
ABIONA John Adesanya 

Short Profile

Ph.D. (Animal Physiology) 2010
M.Agric.(Animal Reproductive Physiology) 2005
B.Agric. (Animal Production and Health) 2001
Senior Secondary School Certificate 1991

I. Effect of natural and artificial diet on growth, reproduction and health status of
Giant African Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) 2020-2022
II. Effect of fixed dose of Vitamin C on immunological parameters of Giant African Land snail (GALS) during acute heat stress 2017-2019
III. Use of Nano-particle to boost Snail health and production 2016
Use of natural (pawpaw & Moringa leaves) and synthetic products (vitamin C & E) to boost health and reproductive activity in Giant African Land snails (GALS) and other livestock species 2013-2015
IV. Determination of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the reproductive tract of GALS for ease of artificial manipulation of reproduction during off season Use of steroid to induce egg-laying during dry season 2011-2012
V. Reproductive tract morphology and histology
• Differences in spermatozoa and ova structure of two prominent species of GALS
• Effects of feed type on ovo-testis activity
• Effect of aestivation on gonado-somatic index of GALS
• Methods of storage of snail eggs for commercial purpose
• Identification of erythrocyte agglutinins in haemolymph and reproductive tract of GALS Use of Snail product as health indicator in other livestock species (Birds, goat, sheep and Cattle) 2007-2010
Completed Research Projects
I. Effect of dietary treatments on gene expression of progesterone and FSH in the reproductive tract of GALS
II. Effect of dietary treatments on gene expression of estrogen in the reproductive tract of GALS
III. Histomorphological effect of Mucuna pruriens on the reproductive tract of GALS
IV. Effect of unripe plantain aqueous and methanolic extract on sperm concentration, sperm motility and testosterone level
V. Effect of pawpaw leaves aqueous extract on testicular, epididymal dimensions and selected semen parameters
VI. Effect of Vitamin E on reproductive tract of GALS and Immune functions
VII. Effect of Nano-particles on Growth, Reproduction and Health status of GALS
VIII. Effect of Fixed dose of Vitamin C on immunological parameters of GALS during acute heat stress
IX. Effect of Guava leaves on reproductive tract, spermatozoa production and immunological parameters of GALS (Archachatina marginata)
X Effect of natural feed on snail productivity

1. World Bank STEP-B Innovators of Tomorrow (IoT) Research Award 2010
2. CV Raman Post-Doctoral Fellowship, FCCI, India 2016
3. Best Innovative Research in Snail Physiology Award by Nigerian
Malacological Society (NMS) 2021

I. Member, Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)
II. Member, Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)
III. Member, Nigeria Malacological society (NMS)
IV. Member, Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS)
V. Registered Animal Scientist (RAS 0905)
VI. Member, UNITAS, World Malacology Congress (WMC)
VII Member, Nigerian Society for Immunology (NSI)

I. Held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Capacity building training for HIV/AIDS voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), and care and support for PLWHAS on 30th September to 7th October, 2005
II. Training Workshop on Web2.0 tools for Development. A computer-based training on the use of Web 2.0 tools for development sponsored by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria held at UNAAB between 20th and 24th September, 2010.
III. Facilitator for RE-Training Workshop on Web2.0 tools for Development. A computer-based training on the use of Web 2.0 tools for development sponsored by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria held at UNAAB November, 2010
IV. UNAAB 12th Summer Course on Practical Biotechnology Techniques. A practical-oriented summer course on Basic Biotechnological techniques organized by University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Biotechnology Centre
V. Fish immunology workshop. A practical-oriented training workshop on immunology held at the Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences, Netherland by the Cell Biology and Immunology Group between 21st -25th of April 2013.
VI. Training Workshop on Statistical Analyses and Data Management organized by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Conservices Ltd. (FUCONS) at International Scholar Centre, April 10-12, 2013
VI. 2nd International Conference/Workshop in giant African Land Snails. Organized by NETGALS, held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria between 2nd -5th of June 2013.
VII. International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation. Organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Madrid Spain between 10th -11th of November, 2014.
VIII. Modern Methods of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Organized by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in conjunction with Centre for Innovation and Strategy in Learning and Teaching (CISLT) for Academic Staff between 25th -26th January, 2016.
IX. National Workshop on Assisted Reproductive Technology and Livestock Breeding Policy. Organized by Nigeria Institute of Animal Science in conjunction with Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan between 23rd -24th March, 2016.
X. World Congress of Malacology. Organized by Unitas Malacologica, held at Penang, Malaysia between 18th -24th of July, 2016
XI. Awareness Generation on Intellectual Property Rights. Organized by Science and Technology Department of Odisha, India and sponsored by Technology information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Held at NIT, Rourkela on 27th December, 2017.
XII. ASUU-UNAAB Leadership Training workshop on “Towards a principled and ideological unionism” at ASUU-UNAAB Secretariat, FUNAAB. Held on 28th June, 2017.
XIII. 7th International Conference/Workshop in giant African Land Snails. Organized by NETGALS, held at IR&T, Moore Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria between 2nd -5th of June 2018.
XIV. 8th International Conference/Workshop in giant African Land Snails. Organized by NETGALS, held at University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria between 2nd -5th of June 2019.
XV. Participant: Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) Training Workshop on Academic Ethics Freedom held at 1000-Capacity Lecture Theatre, FUNAAB on 28th February, 2020.
XVI. Participant: One-Day Workshop on Procedure for packaging a winning TETFUND-NRF Proposal organised by the Directorate of Research, Innovations and Partnerships (DRIP) on 13th December, 2021
XVII. 10th International Conference/Workshop in giant African Land Snails. Organized by NETGALS, held at University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria between 2nd -5th of June 2022

