
ADEBAYO Gboyega Augustine 

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Short Profile

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

  • Investigated properties of liquid using integral Equation Theory.
  • Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Currently.

On-going Research

  • AB initio method to study the optical, clastic and electronic properties of materials.

a. Best Academic Performance, Dept. of Physics, UNAAB, 1990, 1992

b. Departmental Proficiency, Dept. of Physics, UNAAB, 1990,1992

c. Scholar, German Academic Exchange Services, DAAD, 1999

d. Young Student, Visitor, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, 2000

e. Junior Associate, International Cenre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, 2001-2008

f. African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI) Travel Grant,2007

g. International Incoming Short Visitor, The Royal Society of London, 2008

h. Reviewer, Elsevier Journal : Materials Science and Engineering A.

i. Reviewer, Elsevier Journal : Materials Science and Engineering B.


* Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP), member since 2007

* American Physical Society (APS), member since 1997

* German Physical Society (DPG), member since 2006


1.        Applications of some Integration Techniques in Physics – Bsc. University of  Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 1992.

2.        Structure Factors of Quenched Alkali Metals from Integral Equation Theories (A Non Local Pseudo Potential approach)- M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1997.

3.       Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquid Aluminium and Water -Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2005


ISSN and URL of Publications articles in learned journals:

1.      Akinlade, O., Ijaduola, B.R., Vincent , U. E. and Adebayo, G. A.  (1999). Structural  properties of undercooled liquid sodium and caesium, Pramana- J. Phys., Vol. 52, No. 6. 631-645. [Abstract]

2.     Anusionwu, B. C.  and Adebayo, G. A. (2001). Quasi-chemical studies of ordering in the  Cu-Zr and Cu-Si melts, J. Alloys and Compounds, 329, 162-167. [Abstract]
3.      ISSN0019-5596,
Oyekola, O.S., Adebayo, G.A. and Hussain, L.A.  (2001). Investigation of initial  configuration on the dynamic properties of Lennard-Jones fluid by method of Molecular Dynamics, Indn.J.Pure and Applied Phys.428-432.

4          ISSN0304-4289,
Adebayo,  G. A., Akinlade, O. and Hussain, L. A. (2005). Structures and autocorrelation functions of liquid Al and Mg modelled via Lennard-Jones potential from molecular dynamics simulation, Pramana-J. Phys., Vol.64, No.2, 269-279.

(ii)    ISSN0304-4289,
Adebayo,  G. A., Akinlade, O., Malomo, O.A. And Hussain, L. A. (2005). Structure, single- particle and many-particle coefficients of Lennard- Jones liquid Al, Pramana J. Phys. Vol.65,No.2, 339-347.

(iii)    ISSN0304-4289,
Akande, A.,  Adebayo, G. A. and Akinlade, O.(2005). Strcutural properties of low density  liquid alkali metals, Pramana J. Phys. Vol.65, No.6, 1085-1096.

7.    ISSN0031-9104,
Anusionwu, B. C., Adebayo, G. A. and Orji, C. E. (2005). Influence of strong hetero-coordination on surface properties of Li-Pb melts, Phys. and Chem.of liq. Vol.43, 6,495-506.

8.    ISSN0167-7322,
Anusionwu, B. C. and Adebayo, G. A. (2006). Correlation between bulk and surface properties in RbPb liquid alloy, J. Mol. Liqs.,Vol. 128, No.1-3, 90- 95.

9.    ISSN1434-6028,
Adebayo, G. A.  and Anusionwu, B. C. (2006). Dynamical properties of Ag-Cu binary alloy from molecular dynamics simulation, Eur. Phys. J. B 54, 423-427. [Abstract]

10.    ISSN0932-0784,
Adebayo, G. A. and Anusionwu, B. C. (2007). Adhesion energy surface traction and surface tension in Fe-Mg binary alloy, Z. Naturforsch. 62a, 596-600.

