
ADEJUYIGBE Christopher Olu 


Short Profile

Christopher Olu Adejuyigbe, a Professor of Soil Fertility, obtained his B. Agriculture degree at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile -Ife, Nigeria in 1989, M. Sc.  (Agronomy; Soil Science option) in 1994, and PhD in 2001 at University of Ibadan. He was a Visiting Research Student at the Training Unit, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria between 1993 and 1994 and 1995 and 1998.

Prof. Adejuyigbe joined the service of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, in 1999 where he currently teaches Soil Fertility, Land-use Management and other related courses. He was awarded the Rothamsted International African Fellowship, 2009 and a Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Business Environment and Society, Coventry University, UK, between 2009 and 2010.

Prof. Adejuyigbe was the Ag. Head of the Department of Soil Science and Land Management, College of Plant Science and Crop Production from 2012 to 2014 and substantive Head of same Department from 2018 to 2021. He was the Chief Editor of Journal of Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) published by the Organic Agriculture project in tertiary Institution of Nigeria (OAPTIN) between 2018 and 2023.  He is the General Secretary, Biochar Initiative of Nigeria. He has both supervised and co- supervised many PhD and Master students’ projects.


Prof. Adejuyigbe is a member of several professional bodies including: Soil Science Society of Nigeria, International Union of Soil Science, Organic Agriculture project in tertiary Institution of Nigeria (OAPTIN), Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative.

B.Agric, M.S.c, P.h.D

1. Chemical characterization of composted organic residues for organic maize production
2. Chemical and biological effects of organic and mineral fertilizer amendments on artificially degraded soils in western Nigeria
3. Soil fauna activities and N mineralization in soil under different organic amendments for organic maize production
4. Characterization of biochar from varying feedstock for soil amendment and crop production
5. City waste for Biochar and Compost Production as Amendment in Soil under crop Production
6. Calibration of composted organic residues for organic maize production in Nigeria
7. Determination of indices for compost maturity and nutrient release pattern with age, and microbial accelerator.

Rothamsted International African Fellowship Award, 2009.

1. Soil Science Society of Nigeria
2. International Union of Soil Science
3. Organic Agriculture project in tertiary Institution of Nigeria (OAPTIN)
4. Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
5. Nigerian Biochar initiative

1. 1st Annual Conference of Plant Science and Crop Production held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 30 July -1 August, 2023.
2. National Conference on Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 22-23rd November 2023
3. International Conference on Biodiversity (ICBD 2013) held at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16th & 17th December 2013,
4. 9th national Conference on Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11-15th November 2013.
5. National Workshop on Curriculum Development for Organic Agriculture in Tertiary Institutions held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 11-15 March 2008
6. 3rd National Conference on Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at USANi Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria, 11 – 15th November 2007
7. 2nd National Conference on Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 27th November to 1st December 2006.
8. 1st National Conference on the Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 25 – 28th October 2005.
9. 29th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, December 6 – 10, 2005
10. Soil Science Society of Nigerian Annual Conference, University of Ibadan, November 2000.
11. International Symposium on the Science and Practice of Short-term Improved fallow. 11 – 15 March 1997, Lilongwe, Malawi.
12. 3rd All African Soil Science Society Conference held at University of Ibadan, Ibadan August 20 – 26, 1995