Osewa, G.O. Abe, O.S., Abiona, J.A. and Fayeye, T.R. 2006. Inheritance of thermoregulatory frizzle feather and naked neck gene in Nigerian local chicken. ASSET Series A 6 (2):77-81. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (NIGERIA)

2 Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2007. Effect of genital pore penetration on retraction suspension in giant African land snails. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 10(1-2):125-128. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online: http://www.ajol. info/index.php/tjas ISSN 1119-4308 (NIGERIA)

3 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Adebambo, O. A., Bello, N. J. and Abiona, J. A. 2007. Physiological response of West African Dwarf and Red Sokoto goats to water restriction in the humid tropics of south-western Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 10(1-2): 451-455. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online: ISSN 1119-4308 (NIGERIA)

4 Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A., Ozoje, M. O., Eruvbetine, D., Abioja, M. O. and Abe, O. S. 2007. Differences in the spermatozoa and ova of two giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina) Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 34(2): 306-315. Published by Nigeria Society for Animal Production (NSAP). Available online: (NIGERIA)

5 Abe, O. S. and Abiona, J. A. 2008. Reproductive performance of rabbits fed groundnut (Arachis hypogeae) haulms. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 35(2): 275-280. Published by Nigeria Society for Animal Production (NSAP). Available online: (NIGERIA)

6 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Adebambo, O. A., Bello, N. J. and Abiona, J. A. 2010. Effect of water restriction in goats during hot-dry season in the humid tropics: feed intake and weight gain. Archivos de Zootecnia 59(226):195-203. Available online: publica/az/php/az.php?idiomaglobal=0&larevista=1&revista=157&codigo=1861&que_busca=abioja Published by University of Cordoba, Spain (SPAIN)

7 Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A., Eruvbetine, D., Abioja, M. O., Smith, O. F., Daramola, J. O., Ladokun, A. O., James, I. J., Abe, O. S., and Onagbesan, O. M. 2011. Accessory reproductive organs dimension of two species of giant African land snails Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina at three liveweight ranges. Journal of Agricultural Science 4(2):179-186 ISSN1916-9752. DOI:10.5539/jas.v4n2p179. Available online: http//agris. 2012/DJ/DJ201217600176 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, Canada. ISSN 1916-9752. (CANADA)

8 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Smith, O. F., Eruvbetine, D. and Abiona, J. A. 2011. Evaluation of cold water and vitamin C on broiler growth during hot-dry season in south-western Nigeria. Archivos de Zootecnia 60(232):1095-1103. Available online: servicios/publica/az/php/az.php?idioma_global=0&la_revista=1&revista=166&codigo=2022&que_busca=abioja. Published by University of Cordoba, Spain (SPAIN)

9 Abiona, J. A., Sokoya, Y. F., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2012. Effect of egg weight on hatching weight and incubation period in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Nigeria Journal of Animal Science 14: 181-187. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online: (NIGERIA)

10 Abioja, M. O., Ogundimu, K. B., Akibo, T. E., Odukoya, K. E., Ajiboye, O. O., Abiona, J. A., Williams, T. J., Oke, O. E. and Osinowo, O. A. 2012. Growth, mineral deposition and physiological responses of broiler chickens offered honey in drinking water during hot-dry season. International Journal of Zoology 4:1-6. Article ID403502, doi:10.1155/2012/403502. Available online: Published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation, doi:10.1155/2012/403502. (EGYPT)

11 Daramola, J. O., Adeloye, A. A., Ife, A., Balogun, Yousuf, M. B., Olatunde, A. O. and Abiona, J.A. 2012. Changes in Serum cortisol concentrations in West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks during electro-ejaculation. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 39(1): 31-36. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) (NIGERIA)

12 Abiona J. A., Adio, B. R., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2013. Effects of method and length of storage on some internal and external egg quality of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Archivos de Zootecnia 62 (240): 599-602 Available online: servicios/publica/az/php/az.php. Published by University of Cordoba, Spain (SPAIN)

13 Oso, O. A., Oke, E. O., Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Agbodo, G. A. and Adebowale, T. O. 2013. Growth and physiological response of local turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) offered dietary vitamin C. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 14(2): 441-447. Published by Akamai University, Hilo, HawaI. Available online: (USA)

14 Abiona, J. A., Akinwande, O. A., Olabode, B. T., Abioja , M. O., Ejilude, O. Ajayi, O. L., Daramola, J. O., Ladokun, A. O., Osinowo,O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2013. Effect of feed type on growth, spermatozoa production and gonado-somatic index in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata) Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment. 13: 1-9. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online: (NIGERIA)

15 Abiona, J.A., Akinduti, P.A., Oyekunle, M., Osinowo, O. A and Onagbesan, O.M. 2013. Comparative morphology of haemocytes from two species of giant African land snail’s (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina) Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment. 13: 15-23. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online: (NIGERIA)

16 Ladokun, A. O., Abiona, J. A., Oke, E. O., Otite, J. R., Sokunbi, O. A and Anjagus. 2013. Effect of Castor oil seed meal on semen characteristics of Nigerian Indigenous Cock. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal (PAT) 9(1):159-166 Published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Nassarawa State University Keffi. Available online: (NIGERIA)

