
ADEDEJI Oludare Hakkem 


Short Profile

Professor Oludare ADEDEJI teaches environmental geography and geospatial methods at the Federal
University of Agriculture in Abeokuta's Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology.
He graduated with his undergraduate degree in geography and planning from the University of Lagos
in 1993, his master's degree in geography from the University of Ibadan in 1998, and his doctorate in
geography from the same institution in 2008. Additionally, he received a PGD in 2010 from the
Faculty for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente Enschede,
the Netherlands, and a Certificate in Disaster Risk Management and Environmental Assessment for
Spatial Planning from the same institution in 2015.
His area of expertise is physical geography, with a focus on the application of geospatial techniques to
Environmental and Natural Resources Analysis (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
System). His research publications and the knowledge he has added have primarily focused on
environmental issues, such as the assessment and monitoring of environmental pollution, atmospheric
deposition of nutrients and pollutants, disaster risk management, and geospatial analysis of changes in
land use/land cover changes and their effects, such as the assessment of surface urban heat islands
(SUHI) in Nigerian cities.
He participates in numerous fieldwork assessments to address environmental issues. He belongs to
organizations for professionals like the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
the Association of Nigerian Geographers, the Environmental and Geospatial Information in Africa, and
the International Soil Moisture Network. His expertise lies in the domain of physical geography. He
has received scholarships from the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for postgraduate work in
natural resource management, geoinformation, and earth observation (2009–2010), as well as for a
short course in disaster risk reduction and environmental assessment for spatial planning (2015).

i Senior Secondary School Certificate 1987
ii B.Sc Geography and Planning (Second Class Upper) 1993
iii M.Sc Geography 1998
iv Ph.D Geography 2008
v. PGD (Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Natural Resource Management) 2010
vi. Certificate (Disaster Risk Management and Environmental Assessment for Spatial Planning.

a) Assessment of heavy metal pollution level in street and leaf deposited dust in urban
b) Spatial heterogeneity of element fluxes in atmospheric deposition along a rural-urban gradient
in a part of Ogun State Nigeria.
c) GIS-based sensitivity analysis of community vulnerability to climate change induced disaster in
Ogun State Nigeria.
d) Local Climatic Zoning and surface urban heat island (SUHI) assessment in emerging cities.
e) Using RS and GIS to resolve climate change induce land use conflicts in Nigeria.
f) Mapping and assessing food security situations in Nigeria with GIS and Remote Sensing.
g) Spatial Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Soil Heavy Metal in Industrial Town of
Sango-Ota, Nigeria

a. Netherland Fellowship Programme (NFP): Certificate in Disaster
Risk Management and Environmental Assessment for
Spatial Planning – C15-ESA-SCD-01 8 th Jun – 17 th Jul 2015
b. Netherland Fellowship Programme (NFP): Refresher
Course-Pro-Poor and Gender Equitable Innovation in West Africa
(PGILWA), Rectas, OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 16 th -27 th Mar. 2015
c. Netherland Fellowship Programme (NFP): Post Graduate
Diploma, Natural Resource Management, Faculty for
Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. 2009-2010

i. Acting Head of Department, Environmental Management and
Toxicology (EMT) 2017-2019
ii. Member, FUNAAB Senate 2017-2019
iii. Member, Board of Postgraduate School 2017-2019
iv. Member, Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC) 2019-Date
v. Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on the Removal of Junks from
University Buildings 2020-Date
vi.Programme Leader, Environmental system and Climate Change- July 31, 2023 to July 30, 2026

a) Member, Association of Nigerian Geographers
b) Member, Environmental and Geospatial Information in Africa
c) Member, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
d) Member, Environmental and Behaviour Association of Nigeria
e) Member, Soil Science Society of Nigeria.
f) Member, International Soil Moisture Network
g) Member, International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air
Pollution Effects on Forests

a) Maiden Conference of the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management,
University of Lagos, Lagos (2019)
Paper Presented: Residents’ Perception of Urban Forest Tress in Osogbo, Nigeria:
Implications on Environmental Sustainability of Africa’s Biodiversity.
b) The 2nd Edition of World Environmental Conservation Conference, Federal University of
Technology, Akure (2019).
Paper Presented: The role of urban forest in mitigating climate change and creating green
space in Nigeria.