11.    ISSN0021-9606,
Adebayo, G.A., Y. Liang, Miranda C.R. and Scandolo, S.(2009) Infrared absorption of MgO at high pressures and temperatures: A molecular dynamic study, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 014506-1   -014506-5. [Abstract]

12.    ISSN0947-8396,
Anusionwu, B.C., Adebayo, G.A. and Madu, C.A., (2009) Thermodynamics and surface properties of liquid Al-Ga and Al-Ge alloys, Appl Phys A 97: 533–541. [Abstract]

13.    ISSN0921-4526, journal homepage:
B.C. Anusionwu and G.A. Adebayo (2010) Mixing properties in the In–Pb and In–Mg liquid alloys, Physica B 405,  880–887. [Abstract]

14       ISSN0304-4289,
Adebayo G.A., B.C. Anusionwu, A.N. Njah, O.J. Adeniran, B. Mathew and R.S. Sunmonu (2010), Collision frequency of Lennard-Jones fluids at high densities by equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation (Accepted Pramana J. of Phys.). [Abstract]

Technical research reports:
Adebayo, G. A., Akinlade, O., Hussain,  L. A. and F. Forstmann (2004). Investigation on bulk water: Integral equation approach,, Internal report, IC/IR/2001/14, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [Abstract]

2.     Adebayo, G. A. and Anusionwu, B. C., (2004). Size effects on the transport coefficient of liquid Li, Na and K using a soft sphere potential, IC/2004/64, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [Abstract]

3.      Adebayo, G. A.,  Anusionwu , B. C., Njah, A. N. , Mathew, B. and Fabamise, O. A. T. (2004). Density dependence of the diffusion coefficient of alkali metals,, Internal Report,     IC/IR/2004/2, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [Abstract]

4.    Adebayo, G. A., Anusionwu, B. C. and Adetunji,B. I. (2006). Influence of Chemical Potential on Mutual Diffusion Coefficient of Binary Alloys, IC/IR/2006/018, ICTP. [Abstract]

5.     Adebayo, G. A.,  and Anusionwu, B. C. (2006).   Determination of Surface Tension in Binary Ni-W Alloy from Molecular Dynamics Simulation, IC/2006/138, ICTP. [Abstract]

Ongoing research:

Condensed Matter Physics comprises of Physics of the Solid, Liquid and Gaseous States including the intermediate boundaries of those states. Currently we use different methods of simulations (classical MD, CPMD and First Principle Calculations) to study optical properties of materials. In particular, we are interested in pressure induced structural changes in materials and how optical properties could be used to give more insights into design of new materials.

Members of the team

B. Mathew (Now at Caleb University) (PhD. Candidate)

G. Solola (Msc. Candidate)

M.K. Bamgbose (Msc. Candidate)

F. Arowoogun (Msc. Candidate)

P. Adebambo (Msc. Candidate)
Affiliations with professional bodies: Fellow of the DAAD, Member of APS, Member of DPG, Regular Associate of the ICTP.

1.        Department of Physics (B.C. Anusionwu) , Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

2.        Condensed Matter Section, ICTP (S. Scandolo), Trieste, Italy.

3.       School of Physics and Astronomy (G.J. Ackland and M. Marques), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

4.       Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (C.R. Miranda) Universidade Federal do ABC   (UFABC) – Santo André – SP – Brazil.


1.     Adebayo, G. A., Akinlade, O., Hussain,  L. A. and F. Forstmann (2004). Investigation on bulk water: Integral equation approach,, Internal report, IC/IR/2001/14, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste,  Italy.

2.      Adebayo, G. A. and Anusionwu, B. C., (2004). Size effects on the transport coefficient of  liquid Li, Na and K using a soft sphere potential, IC/2004/64, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

3.         Adebayo, G. A.,  Anusionwu , B. C., Njah, A. N. , Mathew, B. and Fabamise, O. A. T. (2004).Density dependence of the diffusion coefficient of alkali metals,, Internal Report,     IC/IR/2004/2, Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

*4.       Adebayo, G. A., Anusionwu, B. C. and Adetunji, B. I. (2006). Influence of Chemical Potential on Mutual Diffusion Coefficient of Binary Alloys, IC/IR/2006/018, ICTP.

*5.       Adebayo, G. A.,  and Anusionwu, B. C. (2006). Determination of Surface Tension in Binary Ni-W Alloy from Molecular Dynamics Simulation, IC/2006/138, ICTP.

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