17 Ladokun, A.O., Oyebode, O. A., Abiona, J. A and Ososanya, T. O. 2013. Sex comparism of white Fulani Cattle blood profile in South Western Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 15: 18-22. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online: http://www.ajol. info/index.php/tjas/article /view/94028 (NIGERIA)

18 Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A., Osinowo, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2013. Comaparative evaluation of Inhibitory Activity of Epiphgram from Albino and Normal Skinned Giant African land Snail (Archachatina marginata) Against Selected Bacteria Isolates. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 6(2):117-181. Published by Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Available online: (ETHIOPIA)

19 Obanla, L. O., Oke, O. E., Onagbesan, O. M., Williams, T. J., Abioja, M. O., Daramola, J. O. and Abiona, J. A. 2014.Nutrient utilization during incubation and post-hatch juvenile growth of Nigerian indigenous chicken and two exotic strains of chicken under Nigerian condition. Archivos de Zootecnia 62(242):251-258. Available online: servicios/publica/az/php/img/web/ Published by University of Cordoba, Spain (SPAIN)

20 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Abiona, J. A., Sodipe, O. G. 2014. Water balance and some blood parameters in water-restricted goats during hot-dry season. Slovak Journal of Animal Science 47(3):149-156. Published by Animal Production Research Centre, Nitra, Slovak Republic. Available online: (SLOVAK)

21 Abioja, M. O., Sodipe, O. G., Abiona, J. A., Oladipo, K. A., Kasali, O. D., Akerele, Z., Ola, A., Oke, H., Ogundele, O. and Osinowo, O. A. 2014. Thermotolerance acquisition in broiler chickens through early feed restriction: Response to acute heat stress. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 37(3):311-319 Published by University of Putra, Malaysia. Available online:…03%20JTAS%200510-2013 (MALAYSIA)

22 Daramola, J. O., Sorongbe, T. A., Onagbesan, O. M., Jegede, A. V., Ladokun, A. O., Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O. and Ochefu, J. 2014. Effect of fruit juice on spermatozoa viability and lipid peroxidation of Red Sokoto bucks during liquid storage. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 41(1):16-27. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP). Available online:; ISBN 0331-2064 (NIGERIA)

23 Sorongbe, T.A., Daramola, J.O., Onagbesan, O.M., Jegede, A.V., Ladokun, A.O., Abiona, J.A., Abioja, M.O., Ochefu, J., Sodipe, O.G. and Ajiboye O.O. 2014. Protective effects of fruit juice on spermatozoa viability of West African Dwarf bucks during liquid storage. Journal of Applied Agricultural Research 6 (1): 171-180. Published by Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, Nigeria. Available online: (NIGERIA)

24 Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A., Oyekunle, M. A., Osinowo, A. O. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2014. Comparative evaluation of haemagglutination potential of haemolymph from two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 38:96-100. Published by ELSEVIER. Available online: (UNITED KINGDOM)

25 Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Sodipe, O. G., Adeleye, O. O., Akibo, T. E., Daramola, J. O., Oke, O. E., Williams, T. J., Oguntuase, O. M., Oladapo, O. I., Okanlawon, O. R., Mudasiru, A. O., Siyanbola, A. Y., Ogunduyi, B. O., Soyiga, B. M., James, I. J. and Osinowo, O. A. 2015. Effect of coconut water on rectal temperature and blood glucose in broilers subjected to acute heat and transportation stress. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science 17(2): 141-147 Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online: http://www.ajolinfo/index.php/njas ISSN 1119.4308 (NIGERIA)

26 Oke, O. E., Adejuyigbe, A. E., Idowu, O. P., Sogunle, O. M., Ladokun, A. O., Oso, A. O., Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Daramola, J. O., Whetto, M., Jacobs, E. B., Williams, T. J. And Njoku, C. P. 2015. Effects of housing systems on reproductive and physiological response of guinea fowl (Numidameleagris). Journal of Applied Animal Science 8(1): 47-55. Published by Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University, Thailand. Available online: 1%288%29%2715%20RS%20Oke.pdf (THAILAND)

27 Ladokun, A. O., Sogebi, E. A. O., Adejumo, D. O., Abiona, J. A., Adenaike, E. A., Omeje, J. N. and Talabi, A. O. 2015. Sexual behavioural pattern of orchidectomised and hormone replaced weaner pigs. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences (JOAFSS) 13(1): 114-121. (NIGERIA)

28 Abiona, J. A., Adeleke, O. S., Ladokun, A. O., Abioja, M. O., Daramola, J. O., Osinowo, A. O. and Onagbesan, M. O. 2015. Effect of Mucuna pruriens on gene expression of progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone receptors in the reproductive tract of giant African Land Snail (Archachatina marginata). Journal of Molluscan Research, 1(1):24-33. Published by Association for Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS), Nigeria. (NIGERIA)

29 Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Williams, T. J., Smith, O. F., James, I. J., Oke, O. E., Daramola, J. O. and Osinowo, O. A. 2015. Egg fertility and hatchability in Avians broiler-breeder hens under humid tropical conditions. Nigerian Society for Animal Production 42 (2)21-27. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) njap/article/view/134178 (NIGERIA)