c) 2nd GIS Researcher in Africa (GISRAfrica 2017) Conference. BON Hotel Stratton, Bola Ige
Close, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria. Nov. 23rd-24th 2017
Paper Presented: Exploring Relationships between Urban Heat Island Effect and Land
Use/Land Cover Types in Ibadan, Nigeria.
d) 57th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Geographical Association (ANG) University of
Lagos, 10 th -15th April 2016
Paper Presented: Urban Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping around Olodo River, Ibadan,

Research Reports, Dissertation and Thesis
(i) Adedeji, O.H. (1993): Implications of land use and land cover changes in Isheri, Lagos
State. Unpublished BSc. Research Report Submitted to the Department of Geography
and Planning. University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. 67 p.

(ii) Adedeji, O.H. (1998): Peoples’ perception of land degradation. A case study of Ijebu-
Ode area of Ogun State, Nigeria. MSc. Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
Nigeria. 81 p.

(iii) Adedeji, O.H. (2008): Nutrient cycling in an agroecosystem of rubber plantation in
Ikenne, Southwestern, Nigeria. PhD Thesis University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 207

(iv) Adedeji, O.H. (2010): Monitoring the spatial pattern of land cover change using
remotely sensed imageries and GIS: A case study of Omo-Shasha-Oluwa forest reserve,
Southwestern Nigeria. PGD, Final Project Submitted to Department of Natural
Resource Management, Faculty for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
(ITC), University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. 24 p.
Articles in Learned Journals
1) Adedeji, O.H. (2001): Tropical Forest Dereservation and Degradation: Challenges to
Stabilizing Soil Resources and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Knowledge
Review. A Multidisciplinary Journal of National Association for the
Advancement of Knowledge. 4(3):114-126. Published by National Association for
the Advancement of Knowledge, University of Benin, Benin City. Nigeria.
2) Adedeji, O.H. and Somuyiwa, A.O. (2003): Corporate Environmental Behaviour and
Criminality in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Environment and Behaviour. 1(1):
28-34 Published by Environment and Behaviour Association of Nigeria (EBAN).
3) Adedeji, O.H. and Ewedairo, K.S. (2003): Promoting Gender Sensitivity and Gender
Mainstreaming in Environmental Issues. Challenges of Globalisation and Sustainable
Development in Nigeria. Knowledge Review: A Multidisciplinary Journal of
National Association for the Advancement of Knowledge. 6(2):71-78
4) Adedeji, O.H., Somuyiwa, A.O., and Odufuwa, B.O. (2005): Gender Perspectives for Enhanced
Environmental Education and Awareness in West Africa. International Journal and
Related Studies. 2(1):419-431
5) Adedeji, O.H. and Odufuwa, B.O. (2005): An Overview of the Complimentarily between
Environmental Degradation and Gender in Africa. Journal and Related Studies.
6) Adedeji, O.H. (2006): Globalization and the Nigerian Economy: Challenges to Sustainable
Environmental Management and Development. Ijagun Journal of Social and
Management Sciences. (2):12-25


7) Adedeji, O.H. and Akanni, C.O. (2007): Effects of Organic Amendments and Litter Cover
on Soil (Oxic Udox) Quality in Ago-Iwoye Farm Settlement, Southwestern,
Nigeria. Environtropica. 4(1&2):22-31. Published by Department of Zoology,
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
8) Adedeji, O.H. and Akanni, C.O. (2007): Determining Trace Metal Contents in Throughfall,
Litterfall and Soils at a Small Watershed in Ikenne, SW Nigeria Journal of
Environmental Studies. 3(1):1-7. Published by International Research and
Development Institute, Nigeria.
9) Adedeji, O.H. (2007): Impacts of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture on Soil Quality in
Ijebu-North LGA of Ogun State, Nigeria. OOU Journal of Environmental
Technology. 1(1):125-134. Published by Faculty of Environmental Technology,
Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria.
10) Adedeji, O.H. (2007): Progress and Problems of Geographical Discipline in Higher Education:
The Need for Scholarship of Teaching in Nigeria. Journal of the Nigerian Academic
Forum. 13(1):35-42
11) Adedeji, O.H., Somuyiwa, A.O., and Odufuwa, B.O. (2007): Automobile Dependency and
Environmental Quality within the Context of Transport Demand Management in
Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Geography, Environment and Planning
(JOGEP). 3(1):75-84. Published by Department of Geography and Planning
Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
12) Odufuwa, B.O., Olateru-Olagbegi, O., and Adedeji, O.H. (2008): Environmental Conflicts
and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Challenges for Governance and
Environmental Sustainability. African Journal of Technological Policy. 3(1):216-
234.Published by Ghana Institute of Certified Public Administration, Ghana.

