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(A) Research completed

  1. Performance and carcass characteristics of guinea fowls fed on different feeding frequencies.
  2. Performance, blood parameters and faecal egg counts of cockerel chickens on free range and deep litter production systems (UNAAB/IFSERAR/IRG50).
  3. The effects of inclusion of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in water on the growth performance, carcass yield, immune status and meat composition of poultry (broiler chickens and turkeys)
  4. Ethno-veterinary interventions and phytobiotics options in contemporary and conventional poultry production systems (TETFUND Research Grant 2013)
  5. Hatchability, post-hatch growth performance, bone morphometry and immune response of broiler chickens on in ovo supplementation of inorganic salts of zinc, selenium, copper and their combination (Post-doctoral Research grant, 2016)

(B) Research in Progress

  1. Combating antibiotic residues in poultry and rabbit products through innovative use of Oyster  Mushroom, garlic and ginger as phytobiotic options
  2. The effect of three housing systems on growth and laying performance of two strains of egg-type chickens.
  3. Performance and carcass characteristics of two strains of turkeys under intensive and semi-intensive management systems.
  4. Performance and carcass characteristics of guinea fowls under intensive and semi-intensive management systems.
  5. Hatchability, post-hatch growth performance, bone morphometry and immune response of indigenous chickens on in ovo supplementation of salts of L-methionine, L-Lysine, L-Arginine and their combination.


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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