30 Ajasa,O. Y., Aina, A. B. G., Sowande, O. S., Egbeyale, L. T., Ozoje, M. O., Oso, A. O., Abiona, J. A and Abel, F. A. S. 2015. Effect of generational differences, housing system and seasonal variations on the reproductive performance in humid tropics. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 42 (2):103-110. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) njap/issue/view/13764 (NIGERIA)

31 Daramola, J. O., Abiona, J. A., Smith, O. F., Isah, O. A., Sowande, O. S., Olaniji, M. O. and Olanite, J. A. 2015. Effect of Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) on Spermiograms of West African Dwarf Bucks. Tropical Subtropical Agroecosystems 18(2): 145-150.Publicación deUniversidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Mexico. /TSA/article/view/1916/963 (MEXICO)

32 Daramola, J. O., Adekunle, E. O., Onagbesan, O. M., Oke, O. E., Ladokun, A. O., Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O., Oyewusi, I. K., Oyewusi, J. A., Isa, O. A., Sogunle, O. M. and Adeleke, M. A. 2016. Protective effects of fruit-juices on sperm viability of West Africa Dwarf goat bucks during cryopreservation. Animal Reproduction 13 (1):7-13. Published by Official Journal of the Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction, Brazil. Available online: (BRAZIL)

33 Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y., Abiona, J. A., Fafiolu, A. O., Egbeyale, L. T., Omotayo, I. G., Odeyemi, A. Y. and Abel, F. A. S. 2016. Performance characteristics of broilers fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science 19(1): 23-31. Published by Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia (MALAYSIA)

34 Abiona, J. A., Oyelade, O. A, Osinowo, A. O. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2016. Effect of dietary vitamin E on reproductive tract dimensions and egg laying performance of giant African land snail (archachatina marginata) during dry season in Abeokuta. Journal of Molluscan Research 2:53-60.Published by Association for ResearchNetwork on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS) (NIGERIA)

35 Abiona, J. A., Ogunsola, O. A., Daramola, J. O., Ajayi, O. L., Ladokun, A. O., Abioja, M.O., Williams, T. J., Oke, O. A., Osinowo, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2016. Effect of Mucuna pruriens on ovo-testis histology of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Nigerian Journal of Animal Science 18(1):25-31. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria. ISSN 1119-4308 (NIGERIA)

36 Abiona, J. A., Ojo, O., Daramola, J. O., Ladokun, A. O., Abioja, M. O., James, I. J., Osinowo, O. A., and Onagbesan, O. M. 2016. Effect of Mucuna pruriens on the reproductive tract of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Nigerian Journal of Animal Science 18(2): 315-321. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria.; ISBN 0331-2064 (NIGERIA)

37 Abioja, M. O., Adekunle, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Sodipe, O. G. and Jegede, A. V. 2016. Laying performance, survival rate, egg quality and shell characteristics in laying chickens offered honey in drinking water during hot season. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 49(1&2):12-19. Published by Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic. Available online:

38 Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y, Abiona, J . A, Odeyemi , A Y, Fafiolu, A . O, Egbeyale, L. T., Omotayo, I. G, Odeyemi, A. J. and Abel, F A S. 2016. Effect of moringa oleifera leaf meal on haematological parameters, serum biochemical indices and haemagglutination potential of broiler birds raised on deep litters. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 64 (3):337-345. Published by African Union-Interafrican Burean for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). Available online: (KENYA)

39 Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y, Abiona, J . A, Fafiolu, A . O, Egbeyale, L. T., Njoku, C. P., Omotayo, I. G,., Odeyemi , A Y, and Abel, F A S. 2016. Performance characteristics of broilers fed graded levels of moringa oleifera leaf meal. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science 19(1):23-31. Published by Malaysian Society of Animal Production (MALAYSIA)

40 Abiona J. A. 2017. Effect of zinc oxide on haemolymph biochemical parameters and haemagglutination potential of giant african land snail (archachatina marginata) Journal of Molluscan Research, 3:55-59. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). (NIGERIA)

41 Abiona, J. A., Ehimiyein, A. O., Akeredolu, E.O, Ladokun, A. O., Oke, O.E., Osinowo, O. A and Onagbesan, O. M. 2017. Effect of vitamin C on liveweight, biochemical parameters and haemagglutination potential of Giant African Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) during dry season. Journal of Molluscan Research, 3:60-66. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). (NIGERIA)

42 Abiona, J. A., Eshorun, A. C. and Mshelbwala, F. M. 2017. Effects of aestivation duration on reproductive tract dimension and spermatozoa production of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata) during dry season. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment 17 (2): 106-115. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta : Available online: (NIGERIA)

43 Oke, O. E., Emeshili, U. K., Iyasere, O. S., Abioja, M. O., Daramola, J. O., Ladokun, A. O., Abiona, J. A., Williams, T. J., Rahman, S. A., Rotimi, S. O., Balogun, S. I and Adejuyigbe, A. E. 2017. Physiological responses and performance of broiler chickens offered olive leaf extract under a hot humid tropical climate. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 26:376-382. Published by Poultry Science Association (World’s Poultry Science Association). Available online: (USA)

44 Ladokun, A. O., Obe, A. A., Oso, A. O., Oke, O. E. and Abiona, J. A. 2016. Performance and Egg quality characteristics of Egg-type Chicken as influenced by Fluted pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis) leaf extract. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science 18(1): 42-48 Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). (NIGERIA)