13) Adedeji, O.H. (2008): Sulphate, Chloride and Nitrogen Compound Concentration in Atmospheric
Deposition and Effects on Nutrient Cycling in a Rubber Plantation Agroecosystem at
Ikenne, SW Nigeria. Environmental Research Journal. 2(2):80-87. Published by Medwell
Journals. Pakistan. Available online at:
14. Adedeji, O.H. (2008): Climate Change and Energy Access in Nigeria: The Need for
Sustainable and Integrated Energy Management. Journal of Geography,
Environment and Planning (JOGEP). 4(1):70-82. Published by Department of
Geography and Planning Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ado-
Ekiti, Nigeria
15) Adedeji, O.H. and Ademiluyi, I.A. (2009): Urban Agriculture and Urban Land Use Planning.
Need For a Synthesis in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and
Regional Planning. 2(3):43-50. Published by Academic Journals. USA Available
online at:

16) Adedeji, O.H. (2011): Atmospheric Deposition of Base Cations and Soil Chemistry in
Tree Crop Agroecosystems in Ogun State, SW Nigeria. Journal of Engineering
and Environmental Studies. 2(1):23-28. Published by Faculty of Environmental
Technology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Nigeria.
17) Odufuwa, B.O., Adedeji, O.H., Oladesu, J.O. and Bongwa, A. (2012): Flood of Fury in
Nigerian Cities. Journal of Sustainable Development. 5(7):69-79. ISSN 1913- 9063
E-ISSN 1913-9071. Published by Canadian Center of Science an Education Canada
Available online at:


18. Gbadebo, A.M., Kehinde, I.A. and Adedeji, O.H. (2012): Participatory Roles of Women
in Quarrying Activities in Abeokuta Metropolis. Global Journals of Human and
Social Sciences. Volume 12 Issue 13C, p.12-25 Published by Global Journals Inc.,
Cambridge Office Center, II Canal Park, Floor No. 5th, Cambridge
(Massachusetts) USA. Available online at:

19). Adedeji, O.H., Odufuwa, Bashir. O and Adebayo, H. O. (2012): Building capabilities for flood
disaster and hazard preparedness and risk reduction in Nigeria: Need for spatial planning and
land management. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa. 14(1): 45-58. Published by
Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA Available online at:
20). Adedeji, O.H. and Gbadegesin, A.S. (2012): Base Cation Leaching from the Canopy of a
Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis willd. Muell-Arg) Plantation at Ikenne, South West
Nigeria Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. 5(4):384-
390. Published by Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar
University. Ethiopia. Available online at:
21). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O. and Oyebanji, F.F (2013): Assessment of Traffic Related
Heavy Metals Pollution of Roadside Soils in Emerging Urban Centres in Ijebu-
North area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and
Environmental Management. 17(4): 509-514. Published by World Bank Assisted
National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) University of Port-Harcourt.
Available online at:
22). Oyebanji, F.F., Adeofun, C.O., Adedeji, O.H., Ekpo, U.F., Oguntoke, O. and Ojekunle,
O.Z. (2013): Assessment of Respiratory Health Impact of Fuel-Wood
Utilization on Exposed Rural Women in Odeda, Southwestern, Nigeria. Global
Journal of Science Frontier Research Environment & Earth Science. 13(4):17-
24. Published by Global Journals Inc., Cambridge Office Center, II Canal Park,
Floor No. 5th, Cambridge (Massachusetts) USA Available online
23). Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji, O.H. and Oladeru, I.B. (2013): Water Quality and
Bacteriological Assessment of Slaughterhouse Effluent on Urban River in
Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science in Environmental Sanitation. 8(4):277-286.
Published by Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember
Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, and Indonesian Society of Sanitary and
Environmental Engineers (IATPI) Jakarta, Indonesia. Available online at:
24). Adedeji, O.H. and Olayinka, O.O. (2013): Heavy Metal Concentrations In Urban
Stormwater Runoff and Receiving Stream. Journal of Environment and Earth
Sciences. 3(7):141-150. Published by International Institute for Science,
Technology and Education (IISTE). USA Available online at:
25). Adedeji, O.H. and Olayinka, O.O. (2014): Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Dumpsite
Leachate and Effects on Adjacent Stream on Ajakanga, Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal
of Applied Science in Environmental Sanitation. 9(2):113-122. Published by
Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
Technology (ITS) Surabaya, and Indonesian Society of Sanitary and
Environmental Engineers (IATPI) Jakarta, Indonesia Available online at:


26). Olayinka, O.O. Adedeji, O.H. and Sanni, S.S. (2014): Water Quality of Hand-Dug Wells
at Close Proximity to Pit Latrine and its Health Implication in Isara–Remo,
Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology.
8(6):Ver.II:56-64. Published by International Organization of Scientific Research. USA.
Available online at:
27). Olayinka, O.O. and Adedeji, O.H. (2014): Concentration of heavy metals in soils and
water near some mechanic villages in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Journal of Advances in Chemistry. 8(3):1667-1679, Published by Council for
Innovative Research. USA Available online at: ,
28). Olayinka, O.O. and Adedeji, O.H. and Dada, O. (2014): Determination of Concentrations
of Heavy Metals In Municipal Dumpsite Soil And Plants at Oke-Ogi, Iree,
Nigeria. International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry.
4(6):656-669. Published by Science Domain International, Third Floor, 207
Regent Street, London, W1B 3H United Kingdom Available online
29). Adedeji, O.H., Adebayo, H. O. and Sotayo, E.I. (2014): Assessing environmental
impacts of inland sand mining in parts of Ogun State, Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal
of Environmental Studies and Management. 7(5): 478 – 487. Published by
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University.
Ethiopia. Available online at:
30). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O. and Nwanya, F.C. (2014): Soil and Water Pollution
Levels in and around Urban Scrapyards. Journal of Environmental Science,
Toxicology and Food Technology, 8(4) Ver. II, 01-08. Published by International
Organization of Scientific Research. USA Available online at:
31). Adedeji, O.H. and Olayinka, O.O. (2014): Micro-Pollutants in Urban Residential Roof
Runoff: Environmental and Health Implications. Journal of Environmental Science,
Toxicology and Food Technology. 8, (2) Ver. III: 55-63. Published by International
Organization of Scientific Research, USA. Available online at:
32). Adedeji, O.H. and Gbadegesin, A.S. (2014): Comparing Throughfall and Litterfall Nutrient
Fluxes in a Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Willd. Muell-Arg) Plantation Agro-
ecosystem at Ikenne, South-west Nigeria. Applied Environmental. Research,
36(3): 17-28. Published by Environmental Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Available online at:
33). Adedeji, O.H. and Gbadegesin, A.S. (2014): Dynamics and Fluxes of Nutrient in
Throughfall in Rubber Plantation (Hevea brasiliensis Willd. Muell-Arg) at Ikenne,
SW, Nigeria. Trends in Applied Science Research. 9(5): 200-218 Published by
Science Alert. New York, USA Available online at: http:///
34). Adedeji, O.H. and Adeofun, C.O. (2014): Spatial Pattern of the Land Cover Change Using
Remotely Sensed Imagery and GIS: A Case Study of Omo-Shasha-Oluwa Forest
Reserve, SW. Nigeria (1986-2002). Journal of Geographic Information System.
6:375-385. Published by SciRes. USA. Available online at:
35). Oladoye, A.O., Adedeji, O.H., Osinowo, O.O., Basiru, A.O. and Yisau, J.A.
(2014): Phytosociological Assessment of Understorey Species in Leuceana
leucocephala and Gmelina arborea stands in Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta. Forests and Forest Products Journal. 6: 9-17. Published by Forest
and Forest Product Society. Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria.