1. Adejuyigbe, C. O. 2001. Effects of Fallow Legumes on Soil Microarthropods under Humid Tropical Condition. (Ph. D thesis)
2. Adejuyigbe, C. O. 1994. Soil Microarthropods and Litter Decomposition under different cropping Systems and Fallow Management in the Humid Tropics M.Sc. Dissertation.
3. Adejuyigbe, C. O. 1989. Phosphorus Adsorption Capacity of Soils of South-Western Nigeria. B. Agric. Project Report. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Oyo State. Nigeria.
4. Tian, G., M. A. Badejo and C. O. Adejuyigbe. 1997. Soil faunal activity as an important component of soil fertility through influencing decomposition. African Soils 28: 579 – 590. Published by Organization of African Unity/Scientific Technical and Research Commission, Lagos, Nigeria
5. Adejuyigbe, C. O., G. Tian, G. O. Adeoye and B. T. Kang. 1997. Impact of land use practices on microarthropod population. African soils. 28: 499 – 505. Published by Organization of African Unity/Scientific Technical and Research Commission, Lagos, Nigeria
6. Tian, G., C. O. Adejuyigbe, G. O. Adeoye and B. T. Kang. 1998. Role of soil microarthropods in leaf decomposition and N release under various land-use practices in the humid tropics. Pedobiologia. 42: 10 – 19. Published by Gustav Fischeer Verlag Jena, Germany.
7. Adejuyigbe, C. O., G. Tian and G. O. Adeoye. 1999. Soil microarthropod populations under natural and planted fallows in southwestern Nigeria. Agroforestry Systems 47:263-272. Published by Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands.
8. Adejuyigbe, C. O., G. Tian and G. O. Adeoye. (2005). Effects of soil microarthropods on nutrient release of decomposing litter with contrasting chemical composition. Moor Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(2): 95 – 101. IAR&T, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria.
9. Adejuyigbe, C. O and G. O. Adeoye. (2005). Organic Matter fractions and Microarthropod Population in Soils under different Management and Environmental Conditions. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 15: 60- 67. Published by Soil Science Society of Nigeria.
10. Adejuyigbe, C. O., G. Tian and G. O. Adeoye (2006). Influence of soil microarthropods on the decomposition of leguminous plant residues. ASSET. 6 (1): 259-269. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
11. Adejuyigbe, C. O., G. Tian and G. O. Adeoye. 2006. Microcosmic study of soil microarthropod and earthworm interaction in litter decomposition and nutrient turnover. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75: 47-55. Published by Springer.
12. Salako, F. K.., P. O. Dada, C. O. Adejuyigbe, M. O. Adedire, O. Martins, C. A. Akwuebu, and O. E. Williams (2007). Soil strength and maize yield after topsoil removal and application of nutrient amendments on a gravelly Alfisol toposequence. Soil & Tillage Research 94:21-35. Published by Elsevier.
13. Oyebode, O. S., M. T. Adetunji, J. O. Azeez and C. O. Adejuyigbe (2008). Evaluation of the phosphorus needs of maize using sorption parameters. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science. 18: 191-201. Published by Soil Science Society of Nigeria
14. Adejuyigbe C.O., J. K. Adesodun, P. J.C Harris and I. O.O. Aiyelaagbe (2012) Potential of on-farm produced compost and organic amendments in soil fertility management for organic maize production in south-western Nigeria. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58 (S1): S170-174. Published by Taylor & Francis, UK. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2012.696776
15. Adejuyigbe C. O. and E.O. Kodaolu (2012) Faunal population as parameter for soil fertility assessment: a case of soil microarthropod study in south-western Nigeria. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58 (S1): S116-121. Published by Taylor & Francis, UK. Available at DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2012.694137
16. Adigun, J. A., S. G. Aderibigbe, C. O. Adejuyigbe and S. O. Adigbo. 2012. Effect of Poultry manure, Mulching and Staking on growth and Yield of Transplanted Rain-fed Tomato in South Western Nigerian. Journal of Experimental and applied Biology. 13:1-6. Published by Beth-Bekka Academic Publishers, Nigeria
17. Atungwu J, O. Lawal, S. Afolami and C. Adejuyigbe. 2012. Appraisal of composts for suppression of Meloidogyne species and enrichment of micro-arthropods in soybean fields. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. 28: 101-110. Published by Taylor & Francis, UK. DOI:10.1080/01448765.2012.681348.
18. Bello, W.B. and Adejuyigbe, C.O. (2012). Effect of mixed manure compost and farmyard manures on growth and yield of maize. International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development. 6: 82-89. Published in the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.