45 Abiona, J. A., Adeiga, O. L and Onagbesan, M. O. 2017. Localization of oestrogen hormone receptors in the reproductive tract of giant African Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) and potential role of Mucuna pruriens on level of expression. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 65(2): 221-228. Published by African Union-Interafrican Burean for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). Available online: (KENYA)

46 Adekunle, M. O., Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Jegede, A. V., Sodipe, O. G. 2017. Rectal temperature, heart rate, packed cell volume and differential white blood cell count of laying pullets to honey supplemented water during hot dry season. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 50 (1): 15–20. Published by National Agricultural and Food Centre. Research Institute for Animal Production, Nitra, Slovakia. Available online: (SLOVAKIA)

47 Abiona, J. A., Ogunremi, B., Ogunjebe, A., Otto, B. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2018. Effect of Nanoparticle (MFEED) on haemolymph biochemical values and selected organs of Giant African Land snail (Archachatina marginata) during dry season. Journal of Molluscan Research, 4:25-32. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). (NIGERIA)

48 Adekunle, A. O., Daramola, J. O., Sowande, O. S., Abiona, J. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2018. Effects of Apple and Orange Juices on quality of Refrigerated Goat semen. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 63 (1)53-65. Published by Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Available online: (SERBIA)

49 Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y., Egbeyale, L. T., Abiona, J. A. and Fafiolu, A. O. 2018. Pre and post-gestation blood indices of rabbit does fed graded levels of neem (Azadirachta indica) J. Anim. Prod. 45 (5):15-22. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NIGERIA)

50 Adegoke, A. V., Abimbola, M. A., Sanwo, K. A., Egbeyale, L. T., Abiona, J. A., Oso, A. O. and Iposu, S. O. 2018. Performance and blood chemistry profile of broiler Chickens fed dietary Turmeric (Curcuma longa) powders as antioxidants. Veterinary and Animal Science 6: 95-102. Published by ELSEVIER. Available online:

51 Ayo-Ajasa, O., Y., Abiona, J. A., Egbeyale, L. T., Njoku, C. P., Amoo, A. B. and Aseniyi, O. E. 2018. Gestational and reproductive performance of rabbit does fed diets containing neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf meal. Nig. J. Anim. Prod. 45 (3):79-86. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NIGERIA)

52 Sogunle, O. M., Aremu, T. S., Olatubosun, O. O., Njoku, C. P. and Abiona, J. A. 2019. Growth performance and blood profile of rabbit bucks in two housing types on aqueous extract of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq ex fr.). Nig. J. Anim. Prod. 46 (1):51-60. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production. (NIGERIA)

53 Abiona, J. A., Olaoye, T. G., Abioja, M. O. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2018. Effect of zinc oxide on liveweight, reproductive organ dimensions and spermatozoa production of Archachatina marginata during dry season, Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 51(4):121-124. Published by Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic (CZECH)

54 Abiona, J. A., Bello, K. T., Yusuf, T. A., Akinduti, P. A., Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y., Wheto, M., Adebayo, A. O., Iyanda, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2018. Preliminary investigation of toll-like receptor expression and haemagglutination potential of selected part of the reproductive tract of Giant African Land snail (Archachatina marginata) infected with bacteria Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 66: 699-708. Published by African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (KENYA)

55 Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O., Fabinu, O. O., Ehimiyen, A. O., Ladokun, A. O., Olapeju, Y. A., Sodipe, O. G., Oke, O. E. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2018. Effect of Moringa oleifera on live weight and reproductive tract dimension of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Archiva Zootechnica 21(2): 81-90 Available online: Published by national research and Development Institute for Biology and Animal Nutrition, Balotesti, ROMANIA

56 Abiona, J. A., Adeeyo, O. M., Abioja, M. O., Aina, C. K., Ayo-ajasa, O. Y., and Onagbesan, O. M. 2019. Effects of aestivation duration on testosterone, haemolymph biochemical parameters and reproductive tract dimensions and weight of giant African Land snail (Archachatina marginata) during dry season. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment 19 (1&2): 17-28. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta: Available online: (NIGERIA)

57 Adeyolanu, O. J, Sogunle, O. M, Adeyemi, O. A and Abiona, J. A. 2019. Growth performance, blood profile and gut microfloral of Broiler Chickens on different dosages of Baobab tree (Adansonia digitate Linn) Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 96: 61-73

58 Abiona, J. A. Durosinmi, F. A., Abioja, M. O., Ayo-ajasa, O. Y. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2020. Effect of shell injury on haemocyte concentration and shell Regrowth in Giant African Land snail (Archachatina marginata). Polish Journal of Natural Science 35(4):471-479. Published by University of Warmia, Polish: Available online: (POLAND)
59 Victoria, A. U., Onagbesan, O. M., Abiona, J. A., Egbeyale, L. T., Oke, O. E and Akinjute, O. F. 2020. Blastodermal development, hatchability and chick quality of Marshall® broiler breeders of different flock ages during egg storage. Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition. 104:1748–1756 DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13403
60 Victoria, A. U., Onagbesan, O. M., Oke, O. E., Abiona, J. A. and Egbeyale, L. T. 2020. Influence of age of broiler breeders and storage duration on egg quality and blastoderm of Marshall broiler breeders. Applied Poultry Research. 29:535-544. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Poultry Science Association Inc.
61 Abioja, M. O., Akinjute, O. F, Abiona, J. A and Ojoawo, H. T.2020. Effect of egg storage duration on spread of hatch, chick quality and organ development in FUNAAB-alpha chickens. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 97: 164-172
62 Alexander, V. K., Ekaterina, S.K, Abiona J. A, Yulia, V. B, Jean, J. B., Mikhail, Y. G., Artem, A. L, Alena, A. T., Ilya, V.V, Oleg, S. P., and Ivan, N. B. 2020. The global freshwater bivalve checklist’s extension: Freshwater occurrences and phylogenetic position of Galatea clams from West Africa (Venerida: Donacidae). Ecologica Montenegrina 35: 144-158

