Research Interest:
• Investigation of possible genetic background of embryonic mortality in poultry
• Genetic Characterization of Indigenous Livestock Populations in Nigeria
• Prediction and Estimation of Genetic Parameters
• Developing Efficient Statistical Data Analysis System for Breed Evaluation
Research in Progress:
i) Cytogenetic analysis of Nigerian local chickens to determine causes of embryonic mortality
ii) Quantitative assessment of quality of day old chicks
iii) Molecular characterization of Nigerian local chickens
iv) Genetic improvement of Nigerian local chickens as a foundation stock for breed development
Research completed but not yet published
i. Morphological features of Fulani chickens in Odeda Local Govt. Area
(i) Certificate in Animal Functional Proteomics. A training workshop organized by the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics in collaboration with the World Bank-Assisted Science and Technology Education Post Basic Project from 14th -21st September, 2009.
(ii) Certificate in Animal Genomics. A training workshop organized by the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics in collaboration with the World Bank-Assisted Science and Technology Education Post Basic Project from June 14-21, 2009.
(iii) Certificate in Ethics and Ethos of Teaching in the University. A two-day training workshop organized by Research and Development Centre, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on 9-10th April, 2008.
(iv) Certificate in Laboratory Techniques in Animal Molecular Genetics, Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics in Animal Breeding. A training workshop organized by the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 3rd – 8th January, 2008.
(v) Certificate in Grant Writing and Study Abroad. A training workshop organized by Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 18 – 19th December, 2007.
(vi) Certificate in Data Analysis. A short course in Data Analysis organized by the Computer Centre, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. September 1-30, 2004.
(a). Project/Dissertation:
iii. Adeleke, M.A. 2009. Fertility, hatchability, growth performance and blood protein polymorphism of Nigerian indigenous chickens for broiler breed development. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 150pp.
(b). Articles in Learned Journals
vii. *M.A. Adeleke, S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. Ikeobi, A.O. Adebambo, O. Olowofeso, A.M. Bamgbose and O.A. Adebambo. 2011. A preliminary screening of genetic lineage of Nigerian local chickens based on blood protein polymorphisms. Animal Genetic Resources 48: 23-28
viii. *M.A. Adeleke, S.O. Peters, M.O. Ozoje, C.O.N. Ikeobi, A.M. Bamgbose and Olufunmilayo A. Adebambo. 2011. Growth performance of Nigerian local chickens in crosses involving an exotic broiler breeder. Tropical Animal Health and Production 43(3): 643-650
xii. Adeleke, M.A., Ozoje, M.O., Adebambo Olufunmilayo. A., Peters, S.O and Bamgbose, A.M. 2004. Estimation of body weight from linear body measurements among crossbred egg-type chickens. Proceedings of 29th Annual Conference of Genetics Society of Nigeria. October, 2004. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Pp. 88-91.
xiii. Agaviezor, B.O., Adebambo, O.A., Ozoje, M.O., Peters, S.O. and Adeleke, M.A. 2007. Genetic evaluation of laying performance pure exotic and indigenous crossbred pullets. The Proceedings of 2nd Nigerian International Poultry Summitheld at Abeokuta from February 19 – 22. Pp. 114-118.
xiv. Adeleke, M.A., Peters, S.O., Okeleji, C.O. and Adebambo, Olufunmilayo. A.
xiv. Adeleke, M.A. Ogunsanya, J.D., Akano, K., Ozoje, M.O., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, Olufunmilayo A. 2009. Breast girth measurement as an estimate of live weight in Nigerian local chickens. Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production, held at University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. Pp. 399-401.
xvi. *Sanni, M.T., Adeleke, M.A., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, O.A. 2010. Relationship between body measurements and egg size in pure local and exotic chickens. Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference of Genetics Society of Nigeria. Eds: V.A. Chikaleke, O.A. Adetula and S.A. Olakojo. Pp. 311-316.
xvii. *Adenaike, A.S., Peters, S.O., Wheto, M., Adeleke, M.A. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. 2011. Allelic variation and its effect on Alpha 1 casein gene in goat milk. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University, Ayingba. Eds: O.A. Adukwu, T. Oluwagbemi, S.O. Aribido, S.I. Daikwo and O.J. Saliu. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. Pp. 2-4.
xviii. *Folarin, I.A., Peters, S.O., Idowu, O.M.O., Wheto, M., Adeleke, M.A., Ajayi, O.O., Oduwole, G.M. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. 2011. Genetic variation in the heat tolerance of chickens in Western Nigeria. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University, Ayingba. Eds: O.A. Adukwu, T. Oluwagbemi, S.O. Aribido, S.I. Daikwo and O.J. Saliu. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. Pp. 16-18.
xix. *Akpan, U., Adeleke, M.A. Epoyun, O.M., Sanwo, K.A., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, O.A. 2011. Effect of genotype on the meat quality of Nigerian indigenous and exotic chickens. Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University, Ayingba. Eds: O.A. Adukwu, T. Oluwagbemi, S.O. Aribido, S.I. Daikwo and O.J. Saliu. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. Pp. 58-61.
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