19. Oyekanmi, A. A., Bakare, O. O., Okeleye, K. A., Adejuyigbe, C. O., Shittu, T. A., Sakariyawo, O. S., Aderibigbe, S.G., Okonji, C.J, Akintobi, D.A.C. (2013) Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Upland Nerica Rice (Oryza Sativa) Varieties as Affected by types and rates of Application of Organic Manure. Journal of Applied Agricultural Research 5(2): 241-249. Published by Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria
20. Bemgba Anjembe, M. T. Adetunji and C. O. Adejuyigbe (2013) Solution phosphate concentration as a means of estimating the fertilizer phosphate requirement of soybean (Glycine max (1) merr.) in some alfisols in Benue State, Nigeria. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science. 3(12): 402-407. Published by International Research Journals. DOI: http:/

21. Adigbo, S.O., Iyasere, E, Fabunmi, T.O., Olowe, V.I.O. and Adejuyigbe C. O. (2013) Effect of Spatial Arrangement on the Performance of Cowpea/Maize Intercrop in Derived Savannah of Nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 3(4): 959-970. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International, USA. DOI: 10.9734/AJEA/2013/4055

22. Senjobi, B. A., Adejuyigbe, C. O., Ande, O. T., Oyegoke, C. O. and Ogunkunle, A. O. (2013). Soil Colour as a Pedo-Transfer Function of Soil Organic Carbon and Fertility in a Typic Plinthaqualf. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research. 13(1): 31-40. Published by Global Journals Inc., USA.
23. Olowokere, F. A., Adesodun, J. K., Adejuyigbe, C. O., Soretire, A. A., Akintokun, P. O., Akinyele, S. A, Adeyemo, T. O. and Adeyemo, O. A. (2013) Soil Chemical Properties, yield and Nutrient Uptake of Maize as influenced by Plant and Animal based Organic Amendments. Nigeria Journal of Soil Science. 23(1): 197-206. Published by the Soil Science Society of Nigeria.

24. Olla, N. O., Adejuyigbe, C. O. and Bello, W. B. (2013) Ameliorative Effects of Organic Manures on Soil pH, Organic Carbon and Microarthropod Population. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science. 13(11): 1541-1546. Published by International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI), Dubai, UAE. DOI:10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2013.13.11.1104

25. Adekunle, I.O, Bello, W.B and Adejuyigbe, C.O. (2013). Effect of crop residues on soil, plant nutrient and yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Science Research Volume 12: 95-100. Published by Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan

26. Adeyemo, Y.A., Bello, W.B. and Adejuyigbe, C.O. (2013). Effect of forest plant extract preparation and nutrient sources on performance of okra plant. International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development. 8: 17- 24, Published in the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
27. Ojo, A. O. Adetunji, M. T. Okeleye, K. A. and Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2014) Changes in phosphorus fractions in manure and fertilizer amended soil of southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 3(1): 71-84. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International, India. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2014/5539
28. Bemgba Anjembe, O. Olatunji and C. O. Adejuyigbe (2014). Estimating the Phosphorus Fertilizer need of Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) in some Ultisols in Benue State, Nigeria from their solution phosphate concentration. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 7(3 ver.1): 56-61. Published by International Organization for Scientific Research. Available at

29. Bengba Anjembe, C. O. Adejuyigbe and F. Ibrahim (2014). Influence of Soil properties on P Sorption Characteristics and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) in Some Alfisols in Benue State, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 3(5): 224-230. Published by International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. Available at
30. Adesodun J.K. • F.A. Olowokere • A.A. Soretire • C.O. Adejuyigbe •A.O. Adewole • P.O. Akintokun • O.J. Omoju. (2015) Carbon-Nitrogen Stocks and Structural Stability of a Tropical Loamy Sand Soil as Influenced by Tithonia diversifolia (L.) and Other Fertilizers. International Journal of Soil Science. 10(1):37-44. Published by Science Alert, Dubai, UAE. DOI:10.3923/ijss.2015.37.44
31. Ojo, A. O. Adetunji, M. T. Okeleye, K. A and Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2015). Soil fertility, phosphorus fractions, and maize yield as affected by poultry manure and single superphosphate. International Scholarly Research Notices. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Egypt, UK, USA. http:/