63 Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Akinjute, O. F. and Ojoawo, H. T. 2021. Effect of storage duration on egg quality, embryo mortality and hatchability in FUNAAB-αchicken. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 105:715-724.
64 Abioja, M. O., Omotara, O. P., Iyasere, O. S., Abiona, J. A., Egbeyale, L. T. and Akinjute, O. F. 2020. Comparative study of adaptation in three Chicken genotypes. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. Pp 1-9 DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13381
65 Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O., Ayo-ajasa, O. Y., Oyesanwen, M. T., Ihongbe, R. A., Mshelbwala, F. M., Oke, O. E. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2021. Effect of common salt (NaCl) on reproductive tract dimension, haemolymph haemocyte count and biochemical parameters of Giant African Land snail (A. marginata) during dry season. Aquacultural Reports 20:100695.
66 Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y., Abiona, J. A., Egbeyale, L., Fafiolu, A., Bamidele, L. and Fatola, O. 2021. Effect of dietary supplementation of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Blood profile, haemagglutination potential and testicular activities of Rabbits. Polish Journal of Natural Sciences. 36(1):95-106

67 Oke, O.E., Wheto, M., Uyanga, V. A., Aluko, F.A., Abiona, J.A., Adeleke, M. A. and Ogbebor, C.O. 2021. Embryonic Development and Early Juvenile Growth of Nigerian Local Chickens in Crosses with Exotic Broiler Breeder under Humid Tropical Conditions Asian Journal of Animal Science. 15(2):60-66. Published by Knowledgia Scientific. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2021.60.66

68 Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O., Iyasere, O. S., Olabode, B. T., Ajayi, O. L. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2021. Effect of feed type on ovo-testis activity of giant African Land snail (Archachatina marginata) Journal of Molluscan Research, 7:50-60. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). (NIGERIA)

69. Oguntade, O. M., Ilori, B. M., Durosaro, O. S., Abiona, J. A., Isidahomen, C. E. and Ozoje, M. O. 2021. Genetic variations in haematological indices of local and exotic Turkeys inoculated with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium vaccine. Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 8(1):19-29
70. Oke, O.E., Uyanga, V.A., Iyasere, O.S., Oke, F.O., Majekodunmi, B.C., Logunleko, M.O., Abiona, J. A., Nwosu, E.U., Abioja, M.O., Daramola, J.A., Onagbesan, O.M. 2021. Environmental stress and livestock productivity in hot-humid tropics: alleviation and future perspective. Journal of Thermal Biology 100: 103077. Published by Elsevier. Available online: /article/abs/pii/S030645 652100245X?via%3Dihub (UNITED KINGDOM)
71 Adeyolanu, O., Sogunle, O., Adeyemi, O and Abiona, J. 2021. Dosage effects of Aqueous extract of Baobab tree (Adansonia digitate Linn) Bark on growth performance, Blood profile, intestinal morphology and microflora of Cockerel Chickens. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and VeterinaryMedicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine 71(1):18-27

72 Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Akinjute, O. F., Ojoawo, H. T., Adebowale, V. A., Oni, B., Omotara, P. O. 2022. Effect of egg storage length on spread of hatch window, chick quality, and organ development in Transylvanian naked neck chickens. Poultry Science. 101(6):101834.

73 Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2022. Evaluation of Bacteria binding potential of haemolymph from two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina) (Accepted) Polish Journal of Natural Science. Published by University of Warmia, Polish: Available online: (POLAND)

74 Abiona, J. A., Odulate, O. O., Abioja, M. O., Ebenso, I., Otto, B. O. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2022. Effect of Nanoparticles (MTX+) on Selected Mineral composition of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata) fed with Aflatoxin contaminated diet. Journal of Molluscan Research, 8:22-30. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS). (NIGERIA)

75 Iwuozo, O. C., Abiona, J. A., Abioja, M. O., and Ilori, B. M. 2022. Immunological indices of Giant African Land snails (Archachatina marginata) improved with fixed dose of vitamin C during acute heat stress. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 44(1), e56477. Published by Universidade Estadual de Maringa (BRAZIL). Available online: (BRAZIL)
76 Ajiboye, O.O., Abiona, J.A., Onagbesan, O.M., Durotoye, V.L. 2022. Effect of site of collection and liveweight on hemolymph volume and survival of Archachatina marginata. Journal of Molluscan Research¬ 28: 97-106

77. Olatunbosun, O. B., Sogunle, O. M., Adetola, O. O., Odutayo, O. J., Ayodeji, T. M., Ayoola, A. A., and Abiona, J. A. 2020. In ovo feeding of organic salts of Zinc and copper: effects on growth performance and health status of two strains of broiler chickens. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad): 99 (2):146-166

78. Opowoye, I. O., Aderibigbe, O. B., Sogunle, O. M., Adeyemo, A. A and Abiona, J. A. 2022. Effect of pellet feed of different particle sizes and housing types on growth performance and blood profile of pullet chicks from weeks 4 to 12. Archivous de Zootecnia 71(276):278-285.

