (In press)
3. Eke J., Achinewhu S.C., Sanni L.O (2009). Functional Properties of cassava tapioca grits. Internation Journal of Food properties (In press)

1. Sanni L.O. (1998). Influence of handling and storage technique for dried fufu from cassava. Technical report submitted to International Foundation for Science, Sweden, August 1998. Project No. E/2553 – 1.
2. Dipeolu O.A., Adebayo K., I.A. Oyewole, O.B. Sanni L.O., White J.L., Pearce D.M., Wandschnieider T.S., Tomlins K. and Westby A. (2001). Fufu marketing system in South West Nigeria. NRI Report Number R2626.
3. White L.J., Adebayo K., Dipeolu O.A., Ayinde I.A., oyewole O.B., Sanni L.O., Westby A., Wandschnieider T.S. and Tomlins K. (2002). Fufu Processing and livelihoods in Ogun State, Nigeria. Report of a baseline as part of Project A0898 arried out for the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).
4. Sanni L.O. (2003) improving physicochemical characteristics of dried cassava processing for the production of gari, lafun and fuf in Nigeria. Technical report submitted to United Industrial Development Organization, Abuja, Project Code: YA/RAF/03/447/17-51, February 2004
5. Sanni L.O. (2005). Cassva utilization and regulatory framework in Nigeria Technical report submitted to United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Abuja, Project Code: YA/RAF/03/447/17-51, December 2005
6. Sanni L.O. (2005). Cassava Utilization and regulatory framework in Nigeria. Technical report submitted to United Nations Industrial Development organization, Abuja, Project Code: YA/RAF/03/447/17 – 51, December 2005.
7. Sanni L.O. and Ojelade O. (1998). Effect of drying methods on functional properties of Clarias gariepinus (cat fish). In: proceedings of the Silver Anniversary conference of the Nigeria Society of Animal production and the Inaugural Conference of the West Africa Society for animal production, Gateway Hotel Abeokuta, Nigeria, 21 – 26 March, 1998 (Eds. O.O. Odunguwa, A. O. Fanimo and O.A. Osinowo). Pg 450 – 451
8. Sanni L.O. (1998). Drying rates of pre-treated solar dried cassava chips. In: proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of food science & Technology, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 26 – 26 November 1998 (Eds. SV Uzochukwu, CFI onwuka, M.A. Idowu)1, 146 -148
9. Sanni L.O. and Ojelade O. (1998). Chemical and sensory qualities of pretreated dried catfish (Clarias gariepinus). In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 23 – 26 November, 1998 (Eds. S.V. Uzochukwu, C.F.I. Onwuka, M.A. Idowu)1, 108 – 109
10. Sanni L.O. and Francis T.Z. (1999) Effect of drying methods on the chemical and sensory qualities of Iru. In: proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/Annual general Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, Abuja. 25 – 27 October 1999 (Coordinator for Eds. G.N. Elemo), 1, 283 – 284
11. Sanni L.O., K. Adebayo and T.A. Shittu (1999). AnAgenda for foods security through post harvest extension message package in Nigeria. In: proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/ Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, Abuja. 25 – 27 October 1999 (Coordinator for Eds. G.N. Elemo), 1, 298 – 299
12. Shittu T.A. Ogunmoyela, O.A. and Sanni L.O. (1999). Nutrient retention and sensory characteristics of dried leafy vegetables. In: proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & technology, Abuja. 25 – 27 October 1999 (Coordinator for Eds. G.N. Elemo), 1, 130 – 131
13. Sanni L.O. and Kuye (2000): Effect of temperatures on water absorption isotherms of some fortified cassava products. In: proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium, 28 -* 31 August, 2000 (Eds. P.J.A.M. Kerkhof, WJ Coumans, G.D Mooiweer, Noordwijkerhout). The Netherlands EFCE Event number 613, Elsevier Science B.V., Paper 23, 8pp
14. Sanni L.O., Oyelakin O.A., Oketokun O.A. and Abass A.A. (2001). Effect of grinding methods and particle sizes on the qualities of dried fufu. In: African crop Science Conference proceedings, Vol. 5: pp. 519 – 523
15. Dipeolu A, Adebayo K., Akinde I.A., oyewole O.B., Sanni L.O., Pearce D.M., Wandschneider T.S., White J.L., Tomlins K and Westby A. (2001). Commercialization of fufu: Some issues of marketing in Ogun and Lagos States of Nigeria. In: Africa crop science conference proceedings, Vol 5: pp. 739 – 745
16. Sanni L.O. (2002) Trends in the drying of cassava products in Africa. In: proceedings of the 12th International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Tsukuba, Japan, 2000 (Eds. Makoto Natatani and Katsumi Komali), 113 – 120
17. Sanni L.O. (2002). Prospects for upgrading traditional technology of staple foods manufacture in Nigeria. Paper presented at the International workshop “Small Scale food industry for healthy Nutrition in West Africa, held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 22 – 24 November 1999.