32. Adeyemi, O. R; Olaogun, O; Adigun, J. A. & Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2015). Weed Composition and Diversity as Influenced by Poultry Manure Rates and Weeding frequency in Okra. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Volume 4(1):225-236. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development, USA. DOI: 10.15640/jaes.v4n1a28.

33. Ojo, A. O. Adetunji, M. T. Okeleye, K. A. and Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2015) Effect of phosphorus fertilizer and poultry manure on P fractions in some derived savannah soils of southwestern Nigeria – A greenhouse study. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 10(4): 1-9. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International, India. DOI: 10.9734/AJEA/2016/9107

34. Adeyemi, O.R., Olaogun, O., Adigun, J.A. and Adejuyigbe, C.O. (2015). Effects of poultry manure rates and weeding regime on growth, yield and yield components of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment. 3:108-112. Published by Organic Agrculture project in Tertiary Institutions of Nigeria (OAPTIN), Abeokuta, Nigeria.
35. Adekunle, A. F., C. O. Adejuyigbe, O. A. Babalola and I. O. O. Aiyelaagbe (2016). Chemical Properties and Nutrient Composition of Composted Cow dung as affected by Duration of Composting and Bulking Plant materials. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 6(3): 1-7. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International, India. DOI:10.9734/JABB/2016/24975
36. Ojo, A. O., Adetunji, M. T. Okeleye, K. A. and Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2016). Effect of poultry manure and phosphorus fertilizer on some P fractions in some soils of southwestern Nigeria – An incubation Study. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 47(21): 2365-2377. Published by Taylor & Francis, UK
37. Bello, W. B., Adejuyigbe, C. O., Fawole, T. O. and Abdul azeez, S. A. (2016). Effect of staking, pruning and fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomato. Taraba Journal of Agricultural Research. 4(1): 132-138. Published by Faculty of Agriculture, Taraba State University, Jalingo
38. Adigbo S. O., J. N. Odedina, C. G. Afolabi, A. A. Osipitan, M. Agbonlahor, T. O. Fabunmi, C. O. Adejuyigbe, F. G. Atanda and M. L. Nweke-Okoh (2017). Response of lowland rice-ratooned rice-fluted pumpkin sequence to fertilizer in rainfed inland valley in derived savannah of Nigeria. Acta Agriiculturae Slovenica 109: 43-52. Published by Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
39. Soremi A. O., M. T. Adetunji, C. O. Adejuyigbe, J. G. Bodunde and J. O. Azeez (2017). Influence of Organic Manure on Phosphorus and Potassium Fractions in Soil Planted with Soybean. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 14(2): 1-11. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2017/30445
40. Soremi A. O., M. T. Adetunji, C. O. Adejuyigbe, J. G. Bodunde and J. O. Azeez 2017 Effects of Poultry Manure on Some Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Bioavailability to Soybean Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 11(3): 1-10. Published by SCIENCEDOMAIN International. DOI: 10.9734/JAERI/2017/32419
41. Soremi A. O., M. T. Adetunji, J. O. Azeez, C. O. Adejuyigbe and J. G. Bodunde (2017). Speciation and dynamics of phosphorus in some organically amended soils of southwestern Nigeria. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability. 29(1): 42-53. Published by Taylor & Francis, UK
42. Thanni, B. M., A. A. Soretire, C. O. Adejuyigbe and T. M. Obuotor (2017) Nitrogen fixation and nodulation of soybean as affected by rhizobial inoculation using different seed adhesives in a sandy clay loam soil. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 33:72-77. Published by Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. DOI:
43. Akintunde Oluremi Soremi, Michael Tunde Adetunji, Jamiu Oladipupo Azeez, Christopher Olu Adejuyigbe & Jacob Goke Bodunde (2018). Effects of Soil Amendment on Potassium Fractions of Southwestern Nigerian Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49:10, 1186-1198, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2018.1455847
44. Ojo, A., Adetunji, M., Adejuyigbe, C., Fademi, I. (2018). Response of three soils in the derived savanna zone of southwestern Nigeria to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer as affecting phosphorus fractions. Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 7(2): 187 – 194. DOI: 10.18393/ejss.393289
45. Daramola, O. S., O. R. Adeyemi, J. A. Adigun and C. O. Adejuyigbe (2018). Crop-weed association and inter-relationships in soybean-weed ecosystem in the Nigerian forest-savannah transition zone. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 17(2):97-114. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria.
46. Akpojotor, E, V.I.O. Olowe, C. Adejuyigbe and S.O. Adigbo (2019). Appropriate Nitrogen and Phosphorus Regime for Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) In the Humid Tropics. Helia (in Press).
47. Olumide Samuel Daramola, Olusegun Raphael Adeyemi, Joseph Aremu Adigun & Christopher Olu Adejuyigbe (2019) Weed interference and control in soybean, as affected by row spacing, in the transition zone of South West Nigeria, Journal of Crop Improvement (In Press). Published by Taylor&Francis. DOI: 10.1080/15427528.2019.1674759
48. Daramola, O., Adeyemi, O., Adigun, J., & Adejuyigbe, C. (2019). Row spacing and weed management methods influences growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 52(2), 59-71. doi:
49. Daramola Olumide S., Adeyemi Olusegun R., Adigun Joseph A. and Adejuyigbe Christopher O. (2019). Economics of row spacing and integrated weed management in soybean (Glycine max L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 64 (3):265 – 278. Belgrade
50. Daramola, Olumide Samuel, Olusegun Rapheal Adeyemi, Joseph Aremu Adigun & Christopher Olu Adejuyigbe (2020) Influence of row spacing and weed control methods on weed population dynamics in soybean (Glycine max L.), International Journal of Pest Management, Published by Taylor&Francis DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2020.1795300.
51. Komolafe, Adenike Fisayo, Christopher Olu Adejuyigbe, Adeniyi Adebowale Soretire, Isaac OreOluwa Olatokunbo Aiyelaagbe (2020). Maturity indices of composting plant materials with Trichoderma asperellum as activator. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 53(1), 19 – 27. DOI: 10.2478/ats-2020-0003
52. Adesodun, J. K., Udom B. E., Abudu O. S., Adejuyigbe C. O., Enikuomehin O. A., Thanni B. M., Oke, O. O. Olowokere F. A., Oyegoke C. O., Mbila M. and A. A. Olubode (2020). Soil organic carbon fractions and aggregation of a tropical Alfisol as affected by plant residues. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science. 30(1): 92-101. DOI:10.36265/njss.2020.300112
53. Olowe, V.I.O and Adejuyigbe C. (2020). Agronomic Performance of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Crop Rotation in the Humid Tropics. Advances in Ecological and Environmental Research 5(3): 87-99.
54. Jesulana, O. S., Olowe, V I., Adeyemi, O. R., and Adejuyigbe, C. O. (2021) Agronomic response of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to organic soil and foliar fertilisation in a forest savanna transitory location. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica. 54(1): 97-103.
55. Olowokere, F. A., L. O Adebambo, C. O Adejuyigbe & F. O. Olasantan (2021) Okra (Abelsmoschus esculentus L. Moench) performance with the application of composts made from different source materials, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2021.1942207