36). Adedeji, O.H. (2015): Patterns of Nitrogen Mineralization and nitrification in a rubber
(Hevea brasiliensis-Willd. Muell.-Arg) plantation agroecosystem in relation to age
stands in southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Technology.
6(1):125-134. Published by Faculty of Environmental Technology, Olabisi
Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria.
37). Adedeji, O.H. and Olayinka, O.O. (2015): Assessment of Groundwater Contamination by
Textile Effluent of Discharges in Ikorodu, Nigeria. Applied Environmental
Research. 37 (1): 35-48. Published by Environmental Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok., Thailand. Available online at:
38). Adedeji, O.H., Tope-Ajayi, O.O. and Abegunde, O.L. (2015):Assessing and Predicting
Changes in the Status of Gambari Forest Reserve, Nigeria Using Remote Sensing
and GIS Techniques. Journal of Geographic Information System. 7:301-318.
Published by SciRes. USA Available online at:
39). Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji, O.H. and Ajibola, F.O. (2015): Monitoring Gaseous and
Particulate Air Pollutants near Major Highways in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of
Applied Science and Environmental Management.19 (4):751-758. Published by
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) University
of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. Available online at:
40). Olayinka, O.O, Adedeji, O.H. and Balogun, Yewande. (2015): Air and Heavy Metal
Pollution around a Steel Foundry in Ogijo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of
Science Research. 14: 9-16. Published by the Faculty of Science, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
41). Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji, O.H. and Ipeaiyeda, R.A. (2015): Determination of Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on selected Dumpsites in Abeokuta Metropolis,
SW, Nigeria. Applied Environmental Research. 3(3): 33-48. Published by
Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.,
Thailand. Available online at:
42). Oyebanji, F. F., Oguntoke, O., Ojekunle, O. Z., Adeofun, C. O., Adedeji, O.H., Ekpo, U.F.&
Adekunle, M. M. (2016): Seasonal and Spatial Analysis of Air Pollutants Emissions from
Fuel-Wood Utilization in Selected Rural Communities within Odeda LGA, Nigeria.
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Environment & Earth Science. 16(3):35-
44 Published by Global Journals Inc., Cambridge Office Center, II Canal Park,
Floor No. 5th, Cambridge (Massachusetts) USA Available online at:
43). Sanusi, R.A., Owuye, D.M., Okojie, L.O., Akerele, D. and Adedeji, O.H. (2016): Rural
Infrastructure and Poverty Profile of Arable Crop Farming Households in Ogun
State, Nigeria. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad). 93(4):284-297. Published by
Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
44). Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji, O.H., Oresanya, O.J. and Alabi-Thompson, O.F. (2016):
Environmental and Health impact of Cement factory production in Ibese, Ogun
State, Nigeria. Applied Environmental Research. 38(2): 93-110. Published by
Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.,
Thailand. Available online at:
45). Bada, B.S., Udeogu, V.O., Adeofun, C.O., Badejo, A. A., Adedeji, O.H. and Adekunle,
A.A. (2016): Municipal Wastes, Disposal Practices and Impacts on Water
Resources in Lafia, Nasarawa State. Nigerian Journal of Ecology. 15(2):1-10.
Published by the Department of Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan,
Ibadan, Nigeria


46). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., and Tope-Ajayi, O.O. (2016): Mapping of Traffic-Related
Air Pollution Using GIS Techniques in Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria. Indonesian Journal
of Geography. 48(1):76 – 86. Published by the Faculty of Geography, Gadjah
Mada University (UGM) and The Indonesian Geographers Association,
Indonesia. Available online at:
47). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O., Badejo, A.A. and Osunde, E.O. (2016). Assessing Heavy
Metals on Soil and Groundwater around Petrol Stations in Abeokuta Metropolis,
Nigeria. Journal of Science Research, 15, 41-48. Published by Faculty of
Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria
48). Tope-Ajayi, O.O., Adedeji, O.H., Adeofun, C.O. and Awokola, O. (2016): Land Use
Change Assessment, Prediction Using Remote Sensing and GIS Aided Markov
Chain Modelling at Eleyele Wetland Area, Nigeria. Journal of Settlements and
Spatial Planning. 7(1), 51-63. DOI: 10.19188/06JSSP012016. Published by
Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism. Babeş-Bolyai University,
Faculty of Geography, Department of Human Geography and Tourism 5-7,
Clinicilor Street, Cluj-Napoca, 400006, Romania Available online at:
49) Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., and Oladimeji, O (2017): Physicochemical and
Microbiological Examination of Hand-Dug Wells, Boreholes and Public Water
Sources in Selected Areas of Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and
Environmental Management. 21(3):576-584. Published by World Bank Assisted
National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) University of Port-Harcourt.
Available online at:
50). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., Badejo, A.A. and Adedokun, N. (2017): An Assessment
of Ambient Air Quality around Diesel Powered Telecommunication Base Stations
in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Ecology and
Environmental Studies, 4(1), 6-19. Published by Institute of Ecology and
Environmental Studies. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State,
51) Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji, O.H., Akinyemi, A.A. and Oresanya, O.J. (2017): Assessment
of the Pollution Status of Eleyele Lake, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of
Health and Pollution, 7 (15), 51–62. Published by Pure Earth (formerly
Blacksmith Institute) by grant funded by the World Bank and the European
52). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., and Tope-Ajayi, O.O and Awosika, D.A. (2017): Spatial
Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Urban Parks and
Gardens Soils in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science and
Environment, 18(1&2) 16-35, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
53). Gbadebo, A.M., Adedeji, O.H. and Edogbo, A.S. (2018): GIS-based landslide
susceptibility assessment in Eyinoke Hilly Area of Okeigbo, SW, Nigeria.
Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management, 22(6):917-924.
Published by World Bank Assisted National Agricultural Research Project
(NARP) University of Port-Harcourt. Available online at:
54). Aborisade, M.A., Gbadebo, A.M., Adedeji, O.H., Okeyode, I.C. and Ajayi, O.A. (2018):
Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk and Radiation Pollution Hazard Indices in Rocks
and Soils of some selected Mining Sites in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Aegean
Journal of Environmental Sciences (ARJES), 3:1-18. Published by the
Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Greece. 
55). Bada, B.S., Oyegbami, I.E., Adeofun, C.O., Soaga, J.A., Adedeji, O.H. and


Towolawi, A.T. (2018): Carbon Sequestration of Urban Trees along Selected
Roads in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Technology,
9(2):67-77 ISSN: 2251-0680. Published by Centre for Research and Development
(CERAD). The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
56). Matemilola, S., Adedeji, O.H., Elegbede, I. and Kies, F. (2019): Mainstreaming
Climate Change into the EIA Process in Nigeria: Perspectives from Projects in the
Niger Delta Region. Climate, 7: 29; doi: 10.3390/cli7020029 Published by MDPI,
Basel, Switzerland.
57). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., and Tope-Ajayi, O.O. (2019): Spatial distribution and
health risk assessment of soil pollution by heavy metals in Ijebu-ode, Nigeria.
Journal of Health and Pollution, 9 (22): 1–14. Published by Pure Earth
(formerly Blacksmith Institute) by grant funded by the World Bank and the
European Union.
58). Adedeji, O.H. (2019): Geospatial Information as a Tool for Soil Resource Information,
Management and Decision Support in Nigeria. . Journal of Applied Science and
Environmental Management, 23(12): 2107-2116. Published by World Bank
Assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) University of Port-
Harcourt. Available online at:
59). Salami, W.A., Oyedepo, J.A., Adedeji, O.H., and Adeofun, C.O. (2019): Spatio-
Temporal Assessment of Forest Cover Change in Federal of Agriculture
Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria. FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal,
4(2), 422 – 432. Published by Federal University, Wukari, Supported by
TETFUND. Available online at:

60). Adedeji, O.H., Adeofun, C.O., Tope-Ajayi, O.O. and Ogunkola, M.O. (2020): Spatio-
temporal analysis of urban sprawl and land use / land cover changes in a suburb
of Lagos and Ogun metropolises, Nigeria (1986-2014). Ife Journal of Science,
22(1):1-16 Published by Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife,

61). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., Tope-Ajayi, O.O. and Azeez, O.I. (2020): Land
use/Land cover changes due to Quarrying in Odeda Local Government Area of
Ogun State, Nigeria: An Assessment and Implication for Rural Livelihood.
Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science. 18 (1), 28-40. Published by
Nigerian Meteorological Society (Nimets).

62). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., Ogundiran, T. and Tope-Ajayi, O.O. (2021): Urban
Flood Impacts, Flood Water Quality and Risk Mapping of Olodo Area, Ibadan,
Nigeria. Journal of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 19(1): 56-73
Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
63). Olayinka, O.O., Adedeji O.H. & Ahmed S. A | (2020). Oil spillage measures caused
drastic reduction in total petroleum hydrocarbon levels in petroleum depot in Ibadan,
Southwestern Nigeria, Cogent Environmental Science, 6:1, 1826744, DOI:
10.1080/23311843.2020.1826744. Published by Cogent OA, part of Taylor & Francis


64). Okimiji, O, Adedeji, O.H., Oguntoke, O., Shittu, O., Aborisade, M, and Ezenniam I.
(2021). Analysis of socio-economic and housing characteristics In some selected
slum area in Lagos State Metropolis, Nigeria using Geographical Information
System. Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, (JJEES) 12 (2): 134-
144. Published by The Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research in corporation with the Hashemite University.

65). Okimiji, O, Adedeji, O.H., Oguntoke, O., Shittu, O., Aborisade, M, and Ezenniam I.
(2021). Seasonal Variation in Physico-Chemical Properties of Drinking Water Quality
around Slum Settlements in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of
Environmental Studies and Management. 14(1):

66). Tobore, A., Adedeji, O.H., Senjobi, B. and Olalere, S 2021. Geospatial Suitability Assessment

of Wetland Soils for Rice Production in Federal University of Agriculture
Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Discovery Agriculture, 7(17), 1-25. Published by
Discovery Science Society, Tamilnadu, India.

67). Dada, V.O. Awomeso, J.A., Oluwasanya, G.O., Adedeji, O.H., Ayantobo, O.O. and Taiwo,
A.M. (2021). Integration of remote sensing data, GIS and geophysical survey for
delineation of groundwater potential zones. Nigerian Journal of Science and

Environment, 19 (1), 81-97
68). Okimiji, O.P., Okafor, A.T., Adedeji, O.H., Oguntoke, O. and Shittu, O.B. (2021). Assessing
Seasonal Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties of Groundwater Quality
around Coastal Slum Settlements in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Journal of
Environmental Pollution Management, 3: 104
69). Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O., Badejo, A.A. and Osunde, E.O. (2022): Spatial distribution
and Environmental Risk Assessment of Petrol Stations in Abeokuta Metropolis.
Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management. 26 (11) 1733-1739
Published by World Bank Assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP)
University of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
70). Aigbokhan, O.J., Adedeji, O.H., Oladoye, A.O., Oyedepo, J.A. 2023. Dynamics of Urban
Landscape and its Thermal Interactions with Selected land Cover Types: A Case
Study of Benin City, Nigeria. Journal of Applied life Sciences and Environment. 56
(2:194), 245-268
Chapters in Books:
71. Adedeji, O.H (2000): Ogun State Administrative Setting. In: Ogun State: Local and
Regional Perspectives. Onakomaiya, S.O., Odugbemi, O.O. and Ademiluyi, I.A.
(Eds.). 27-40. Published by Centre for Sandwich Programmes (CESAP), Olabisi
Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria.
72. Onakomaiya, S.O., Okude, A.S., Otun, W.O. and Adedeji, O.H. (2000): Ijebu Zone. In:
Ogun State: Local and Regional Perspectives. Onakomaiya, S.O., Odugbemi, O.O.
and Ademiluyi, I.A. (Eds.). 313-368. Published by Centre for Sandwich Programmes
(CESAP), Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria.
73. Adedeji, O.H (2000): Local Government Administration in Ago-Iwoye Region. In: Ogun
State: Local and Regional Perspectives. Onakomaiya, S.O., Odugbemi, O.O. and
Ademiluyi, I.A. (Eds.). 505-523. Published by Centre for Sandwich Programmes
(CESAP), Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria.