18. Sanni L.O., Akingbala J.O., oyewole O.B., Bainbridge Z.A., Graffham AJ., and Westby A. (2002). Effect of air drying conditions on the chemical, Pasting and sensory properties of Fufu, a fermented cassava product. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Tropical Root crops, Tsukuba, Japan 2000 (Eds Makoto Natatani and Katsumi Komali), 100+ – 103
19. Sanni L.O. Oyewole O.B., Akinyemi A.O., Bankole M.O., Dipeolu A.O., Adebayo K., Ayinde I.A., White J.L., Tomlins K. and Westby A. (2003). Physicochemical, microbial and sensory qualities of dried fufu from various fufu processors in South west Nigeria”. The proceedings of the 1st Nigerian Drying symposium, University of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria, October 2003 (Eds Kuye et al., 2003), 77 – 84
20. Oyewole O.B., Sanni L.O., Dipeolu A.O., Adebayo K., Ayinde I.A., White J.L., Tomlins K.I. and Westby A. (2004). Factors influencing the quality of Nigerian fufu. Proc. 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Ibadan, Nigeria, 12 – 16 November 2001, 182 – 184
21. Idowu M.A., Sanni l.O., and Farore O.B. (2004). Development and storage stability of some traditional snack foods from sweet potato. Proc. 8th triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root crop – Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), (ed. M.O. Akoroda), IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 12 – 16 November 2001, 205 – 207
22. Sanni L.O., Ikuomola D.P. and Sanni S.A. (2004). Effects of length of fermentation and varieties on the qualities of sweet potato gari. Proc. 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Roots crops-Africa branch (ISTRC-AB, Edited by M.O. Akoroda, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 12 – 16 November 2001, Page 208 – 211
23. Idowu M.A., Sanni L.O. and Osunbitan O.A. (2004). Effect of processing methods and storage conditions on the qualities of fried sweetpotato chips. Proc. 8th triennial Symposium of the International Society for tropical Root crops – Africa Branch (ISTRC)-AB, Edited by M.O. Akoroda, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 12 – 16 November 2001, 222 – 224
24. Sanni L.O. (2003). Challenges and opportunities facing food processing practices in Nigeri: the role of Food Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of Food Based approaches for a Healthy Nutrition in West Africa: the Role of Food Technologist and nutritionists, Ouagadougou, University/International Research for development, 24 – 28 November 2003, 671 – 682.
25. Sanni L.O., Oyewole O.B., Adebowale A.A. and Adebayo K. (2003). Current trends in the utilization of roots and tubers for sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Internationl Workshop on food-Based approaches for a healthy Nutrition in West Africa: the Role of Food Technologists and nutritionists, Ouagadougou/Wageningen University/International Research for Development, 24 – 28 November 2003, 123 – 138.
26. Sanni L.O., Awosika Y.A. and Adebowale A.A. (2004). Proximate composition of fortified cassava flakes. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Conference centre (eds Adegoke et al.), 291 – 292
27. Olukunle O.J., Ogunlowo A.S. and Sanni L.O. (2006). The search for an effective cassava peeler. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Develop, Tropentag 2006, University of Benin, Germany, October 11 – 13 2006.
28. Sanni L.O. and Ajakaye F.I. (2007). Influence of the initial moisture contents on the functional and sensory qualities of dried fufu. In: proceedings of the 13th triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root crops (Ed Kapinga et al.) 10 – 14 November 3003, Arusha, Tanzania, 460 – 465
29. Sanni L.O., Bamgbose C.A., Babajide J.M. and Sanni S.A. (2007). Production of instant cassava noodles. In: Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (Ed Kapinga Et al.) 10 – 14 Nov 3003, Arusha, Tanzania, 466 472


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