79. Abioja, M.O., Abiona, J.A., Akinjute, O.F., Ojoawo, H.T., Adebowale, V.A., Oni, B.O. and Omotara, O.P. 2022. Research Note: Effect of egg storage length on spread of hatch window, chick quality and organ development in Transylvanian naked neck chickens. Poultry Science 101: 101834. Published by Poultry Science Association, USA. Available online: (USA)
80. Abioja, M.O., Logunleko, M.O., Majekodunmi, B.C., Adekunle, E.O., Shittu, O.O., Odeyemi, A.J., Nwosu, E.U., Oke, O.E., Iyasere, O.S., Abiona, J.A., Williams, T.J., James, I.J., Smith, O.F. and Daramola, J.A. 2023. Roles of candidate genes in adaptation of goats to heat stress. Small Ruminant Research 218: 106878. Published byInternational Goat Association. Available online: (THE NETHERLANDS)
81. Sogunle, O. M., Ayodeji, T. M., Adetola, O. O., Odutayo, O. J., Adeyemo, A. A., Abiona, J. A., Olatunbosun, O. B., and Safiyu, K. K. 2023. Effects of In ovo injection of inorganic salts of zinc and copper on performance and serum biochemical indices of two strains of Broiler Chickens. Folia Veterinaria (67):1:1-14.

Refereed Conference Proceeding
82 Osinowo, O. A., Omoyakhi, M. and Abiona, J. 2007. Effect of feed type on growth rate of giant African land snail, Archachatina marginata (swainson, 1821). Proceeding of 32ndAnnual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at University of Calaba, Nigeria 18th-21st March, 2009. Pp 182-184. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

83 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A. and Abiona, J. A. 2008. Effect of water restriction in goats during hot-dry season in the humid tropics: haematological response and water balance. Proceeding of 13th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) held at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 15th-19th September, 2008. Pp 165-169. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)

84 Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A., Ozoje, M. O., Eruvbetine, D. and Abioja, M. O. 2009. Morphometric differences in the accessory reproductive organs of two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata) at three liveweight ranges. Proceeding of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria 15th-18th March, 2009. Pp 649-651. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

85 Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Adebambo, O. A., Bello, N. J. and Abiona, J. A. 2009. Feed intake and weight gain in goats subjected to water restriction during hot-dry season in the humid to water tropics. Proceeding of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria 15th-18th March, 2009. Pp 487-489. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

86 Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A., Oyekunle, M. O., Osinowo, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2009. Preliminary investigation on the presence of agglutinin in the haemolymph of giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Proceeding of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria 15th-18th March, 2009. Pp 172-175. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

87. Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A., Ozoje, M. O., Eruvbetine, D. and Abioja, M. O. 2009. Morphometric differences in the accessory reproductive organs of two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata) at three liveweight ranges. Proceeding of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria 15th-18th March, 2009. Pp 649-651. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

88. Abioja, M. O., Osinowo, O. A., Smith, O. F., Eruvbetine, D. and Abiona, J. A. 2010. Effects of cold water and vitamin C on rectal temperature and respiratory rate of of broiler chickens during hot-dry season in the south-western Nigeria. Proceeding of 15th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) held at University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria 13th-16th September, 2010. Pp 194-196. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)

89 Daramola, J. O., Ochefu, J., Abioja, M. O., Ladokun, A. O. and Abiona, J. A. 2011. Sperm motility of West African Dwarf buck semen chilled with tris-egg yolk extender at different temperatures and dilution ratios.Proceeding of 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) held at Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria 12th-15th September, 2011. Pp 167-169. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)

90. Abiona, J. A., Omire, O., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2011. Effect of Vertebrate hormone on growth, shell parameters and egg laying in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Paper presented at 36thProceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production Abuja, March 13th – 16th 2011. Adeniji,A. A., Olatunji, E. A. and Gana, E. S. (Eds.).Pp. 106-108. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

91. Abiona, J. A., Akinwande, O. A., Olabode, B. T., Ejilude, M. O., Ajayi, O. L., Abioja, M. O Osinowo, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2012. Effect of feed type on spermatozoa production in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Giant African Land Snails held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta February12th–15th 2012. Ola, S. I., Dedeke, G. A. and Fafiolu, A. O. (Eds.) Pp. 98-101.Published by Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR), UNAAB.

92. Abiona, J. A., Sokoya, Y. F., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2012. Effect of egg weight on hatching weight and incubation period in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Giant African Land Snails held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta February12th–15th 2012. Ola, S. I., Dedeke, G. A. and Fafiolu, A. O. (Eds.) Pp. 95-97.Published by Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR), UNAAB.

93. Abioja, M. O., Ogundimu, K. B., Akibo, T., Odutola, K., Abiona, J. A. and Ajiboye, O. O. 2012. Growth and physiological responses of broilers offered honey during hot-dry season. British Poultry Abstract 8(1): 48-49. Published by World’s Poultry Science Association- UK (WPSA, UK). Available online: /full/10.1080/17466202.2012.706962 ISSN 1746-6202

94. Abiona, J. A., Oke, O. E., Akinduti, P. A., Abioja, M. O. and Onagbesan, O. M., 2012. Haemagglutination potential of layers raised on three rearing methods using natural agglutins from giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata). World Poultry Science Association (Togo Branch) International Seminar 22-24 May, 2012, Universite de Lomé, Lomé, Togo.Published by World’s Poultry Science Association- Togo (WPSA-Togo).

95. Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A., Oyekunle, M., Osinowo, A. O and Onagbesan, O. M., 2012. Comparative evaluation of haemagglutination potential of haemolymph from two species of giant African land snails using erythrocytes from cattle, sheep, goat and chicken. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work held in Nottingham UK, 24-25 April 2012. Barratt, D., Chaudhry, A.S., Cobb, M., Flockhart, J. French, A., Kenny, D. A., King, T., Mayes, R. W., Nash, D. M., Pollot,G., Richardson, R. I., Rooke, J. A., Rose, M., Rymer,C.,Sinclair, K., Steele, M. A., Wall, E., Wolf, B.T and Wylie, A. ( Eds)3 (1): 107

96. Abioja, M. O., Ogundimu, K. B., Akibo, T., Odukoya, K., Abiona, J. A. and Ajiboye, O. O. 2012. Growth and physiological responses of broilers offered honey during hot-dry season. World Poultry Science Association (UK Branch) Annual Meeting 24-25April, 2012, Jubilee Campus, Notthingham University, UK.

97. Abiona, J. A., Sokoya, Y. F., Osinowo, O. A. and Abioja, M. O. 2012. Effect of egg weight on hatching weight and incubation period in giant African land snail (Archachatina marginata). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Giant African Land Snails held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta February12th–15th 2012. Ola, S. I., Dedeke, G. A. and Fafiolu, A. O. (Eds.) Pp. 95-97. Published by Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR), UNAAB.

98. Abiona, J. A., Akinduti, P. A., Oyekunle, M., Osinowo, O. A. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2013. Comparative evaluation of the presence and dimensions of hemocyte from two species of Giant African Land Snails ( Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Proceeding of 38th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held at Department of Animal Science, River State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria 17th-20th March, 2013. Pp 690-692. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

99. Awosanya, A. A., Abiona, J. A., Osinowo, O. A., Ladokun, A. O., Abioja, M. O.,Daramola, J. O. and Onagbesan, O. M. 2013. Determination of Estrogen Receptor Gene expression in the reproductive system of Archachatina marginata. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Giant African Land Snails held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta June 2nd-5th 2013. Abiona, J. A and Osunsina, I. O. (Eds.) Pp. 34-38. Published by Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR), UNAAB.

100. Abiona, J. A.,Oyelade, O. A., Osinowo, O. A., Ladokun, A. O., Abioja, M. O., Daramola, J. O. and Onagbesan O. M. 2014. Effect of dietary vitamin E on reproductive tract dimensions and egg laying performance of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata) during dry season in Abeokuta. Proceedings of 39th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at Babcock University, Ilishan Ogun, Nigeria on March 16th – 19th 2014. Abdullah, R. A., Tayo, G. O., Okubanjo, A. O. and Akinsoyinu, O. A. (Eds.) Pp. 98-100. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP)

101. Ayo-Ajasa,O. Y., Fafiolu, A, O., Abiona, J. A., Omotayo, I. G., Odeyemi, A.Y. and Alabi, O. J. 2015. Carcass characteristics of broilers fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal. Proceedings of 5th Nigeria International Poultry Summit held at University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, 10th – 14th May, 2015 published by World’s Poultry Science Association, Nigeria Branch. 54-58.

102. Ayo-Ajasa,O. Y., Omotayo, I. G., Abiona, J. A, Fafiolu, A, O., Egbeyale, L. T., Odeyemi, A.Y. and Abel, F. A. S. 2015. Growth performance characteristics of broiler chickens fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference, 4th ASAN-NIAS Joint Annual Meeting held at International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, September 6-10, 2015. 607-610.

103. Akibo, T. E., Abioja, M. O., Onagbesan, O. M., Adebambo, A. O., Abiona, J. A., Sodipo, O. G., Adeleye, O. O. and Jinadu, S. O. 2016.Effect of Coconut Water on rectal temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate In Broiler Chickens fed Coconut Water during growing phase. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference, Joint Annual Meeting held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, March 20-24, 2016. 151-154.

104. Ayo-Ajasa, O. Y., Abiona, J. A., Fafiolu, A. O., Egbeyale, L. T., Adeleye, O. O. and Bamidele, I. A. 2016. Haematological and serum biochemical indices of weaner Rabbits fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference, Joint Annual Meeting held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, March 20-24, 2016. 390-393.

105. Abiona, J. A., Oyesanwen, M. T., Ayo-ajasa, O. Y., Abioja, M. O., Oke, O. E and Onagbesan, O. M. 2019. Effect of common salt (Nacl) on haemocyte count and haemolymph biochemical parameters of Giant African Land snail (A. marginata) during dry season. Proceedings of the 44st Annual Conference held at University of Abuja, March 17-21st , 2019. 156-159

106. Abioja, M. O., Abiona, J. A., Akinjute, O. F., Tomori, A. A., Abdul, A. A., Adebodun, M. A., Olowu, B. N., Oyebowale, H. D., Fagbemi, O. I., Oloruntola, T. R., Olaniyan, O. I and Akomolafe, O. O. 2019. Effect of dosage of Vitamin E on physiological and blood parameters in growing Arbor acres pullets under humid Tropical conditions. Proceedings of the 44st Annual Conference held at University of Abuja, March 17-21st , 2019. 90-94.

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