74. Adedeji, O.H. and Odufuwa, B.O. (2014): Deteriorating Urban Environment and Sustainable
Livelihood of Informal Settlements in Abeokuta Metropolis, Nigeria. In: Urban
Environmental Sustainability II (UES II). Chapter 3, 36-58. Fadamiro, J.A., Olujimi,
J.A.B. and Okedele, O (Eds). Published by Urban Design Research Team (UDRT),
Department of Architecture, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University
of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

75. Adedeji, O.H. and Elegbede, I. (2018): Mapping and Modelling Ecosystem Services in
Petroleum-Producing Areas in Nigeria. In: Political Ecology of Oil and Gas Activities
in the Nigerian Aquatic Ecosystem. Ndimele, P.E. (Ed). Chapter 12: 159-175.
Published by Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB,

76. Matemilola, S., Adedeji, O.H. and Enoguanbhor, C.  (2018): Land Use/Land Cover Change in
Petroleum-Producing Regions of Nigeria. In: Political Ecology of Oil and Gas
Activities in the Nigerian Aquatic Ecosystem. Ndimele, P.E. (Ed). Chapter 17: 257-
276. Published by Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5
1GB, UK.

77. Adedeji, O.H. (2018): Urban Agriculture and Development. In: Urban Development and
Management in Nigeria. Odufuwa, B.O., Salau, T.T & Omoniyi, S.S. (Eds.).Chapter
11:200-228. Published by Gratia Associate International. Ijebu-ode, Nigeria.
Edited Conference Proceedings
78. Oyegbami, A.I. and Adedeji, O.H. (2019): The Role of Urban Forest in Mitigating Climate
Change and Creating Green Space in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2nd Edition of
World Environmental Conservation Conference 5th – 8th June, 2019. Federal
University of Technology, Akure Agele, S.O and Oladeji, S.O (Eds) 353-358
79. Adedeji, O.H., Ibeh, L. and Oyebanji, Funmilola, F.F. (2011): Sustainable Management of
Mangrove Coastal Environments in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: The Role of
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Proceedings of the
Environmental Management Conference, September 12-15, 2011, Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. O. Martins, E.A. Meshida, T. A.
Arowolo, O. A. Idowu and G. O. Oluwasanya (Eds.), 2:308-324, Available online
at: .
80. Adedeji, O.H. and Gbadegesin, A.S. (2011): Nutrient inputs via Stemflow in a Rubber (Hevea
Brasiliensis Willd. Muell-Arg. Euphorbiaecae) Plantation Agroecosystem at Ikenne,
SW Nigeria. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference, September
12-15, 2011, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. O. Martins, E. A.
Meshida, T. A. Arowolo, O.A. Idowu and G. O. Oluwasanya (Eds.). I: 243 –
263.Available online at .

81. Odufuwa, B.O., Ademiluyi, I.A. and Adedeji, O.H. (2008): Transport Poverty and Deviant
Driving Behaviour in Nigerian Intermediate Cities. Proceedings of the Conference on
Cooperation for Urban Mobility in Developing World (CODATU XIII), Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam, 2008 Tuesday 11 th November, 2008-Friday 14 th November,
2008 at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 13 pages. C. Piccard, J, llaire, L., Tomason, and
A. Trione (Eds.). CD_ROM
82. Adedeji, O. H. (2003): Political Economy and Ethics of Ecological Problems in Nigeria:
Challenges to Environmental Management and Sustainability in the New Millennium.
Proceedings of the 2 nd Annual Hawaii International Conference of Social Sciences.
June 12 th –15 th 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. USA. 22 pages. Burge, A (Ed.) Avalable
online : www.hisocials.orgOludare%20Hakeem%20Adedeji.Pdf


Papers Submitted for Publication
1. Adedeji, O.H., Olayinka, O.O., Olofu, M.O., Tope-Ajayi, O.O. and Towolawi, A.T.
Geochemical Characteristics, Contamination and Potential Health Assessment of
Heavy Metals in Urban Soils of Sango-Ota, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental
Health Science and Engineering

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