56. Komolafe A.F., Adejuyigbe C.O., Babalola O.A., Soretire A.A. and Kayode C.O. (2021). Fertilizer values of composts as affected by plant materials and composting duration on maize (Zea mays) performance. Agro-Science, 20 (1): 87- 94. DOI:

57. Bankole G.O., O.S. Sakariyawo, T. B. Odelana, A. C. Aghorunse, C. O. Adejuyigbe & J.O. Azeez (2022) Sulfur Fractions, Distribution and Sorption Characteristics in Some Soils of Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2022.2069798

58. Adeyemi OR, AA Bashiruddin, JA Adigun, CO Adejuyigbe, SO Osunleti (2022). Fruit quality and marketability of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) as influenced by biochar rates and weeding regime. International Journal of Pest Management, 1-9. DOI:10.1080/09670874.2022.2094493

59. A.C. Aghorunse, G.O. Bankole, T.B. Odelana, S. Adewuyi, C.O. Adejuyigbe & J.O Azeez (2023) Comparative Evaluation of Fe-Impregnated Filter Paper and Some Conventional Phosphorus Extractants for Assessing Phosphorus Availability in Some Amended Soils of Southwest Nigeria, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54:13, 1767-1789, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2023.2211095
60. Adejuyigbe, C. O. and O. C. Akanji (2005). Microarthropod population and chemical properties of soils under varying management and environmental conditions in southwestern Nigeria. In: Salako, F. K., Adetunji, M. T., Ojanuga, A. G., Arowolo, T. A. and Ojeniyi, S. O. (editors). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. December 6 – 10, 2004. Pages 147 – 151.
61. Salako, F. K., C. O. Adejuyigbe, P. O. Dada, O. C., Oriaku, M. O. Adedire and O. Martins (2005). Soil aggregate stability as influenced by topsoil removal, nutrient amendment and slope position under maize cultivation in Abeokuta, In: Salako, F. K., Adetunji, M. T., Ojanuga, A. G., Arowolo, T. A. and Ojeniyi, S. O. (editors). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. December 6 – 10, 2004. Pages 281- 285.
62. Adejuyigbe C. O. and J. K. Adesodun (2006). Effect of organic amendments on soil microarthropod population, N-mineralization and induced-metals in soil polluted with spent petroleum oil. In: Olasantan, F. O., I. O. O. Aiyelaagbe, V. I. O. Olowe, B. B. Philip and O. A. Babalola (Editors) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Food Security. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 25 – 28th October 2005. Pages 99 – 105.
63. Adesodun, J. K., C. O. Adejuyigbe, S. A. Fasasi and I. O. O. Aiyelaagbe (2007). Soil organic matter pools and aggregate stability of an Alfisol amended with pig-composted manure. In: Tukur, H. M., W. A. Hassan, A. Singh and A. I. Yakubu (Editors). Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Organic Agriculture in Nigeria held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 11 – 15 November 2007. Pages 153-158.
64. Adesodun J.K., and Adejuyigbe, C.O. (2008). Relationship of physically-separated soil organic carbon fractions and stability of an Alfisol under different Land uses sing principal component analysis. In: Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O., M. T. Adetunji and S. A. Osei (Editors). Organic Agriculture and Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings of 1st West African summit and 4th National Conference on Organic Agriculture held at University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 17 – 21 October 2008. Pages 150 – 159.
65. Olowe, V.I., Adejuyigbe, C, Oshundiya, F, Ajibode, O, Adeboye, O and Bakare, J. (2014). Agronomic performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in an organic crop rotation system. In Rahmann, G and Aksoy, U (eds). Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference tagged “Building Organic Bridges” held on 13 – 15 Oct. 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. Pages 835 – 837.
66. Oyekanmi A. A., Iyanda O. J., Atayese M. O., Adejuyigbe C. O. and Ajao O. A. (2018). Yield response of improved maize (Zea mays L) to application rate of poultry manure in derived savannah agro-ecology of Nigeria. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 25 – 29th November 2018. Pages 9 – 12.

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